"Uhh... Your going to laugh". Yoongi chuckled dryly. "I bet you I won't". I said. "Yes you will". Yoongi said. "Try me... I dare you". I gave him a angry look. "God, you look so sexy right now". Yoongi looks me up and down. "Just tell me what you did!?!". I yelled. "Ok... But remember to laugh".

"You got into a fight?!? You barely go to school! When the fuck did you have the time?!?". I shouted. "Wow, you really didn't laugh... That's disappointing". Yoongi said. "Yoongi!". I yelled. "Ok ok chill beautiful, look it wasn't my fight, some guy spilled water on Felicity and Caesar and I whipped his ass". Yoongi said. "By accident or on purpose?". I asked. "Does it matter?".

I already felt myself getting a headache. "Is the boy ok?". I asked. "I don't know, Caesar and I left him for dead on the floor". Yoongi answered. "Aren't you at least a bit concerned about a twenty two year old on campus?". I asked. "Very, I keep telling people he's a damn pedophile but they don't listen". Yoongi shook his head in disappointment and I giggled. "Pretty".

My eyes widened when Yoongi said that. "What?". I said. "You heard me, now come on, there's a place I think you might like". Yoongi held out his hand toward me. "Are you paying and do they have sweet?". I questioned. "Yes to both". Yoongi grinned. "Good". I grabbed his hand. "Let's go!".

 "Let's go!"

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"Oh my god!". I ran into the cafe and literally grabbed everything. "Yoongi! I'm getting a cake". I picked up three vanilla cakes and gave them to Yoongi. "I thought you said a cake". Yoongi looks at me. "And I got three". I smiled making Yoongi blush. "One is for Mono". I told him. "Mono? The hell is that?". Yoongi asked.

"My adorable little pet!". I squealed. "Cute". Yoongi let out a little chuckle. "I know, he's so cute". I giggled. "I was talking about you". Yoongi looks straight at me and I looked away. "I'll go pay for this and we can go". Yoongi walked to the cashier and I was left blushing. "Idiot". I grumbled and stood next to Yoongi.

"That's a lot of stuff". The lady laughed. "I like sweet things". I blushed looking down. "Your boyfriend is adorable". The lady says. "Uhh...". Yoongi scratched his head. "You two are the cutest couple I've seen in years!". The lady squeals. "You know what, all of this is half off". The lady smiled at us.

"Tha-thank you". Yoongi and Jimin said at the same time blushing. "Your very welcome". The lady bags my things and Yoongi paid for it all. "And your a gentlemen! How romantic". The lady fangirled. "Ok, it was lovely to meet you". I waved and grabbed my bags and Yoongi hand and walked out. "Bye cuties! Come back soon!".

We were on our way back to the hideout late because we walked in a park to chat for a while. It was nice. I found myself huffing and Yoongi turns to me. "You ok?". Yoongi asked. "I'm fine". I told him. Yoongi said nothing else, he just put his jacket over my shoulders. "Oh! No I'm fi...". "Just shut up". Yoongi grabbed my hand and started walking again.

I swear I felt my heart skip for a minute. "Eh?". I place my other hand on my chest. "What are you doing? Stop that". I say silently to myself. It's to soon for this... Right?.


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"Umm, thanks Yoongi". I said embarrassed. "It was fun today". I smiled warmly at Yoongi. He didn't say anything, he just stared at me. "Yoon...". Yoongi kissed my cheek and ran. I touched my cheek and felted myself blush. "Dummy". I mumbled and went inside the house.

The moment I walked in my room Mono flew on my face.

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"Mo!". I had to pull Mono off me. "I get it, you missed me, were you good?". I asked hiding the cake behind me. "Mo!". Mono jumps. "Good and as promised, your treat". I showed Mono the cake and he ate it in one breath. "You... Nevermind". I sighed. "Let's sleep, my feet hurt". I wiped Mono face and went to the bathroom to shower.

I turned off the light and placed Mono next to me. "Night cutie". I boop his cheek and dozed off but not without saying something.

"Night Yoongi".

The boy with the tattoos(Yoonmin) *Completed* #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now