Part 26

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I woke up to the doctor he came in and I just felt like crap completely drained the doctor gently shook me " no "

" Elizabeth we need to have you get up and walk "

" no "

" betts "

" go ahead make sure she does a lap in her room " he left then people came in

" juggie you love me to much to make me walk "

" I love you so much that I will make you because it is for your benefit "

" no "

" come on only one "

" no "he got up " juggie please "

" betts you have to "

" fine but I get a long cuddle afterward "

" deal " he helped me sit up

" oww oww " it hurt so bad to just sit up. Then I noticed jellybean and Gladys and fp we're in the room and Veronica and Cheryl were in the room along with Toni and Archie. Jug gave me a kiss as everyone sat in either the cot or chairs or the floor. " I don't want to I already am drained "

" I know but it will help you in the long run "

" yeah when it is a week from now I will be like oh I am so happy I went through a ton of pain for nothing "

" oh stop you know I have no choice the doctor told you to " I got up slowly with his help it was like sloth speed but it hurt so bad I started to tear up. I took one step and it was wobbly and sent shooting burning pain up the leg and everything was in horrible pain. I looked at him and my eyes full of tears

" juggie I cant "

" betts if you can't handle anymore than you can lay back down okay I am proud you got up and went this far " I started to cry and dig my head in his chest. " to much pain " I nodded. He picked me up bridal style and carried me over to the bed and put me down sitting next to me letting me cry in his side.

" it hurts "

" where betts "

" everywhere "

" I will go talk to the doctor just lay back and rest " I nodded and laid back he covered me in the blankets and left the room. Veronica came over and sat next to me as I cried into her side I felt so crappy and I never thought I could feel this bad nick did horrible thing he beat me everywhere to a pulp I was tied down so hard I couldn't move or it would hurt so bad and when he raped me he made me moved so I have burns along my wrist and ankles and the very noticeable. But I was in a pair of juggies sweats to hide all the scars and bruises and to keep me warm and then had fuzzy socks on. The doctor and jug came in Veronica and jug switched and I wiped away my tears.

" Elizabeth in a scale from 1 -10 how bad is the pain "

" 100 " jug rubbed my back

" explain the pain your having "

" it was shooting pain in my legs and my whole body burned and throbbed it hurt so bad "

" May I check your ankles "

" yeah " h took off my socks and he was touching my raw skin.

" well we're going to get some bandaging and burn cream for that but can you wiggle your toes " I did " good now do you have the same burns on your wrists "

" yeah they put cream and wrapped them up and then casted this one "

" okay "

" and my hand shakes again "

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