Chapter 9: That's Interesting

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Authors Note: This chapter is dedicated to @ImposedWriter for making me the most amazing cover. I'm trying to actually dedicate it to you, but wattpad is stuffing up so it isn't letting me. Sorry.

Thank you for reading :) Enjoy the chapter.

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Chapter 9: That's Interesting

And so began the two days of testing. Bruce first started off with MRI and CT Scans. I spent at least three hours in the CT Scanner while Bruce did a full body scan. Then I waited around for another hours while he went through the results.  

Let's just say...they were interesting.

"It looks like your entire body is covered in this thin layer of vibranium." Bruce mused, "Your organs, your bones, everything."  

"What does that mean?" I frowned, looking at the images. I'd never been good at the medical sciences, I didn't really understand it. I tried to study it for a semester when I first started college, but the subjects and terminology didn't stick into my brain as easily as, say, thermo nuclear astro-physics did.

"To be blatantly honest with you, I have no idea. But, I am almost one hundred per cent sure that it has something to do with the 2.0 Serum." Bruce told me, looking me in the eye like none of my other doctors had been able to do. I'd always thought it was because they couldn't stand to look at a dying child, but now I knew it was because it was the only way they could lie to me.

I gulped and nodded, as a sudden shot of fear ran down my spine. I had no idea what was happening to me. What was going on inside my own body. Could I live with metal in my system? Wouldn't that cause blood poisoning?  

"The metal -the vibranium in my system, will it harm me?"  

"If you're scared of the blood poisoning, I doubt it will be a problem. After all, you've been living with it for years now, and also, vibranium is an organic metal. It keeps Tony alive, so it should keep you alive too." Bruce replied. "As for further testing, I need to call Steve."  

"Why do you need Steve? He isn't a doctor." I raised an eyebrow, suspicious and confused.  

Bruce's mouth twitched into an almost-smile, "You'll see."

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"You want me to...attack Noel?" Steve blinked incredulously, standing in the gym with his sweats on and no shirt. I couldn't help staring, just for a little bit.  

Over the inter-com, Bruce's voice was a little fuzzy. "Yes."  

"Don't worry, Cap, you won't hurt me." I told him, taking off my jacket. "Just don't hold back."  

Steve protested again, "I can't hit a lady, Bruce, it's not right." 

I chuckled and took a step towards him, "You're forgetting, Steve. I'm not a lady."

I took another step and threw a punch, within milliseconds, Steve had blocked and landed a hit on my lower abdomen. I swivelled around, jumping and swung my head back, hitting him in the chin as I used his taller structure to get my feet up on and push back on his chest, making him fall to the ground.

"Nice. I see that coma hasn't taken away your moves, Elle." I heard Tasha's voice over the inter-com.  

"Thank you, Tash!" I exclaimed, smiling and bowing as Steve grabbed me from behind. I screamed in surprise and bucked my hips back before trying to drop to the ground and get out of his hold, but it was no use. I put my feet between his legs and tried to trip him up, but it was too balanced.

I panicked. I don't know why, Steve wouldn't hurt me, but the adrenaline rushing through me told me to fight.

I needed something to hit him with, my legs weren't strong enough.  

Suddenly, Steve's grip loosened and he let go.

I turned around, gasping. "Steve?"  

He was holding his head and looked like he was in quite a bit of pain. A twenty kilo weight lay in the floor next to him.  

Bruce and Tasha barged into the room.  

"What the hell was that?" Tash exclaimed.  

"Did you just move that weight?" Bruce asked me.  

I shook my head, "I didn't touch it! Steve had me, I couldn't move." 

Steve groaned, holding his head, "I came out of no where. Like Thor's hammer or something, it just came at me."  

Bruce suddenly looked like he'd seen a ghost. "Noel, you didn't...did you think about anything while Steve had you? Like you wanted to get out?"  

"Yeah. I thought about how I needed something to help me because I wasn't strong enough." I nodded, "Why does that matter?"  

Natasha stared at Bruce with a wide look in her eye, "Bruce, you're not seriously suggesting-" 

Bruce cut her off, "You saw it too, Natasha. It's entirely possible."  

"What the hell are you guys talking about?" I snapped, frustrated. I wanted to know what was going on.  

"I think you're telekinetic." Bruce said and I laughed out loud.

"You're kidding right? I'm not telekinetic! That's a super power..." I trailed off. "Oh God, the 2.0 serum...they-they were trying to create a new Steve. They wanted a new hero."  

"Yep." Natasha nodded.  

"I can't be a hero!" I exclaimed, starting to pace, "Me being a hero is like asking Spongebob to be human; it doesn't work! Spongebob is a sponge! I'm normal!"  

"Noel, you were never normal. You were always going to be cut out for this line of work." Natasha stood in front of me, putting her hands on my shoulders.  

"What does that even mean?" I asked. I had too many questions and not enough answers.

"It means that you have a military background. Your whole family has been involved with S.H.I.E.L.D or the army somehow." Natasha said and gestured for me to sit down on a bench. "You might want to sit down too, Steve."  

"Why do I feel like I'm about to be told that Steve is my dad?" I asked, shaking.  

"Not quite." Tasha laughed, "But close. How much do you know about your real parents?"  

"Not much. I don't remember them and they died. Fury didn't want me delving into the past too much." I told her, "Why?"  

"Because, your dad's name was John Barnes and he was the son of a man named George Barnes-" Natasha was cut off by Steve,  

"I remember George! He was Bucky's cousin, he was a nice man." Steve smiled before his whole face dropped and mine did too.  

"I'm a Barnes." I whispered, "I'm related to Bucky."

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Authors Note: Hey guys! So...Noel has powers! And she is a Barnes! For those of you who didn't pick that up in the prologue.  

What did you think?  

Do you think Noel has more powers than just being telekinetic? If so, what do you think they'll be?  

Do you think the fact that Noel is a Barnes will change her and Steve's relationship?  

More importantly: how will the rest of the Avengers react to Noel having powers?!

So, next update coming soon :) looking forward to what you guys think. Sorry about how it's so slow at the moment, but it does pick up in the next few chapters -more action! Yay :)

Until the next upload! Comment, vote, like! 

*huggles* arielleblack

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