Title your Story Part

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** 1 year later **

today's the day of Darcey's birthday party. "harry I need you to take Darc to the park so I can set up" I yelled from the living room to upstairs. I heard harry walk downstairs "okay, you need me to do anything else babe?" he asked taking darc to the door. "nope if I need you to get anything I'll call you" I said "okay baby daddy's gonna take you to the park for a little" I said crouching down infront of darc. "why mommy?" she asked me "because mommy has to get ready for your surprise" I said kissing her cheek "I love you baby girl, have fun with daddy!" I said getting up. I looked at harry who was standing by the door smiling "thank you! and have fun" I said to harry. he opened the door and allowed Darcey to run out the door. I watched them walk to the car and watched harry buckle her in. they drove off moments later, I walk to the hall closet where I had all of the party stuff. I had asked soph, and Kendal to come and help me set up for the party. after I had put the streamers up on one wall I heard the door open, "hey lyss!" I heard sophia say. "hey! you look cute!" I said walking up to her then hugged her, "thanks!" She said smiling. she had a medium size birthday bag. "where do you want me to put this" she asked holding it up, "umm you can put it in the living room for now" I said smiling, once she put the present down, we walked to where all the bags of decorations were "well looks like we've got our work cut out for us" Kendal said huffing. about 30 minutes later we were mostly done with the decorations, all that was left was the food, cake, people, and of course the birthday girl. "when is everything coming?" soph asked as we stood in the kitchen, "umm the food should be here any minute and the cake will be here in like 10-15 minutes and everyone should be arriving in like a half hour." I said hopping up on the counter "ohh okay! so how does it feel to be a mommy of a 1 year old" she asked "ha let me tell ya it's not easy but she's so worth the frustration" I said smiling and looking at the pictures of her on the fridge. "she's my first baby and the love of my life. just seeing her smile every morning is the reason I get out of bed and go through the day" I said getting teary eyed. "aww Alyssa! there's no crying it's suppose to be a happy day" Kendal said "these are happy tears" I said whipping them away "aww this is such a happy day! I'm so happy I was able to watch her grow up" soph said smiling. I got off the counter and hugged them both. "I'm so glad I have you two!" I said just as the door bell rang. "must be the food" I said walking toward the door. I opened it and there was a man in all white holding a clipboard "styles party?" he asked looking up from the papers "yes" I said "okay sign here for me" he said pointing to a line at the bottom of the sheet. I signed it and there were about 4 guys that carried tray after tray of food into the kitchen, "thanks guys!" I said as they put down the last of the trays "have a good party" the man in white said walking away. I closed the door and we waited for the cake to arrive, there was a loud noise outside so I opened the door and saw a huge box in front of the door. "um hello?" I said worried, then 4 guys jumped up. "SURPRISE!" they yelled throwing there hands up. "omgosh is this for Darcey??" I asked in shock "well yes she has 4 uncles that love that little queen bee!" liam said walking around to the front of the box, I hugged him and the other 3 followed with hugs. "omg she's going to love whatever it is" I said smiling, they pushed the big box surprisingly through the door and into the laundry room. "where is everyone?" louis asked "you guys are early but soph and Kendal are upstairs getting ready" I said pointing upstairs. then the door rang again. "cake for Darcey?" the man said holding a box "thank you!" I said grabbing it "no problem" he said turning around as I took the cake into the kitchen. I got her a "1" cake and a bunch of cupcakes. "ohhhh my gawd this looks so good!" niall said eying everything up "you have to wait ti everyone gets here but I'll put out some chips and stuff for you okay?" I said laughing. once I took care of the hunger issue with naill, people started to show up. I invited all of my family and ️harrys family, and let me tell you it was a very packed house. the party was going in full swing, I got a text from harry "on our way home, need anything? xoxo harry" I read "nope just get the birthday girl here(:" I sent back "Darcey will be here any minute" I yelled which made everyone stop talking "when do we get food" I heard a thick irish accent yell "haha niall you can eat now" I said laughing. I was watching the window for cars, all of a sudden I saw harrys car, I was so excited! "she's here she's here!" I said jumping up and down, I ran up to the door smiling from ear to ear. "happy birthday Darcey!" I said opening the door as she walked up to me, "thank you mommy" she said smiling then hugging me. I grabbed her hand and walked her into the house when everyone yelled "happy birthday Darcey!" she giggled and hid her face in my neck "don't be shy baby they are here for you" I said rubbing her back. I put Darcey down so she could go play with her uncles and the other little kids, I looked around for harry and saw he was talking to his mom, so I smiled and walked over to them "hey mom! hey babe" I said hugging harrys mom then him. "this is such a great party!" she said smiling "thank you!" I said linking arms with harry "anything for our little princess" harry said smiling. we talked for a few more minutes then harrys mom got distracted and went to talk to other relatives, "how was the park?" I asked him, he was acting kinda stand offish like he had something to say. "it was great, we went on the swings and she went down the slide a bunch of times, then we ran around for awhile then came home" he said smiling "aww I'm glad she had fun" I said smiling. the party went on and it was time for cake and presents, I stood on the dining room chair and observed everyone talking, "can I have everyone's attention!!" I yelled of course someone had to be sarcastic "no you can not!" someone yelled, I looked around and saw niall laughing. "okay guys it's time for cake and presents! find a seat in the living room and will li, naill, louis, and zayn come over here please" I yelled then got off the chair. I watched as everyone walked into the living room, then I saw the 4 guys walking up to me smiling "so what do you wanna do about the big present?" I asked them all "I say we take it outside and put it together so darc can play with it when she's done with her other presents" liam said looking at all the guys "good idea mate" louis said smacking his shoulder "okay you guys go do that and I'll start and when you're done come back in so I know when to bring her outside" I said walking past them. they walked into the laundry room and started to drag it outside while I sat Darcey down on her special chair. it had balloons on it and a big pink bow. I handed her the first present, "this is from auntie soph and uncle li" i said smiling at soph, she ripped it open and it was about 10 Barrie's and all the little things to go with it. "omgosh that is so cute!" I said laughing. she opened about 20 more from everyone, but she had about 2 or 3 left. she was drowning in presents already, she had everything from Barbie dolls to baby dolls and everything a 1 year old wants. me and harry had a present for her but we would give it to her after the party, she was ripping and throwing all the wrapping paper and tissue paper all over the place. "okay darc 2 more!" I said handing her a box from harrys mom, "open it baby" I said before she destroyed the paper, I couldn't help but laugh at her. "what is it?" I asked her seeing the cutest clothing "shirt shirt mommy" she said holding up a cute pink shirt with writing on the front "grandmas favorite" with two bears hugging "aww how precious!" I said looking at harrys mom. there were a ton of clothes in there, Darcey was on the last present when the guys came in and sat with there girlfriends, I looked at them all and they all nodded. I saw harry look at them confused, then I looked at him and mouthed "big present" then pointed outside, then to the guys. "all done mommy" Darcey said holding her hands up, "not yet baby uncle li, louis, Niall, and zayn have a big present for you outside" I said as the guys walked to her and liam picked her up and took her outside, I walked behind them holding Harrys hand, I heard Darcey screaming as I got to the door. they got her a pink Barbie car.."omgosh guys!" I said laughing "car mommy!" she said to me "yeah go get in" I said pointing to the car "come mommy and daddy" she said pulling both of us "wow Darcey! you have a better car then daddy does!" harry said crouching down beside the car. everyone laughed at his comment, I walked to the guys, "thank you!" I said hugging them all, "anything for our favorite niece" they all said laughing at how cute she was. we finally got her out of the car and back inside. "ready for your cake baby?" I asked Darcey who was holding onto my leg "yes mommy" she said. everytime she called me mommy my heart melted, just a few weeks ago she started saying mommy. her first words were daddy and cat just like her daddy, I took Darcey into the living room and put her in her height chair. then I grabbed her bib and put it on her, we bought i smaller cake for her and a big cake with cupcakes for everyone else, which is what my mom did to me when I was little. niall turned off the lights and harry walked out with the cake, then everyone started to sing happy birthday. we finished singing happy birthday and we were all waiting for Darcey to blow out the candles. "blow them out baby!" I said crouching next to her and pointing to the candles, before I could stop her she used her finger to put out a candle, "like mother like daughter" my mom said laughing "mom it's not funny! she burnt herself" I said as Darcey started crying, I picked her up and ran to the kitchen sink I quickly turned on the water and ran her fingers under cold water, "shh baby it's gonna be okay!" I said trying to calm her down, harry came over and decided to sing to her which calmed her down, I looked at him and smiled. he is such a great father, he has really been stepping up with taking care of her. once I turned off the water I sat darc on the counter and got some ice to put on her fingers, harry grabbed her off the counter and took her to the couch where the other boys were. "who wants cake?" I asked "me me me" I heard niall yell from the living room. I couldn't help but laugh. I started to cut the cake and hand it out to people, once everyone had there piece I brought niall a piece and a piece for Darcey since she wasn't leaving Harrys arms. "thanks lyss" niall said as I handed him his piece. "no problem" I said smiling then sat next to harry. "you want some cake baby?" I asked Darcey she picked up her head and nodded. I fed her some cake and gave harry a few bits at Darcey's request. she was such a caring little girl, the party was still going on but most of the people had left. I knew harry and the boys were drunk so I put Darcey to bed and sat in the living room with soph, Perrie, abby, and Kendall. "this was such a cute party" Perrie said taking a sip of her juice. "yeah I have to agree, the cake scene was kind of funny" abby said giggling "no that scared the crap out of me" I said running my hand through my hair "well atleast she's okay now" soph said "yeah true" I said. the guys were getting so loud and I knew they would only get louder specially louis. I got up and walked into the living room to see the guys messing around and play wrestling. "guys! if your gonna be loud can you just do it outside or something Darcey's sleeping" I said looking harry in the eyes. I could tell something was gonna happen, "stop being so uptight!" harry finally said as I was walking out of the room. I raised my eye brows "excuse me?" I said walking back in "ooooh" I heard from all the guys. "what did you just say?" I asked walking towards harry "I said stop being so uptight bitch!" he said standing up. I don't know what hurt more the fact that he said that not once but twice and called me a bitch but I could tell the guys were sobering up. "harry stop!" liam said standing up. "no I'm tired of being told what to do! I don't care if I wake her up, it's your job to put her to sleep anyways!" he said pointing his finger in my face. at this point the girls were in the living room behind me. "what's going on?" soph asked. but liam signaled to not ask. I could believe harry right now, I can understand he was drunk but a drunk always speaks a sober thought. "okay I think we need to go" Zayn said "yeah I think you should take harry with you because it's not looking so good right now for him" I said as niall and Liam pushed him away from me. "you know what Alyssa I don't care! I'm glad I cheated on you a year ago and who knows maybe I'll do it again." he said laughing as they pushed him out the door. I slammed the door seeing sophia and perrie were still standing there. once I saw them I fell to the floor in tears. "aww Alyssa I'm so sorry!" Perrie confessed "yeah he's just drunk" sophia added. I wanted to say something but I could only cry, harry was so harsh tonight. "what made him s-say that?" I said sniffling "I don't know but we can figure that out tomorrow" soph said picking me up "yeah you just need to take a nice hot bath and then go to sleep. okay?" Perrie added "are you girls gonna stay?" I asked "if you want us to" Perrie said "please?" I said hugging them both "okay we will be up in a few we will clean up for you okay?" soph said as I walked upstairs. I walked upstairs and checked on Darcey, I walked up to her crib she was sound asleep. how could harry said those things to me? I'm the mother of his child and his fiancé. I started to tear up so I walked out of Darcey's room, whipping the tears from my eyes. I got out some pajamas and walked into the bathroom, I put the clothes on the counter then turned on the bath water. I let out a breath and got undressed then got into the bath, I was still in complete shock that harry said those things. I heard soph and Perrie come upstairs. and they stood at the door "we're gonna go to the guest room and get some sleep, okay?" soph said "okay thanks again guys" I said as they walked to the door "no problem" they both said then shut the door. I sat in the death for awhile and cleared my head, I finally started to get really sleepy so I got out, dried myself off and put in my pajamas. I didn't realize I grabbed harrys t shirt but I was to tired to change. I got into bed, I couldn't fall asleep so I decided to check my phone I had a text from liam and Niall. Liams text read "hey lyss I'm really sorry for harrys words tonight I know he didn't mean them, and I'm sure he will regret it all in the morning. thank you for a wonderful party and give Darcey a kiss for me. xoxo li" I managed to smile a little bit, then Nialls text read "hey Aly thank you for the food" of course that's the first thing he says "and I'm also very sorry for what harry said to you tonight you didn't deserve that at all, I hope you can forgive him because I know he will beat himself up about it in the morning. xo Ni" I went back to Liam's message and relied. "thanks li I appreciate the apology but it's gonna take a lot more then a sorry. but thank you for coming tonight and thank you for the car you all got Darcey I know she's gonna use it everyday all day! love u goodnight xo lyss" then sent it and went to Nialls message and replied "you're welcome for the food! thank you for apologizing and I hope he does best himself up about it because he really really hurt me tonight" I said starting to tear up just thinking about what he was saying "but thank you for the car you guys got Darcey she is going to live in that thing I swear! goodnight Ni love you! xo aly" then sent the message. I locked my phone and fell right asleep. I woke up to Perrie and sophia jumping on my bed with Darcey "goooood morning!!" Perrie yelled. I moaned then opened my eyes "good morning sunshine" sophia said laughing "Darcey go get mommy" one of them said, I smiled and felt Darcey crawl over to me. "mommy! mommy!" she said hitting my arm "I'm up guys" I said laughing "yay! let's go make breakfast!" Perrie said hitting my leg "do you always give people this wake up call?" I asked them "no usually my little mix girls wake me up like this but soph woke me up so we woke you up" she said laughing then walked downstairs. I couldn't help but think what harry was doing or even thinking right now. "has anyone talked to harry?" I asked soph and Perrie, they looked at eachother and shook there heads no "I think they are all still sleeping" soph said looking at her phone "oh okay, well what do we want to eat?" I asked picking up Darcey "mommy where's daddy?" Darcey asked playing with my hair. I was hoping she wouldn't ask me this question. I looked at soph and Perrie, "daddy had to go to a few meetings today, he will be back soon" I said closing my eyes trying to hold the tears back. "okay!" she said giggling, I didn't know lying to someone would be so hard till that moment. "Darcey why don't we go outside and play with your new car for a little" Perrie said taking her from me. I mouthed thank you before she walked outside, "so what are you gonna do?" soph asked taking out the eggs so I could make everyone breakfast. "I honestly don't know." I said leaning against the counter biting my nails, i wanted to hear what harry had to say about the things that were said lastnight. "I'm sure he didn't mean those things, do you want me to call li and have him bring the guys over?" she asked standing next to me. "if you want" I said shrugging not really wanting to see harry but I knew I would need to talk to him. sophia walked outside to call liam so I started to cook breakfast. I made the usual, eggs, bacon, ham, potatoes, and bagels. I heard the door open and saw Darcey run through the door with Perrie and sophia after. "did you have fun baby?" I asked picking Darcey up "yes mommy but I'm hungry" she said pouting "you want eggs and potatoes?" I asked her. she jumped in my arms "yes yes" I put her in her height chair and made a plate for her then I sat at the table with my bagel and soph and Perrie were eating "so are the guys coming?" I asked sophia, she shook her head yes, then I asked "is h-a-r-r-y coming?" spelling out harrys name so Darcey wouldn't know who we were talking about "yes they all are, but I have to get them" she said then took a sip of her drink "what time you guys leaving?" I asked "in like a half hour, you want me to take Darcey?" she asked "no u was gonna put her down for a nap soon" I said looking at Darcey eating, "is it good darc?" I asked laughing because she had it all down the front of her. "yes mommy" she said smiling with an egg hanging out of her mouth "Darcey you're so silly" Perrie said laughing. "I full" Darcey said interrupting me and soph and perrie's conversation. "okay baby" I said taking her plate into the kitchen, then walked back to the living room and took Darcey out of her chair, she ran into the living room and started playing with her toys. I had a strange feeling someone was watching us but I just ignored it, "okay we're gonna go get the boys and we will be right back" soph said grabbing her bag and keys. "okay see you in a little" I said waving goodbye as she closed the door. I walked into the living room and saw Darcey playing with her toys, "nap time baby" I said crouching down next to her, I picked her up and walked upstairs to her room, I read her a book and turned on harrys cd for her "goodnight baby girl! I love you!" I said kissing her forehead "night mommy. lub you too" she said closing her eyes, I walked out of her room and closed the door then walked in my room and grabbed my phone then walked down stairs and started cleaning up, about 20 minutes later there was a knock on the door, I was hoping it was soph and the guys but they usually just walk in. I opened the door and saw him.."who are yo-" I was cut off by a sharp pain to my face. you see about 6 months ago I've been getting threatening phone calls and people following me around everywhere I went. the phone calls would happen at weird hours of the day and night, telling me that they were watching me and that I better watch my back. I called the police many of times and they couldn't track the number, so me and harry just let it go considering it's been a few weeks since this random person called. "I told you to watch your back!" the man said "I'm sorry but I don't know who you are but you need to leave" I said pushing this large man, he had other plans. "I'm not going anywhere until you're dead." he said angrily. then he pushed me into the wall I was so scared he was going to wake up Darcey or even try and hurt her, "what do you want from me?" I asked trying to calm myself down, "what do I want? I want you to die that's what!" he said angrily "why? I don't even know who you are!" I said starting to cry. "you don't need to know who I am but I know who you are!" he said then threw me on the ground "please don't kill me!" I said crawling away from him as he walked closer and closer to me, I hit the wall and he had me cornered. "say goodbye Alyssa!" he said then started striking my face left, right, left, right. with every punch I slowly started to give up on fighting back. with the punches he started kicking me and then slammed my head on the wall causing me to black out. I heard screaming then a strong arm wrap around me, "call 911!!" I heard liam yell, then I heard a ton of talking, "don't let harry in here!!" liam said in a panic, I moaned in pain. "dar-Darcey" I finally got out. "don't worry sophia is with her she's fine" liam said, I heard niall talking, "idk she's all bloody and bruised, please get here fast!" I heard him tell someone. "Alyssa stay with me the paramedics are almost here" louis said brushing my arm. then I heard zayn talking to someone, I knew it was harry. "no mate don't go in there!" he yelled and I heard fussing then I passed out again. I woke up in a ton of pain, i fluttered my eyes open and saw everyone sleeping in chairs, "harry?" I said quietly, he jumped up and everyone else soon woke up. "baby! I'm here!" he said grabbing my hand and standing next to me. "harry? where wheres Darcey?" I asked trying to sit up "don't move Alyssa you have 3 broken ribs" he said lightly brushing my face, I could tell he has been crying, I looked around at everyone and saw they also had been crying. "Darcey is with your mom and my mom in the waiting room." he said tearing up. "Alyssa I'm so sorry this happened" liam said next to me "me too" louis and Niall said brushing my arm. "Alyssa you're so brave." zayn said "we will be here for you every step of the way" Perrie said I smiled at all the support I was getting from them but there was one person missing. "where's sop-sophia?" I asked looking at harry them liam. "she's-shes" liam said stuttering "right here" I heard sophia say at the door. it looked like she hadn't slept all night, her eyes were really puffy and red, I started crying at the fact she was crying, she walked over to me and she hugged me, it hurt so bad but she was my bestfriend and I didn't like seeing her upset. "Sophia what's wrong?" I asked "I was so scared you weren't gonna make it!" she said crying. "well I'm alive now sophia, please stop crying. you can't get rid of me this quickly" I said trying to cheer her up a little, everyone started to giggle "same old Alyssa" Louis said. everyone went to the cafe and got something to eat except harry. he was sitting there silent for a while, then he said "it was that guy wasn't it?" angrily. I shook my head yes "Alyssa I don't know how I could ever apologize for what happened to you, and the things I said the other night, I in no way meant them, you're the love of my life, my other half, my rock, when I saw you laying there in Liam's arms i honestly died inside. I hate myself for not protecting you" he said crying, he was holding my hand. "when I woke up the next morning, I wanted nothing more then to take back every single word I said to you when niall told me. I wish you truly knew how sorry I am Alyssa! I don't think words could describe it, I truly, madly, deeply do love you!" he said now in full tears. I couldn't help but cry with him. I could tell he was sorry, I forgave him not only because he's Darcey's father but because I love him with every inch of my heart and I knew he was sorry. "harry" I said before he could say anything, he looked me in the eyes "I forgive you" I said smiling. he started tearing up, "happy tears" he said seeing I was confused "I love you Harold Edward Styles!" I said smiling "I love you too beautiful" he said then kissed me. "even with my beat up face?" I asked as he pulled away from the kiss "you're beautiful to me no matter what you look like" he said smiling. "awwwwww" I heard Niall and Liam say at the door, I smiled and so did harry. "so the power couple is back?" Louis asked as they all walked in "yes" harry said then kissed me "ewww" Louis said, "oh shush" I said smiling. the doctor came in and introduced himself "hello mrs. styles, I'm doctor Williams, how are you feeling?" he asked looking at me "a little sore but I'm good otherwise." I said smirking "okay well we wanna get another X-ray then we will see about you going home." he said smiling at me "okay" I said, "I'm gonna go get that set up for you then I'll be back" he said then walked out of the room, "harry?" I said looking at him. "yes babe" he said standing up, I hadn't seen my mom they whole time I've been awake, "can you bring my mom in here, just so she knows I'm okay." I said looking him in the eyes, he smiled "of course I can" he said "we can go get her" sophia said getting up "so you guys can have some alone time, we can watch Darcey for a little" she added as everyone got up. they each kissed my cheek and walked out. "they are the best" I said smiling. a few minutes my mom and harrys mom walked in the room "mom!" I said tearing up "my baby!!" she said already in tears, you poor thing! I'm so sorry this happened" she said kissing my cheek "mom it's fine, I'm fine" I said trying to make her feel better. she sat down on the opposite side of harry, "hey momma styles" I said looking at harrys mom who was also in tears. I knew harry hated to see his mom cry and I hated the fact it was because of me, "please don't cry guys" I said "how's Darcey by the way?" I asked my mom "she's good, she misses you" she said "aww my baby! I don't want her to see me like this" I said to my mom, "you don't look that back honey" harrys mom said "just a bruise on your jaw and a scratch above your eye brow is all" my mom said, "still" I said "babe she's gonna see you with a bruise either way" harry said holding my hand. "true, I just don't want her to see my face" I said looking at my feet, with that the nurse came in, "ready for your X-rays?" she asked "yeahh" I said smiling "I'll be back okay?" I said to my mom and harrys mom "love you" they all said at once, I couldn't help but smile and giggle. then they rolled me to X-rays. I was rolled into a dark room with a huge machine, "okay mrs styles were gonna put this on you" holding up a huge plastic shirt looking thing, I nodded my head, I was so nervous, "don't work it won't hurt the nurse said, then they carefully laid it on me and then rolled me under the machine. the woman walked out of the room and I was laying there by myself, for a few seconds then I heard the woman talking again, "okay this is gonna take a few seconds, so I'm gonna need you to lay there and not move or it will take longer." she said I nodded my head. then I heard the machine turn on. I closed my eyes, then I heard a few clicks and then the room went silent "perfect" she said as she walked in the room, I opened my eyes, then she walked over to me and took the plastic thing off me, and rolled me back to my room. I heard Darcey laughing, I saw her sitting on harrys lap, "Darcey who's that?" he asked pointing to me as she rolled me to the wall so I was next to her. "mommy!!" she yelled. "hi baby!" I said smiling, harry put her on my lap, I didn't mind the pain and it didn't really hurt much anymore. "hi mommy" she said quietly "mommy what happened" she said touching my bruise softly. I couldn't help but tear up, "mommy got a booboo" I said trying not to scare her, "I kiss it make it feel better" she said moving closer to me and kissing my cheek, I smiled "ooh all better" I said smiling. "yay mommy I did it" she said clapping, "yes you did Darcey! you helped mommy feel better" I said kissing her cheek "you're such a big girl baby" I added smiling, she started to yawn and I knew we would be here for awhile yet, "lay down baby" I said. she laid down on me and instantly fell asleep. "why did you bring her in here?" I asked harry, "I didn't sophia brought her because they were leaving to go get you some clothes" he said "oh okay" I said "well she took it well" my mom said. "yeah I guess, but now she knows I got hurt. I at least wanted to hide it from her till it looked a little bit better" I said yawning. harry and my mom and his mom started to talk, I slowly started to drift to sleep with Darcey asleep on my chest. I woke up to Darcey moving around, "ouch" I said waking up, harry started taking Darcey off me but I stopped him "no she's fine, just hurt a little" I said smiling. "okay baby, but the doctor said you can go home as soon as you're ready" he said smiling. it was just me and harry in the room "where are my mom and your mom?" I asked quietly "they went to get the car" he said "oh okay, well when am I getting released?" I asked "you already are" he said smiling "okay well I need clothes" I said, harry handed me a pair of sweats and a large sweatshirt, he took Darcey off me so it could sit up and he laid her back down at the foot of the bed, he helped me get dressed, "thank you" I said as I sat back down on the bed, "okay ready to go" I asked "yeah when you are" he said, I slowly stood up, he picked up Darcey and we made our way out of the room, a nurse came by and asked if I wanted a wheelchair, "no I'm gonna have to learn to walk when broken ribs sooner or later" I said smiling "okay well get better" the nurse said as we walked away. we made it to the lobby and I saw all the paps and fans outside, "oh god how am I gonna do this?" I said scared. "can we get some security guard" harry asked the lady at the front desk "of course" she said. moments later there were about 8 security guards in the lobby, they walked outside before us and made a path for us, I walked out first but very slowly, I finally made it to the SUV and got in the back seat, harry strapped sleeping Darcey in the car seat then closed the door, he took a few pictures with fans then got in the car, "sorry love I couldn't just leave" he said driving away. "it's okay I understand" I said grabbing his hand, we held hands the whole ride home. "wanna stop at nandos before we go home?" he asked "Darcey you want nandos?" he asked "yes daddy!" she said happily "guess that's a yes" I said smiling. I'm glad he stopped for something because I surely wasn't gonna make anything. harry walked in and got the food then walked out 15 minutes later, Darcey fell asleep when he was in there. harry got back in the car, he smiled and started driving away, "what's the smile for?" I asked "nothing" he said smirking. "no tell me!" I demanded "you're just so beautiful" he said smiling and holding my hand. "stop harry" I said putting my head down. "what? why?" he asked confused "what did I do?" he asked again "calling me beautiful." I said softly "but you are" he said trying to convince me. but ever since I saw reflection in the car window I didn't realize how ugly I felt and looked. "no I'm not harry. I-I'm ugly" I said tearing up. harry stopped the car and turned to me, "Alyssa what makes you think you're ugly??" he asked forwarding his eye brows. "have you not seen my face, or has it blinded you!" I said semi yelling. harry was really upset at that statement, "you really think you're ugly? listen to me very closely" he said clearing his throat "I could never think you were ugly, I thought you were beautiful when you were in labor, I thought you were beautiful when you were sick, I thought you were beautiful with blood on your face, nothing can ever make me think you're not beautiful, I'm marrying you for a reason! I love you with everything in me, you make me the happiest proudest man in the whole wide world, and if that means you have a few bruises on your face then I would take that over anything." he said tearing up, I couldn't help but tear up myself. "harry that was honestly the nicest and sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me" I said smiling, I couldn't move because of my ribs so harry leaned in for a kiss so I kissed him back. "okay let's get home" he said breaking the kiss. I nodded and he continued driving, I held his hand the entire ride home. I don't think I could love him anymore then I do right now, he always knew what to say and I couldn't be more happy with him. we finally got home, I opened my door and slowly got out as harry got Darcey out of the car. I opened the door and saw a welcome home sign and my mom, harrys mom, all the guys and there girlfriends standing around the table "WELCOME HOME!" they all yelled. I covered my mouth surprised, "aww you guys!" I said tearing up. I hugged all of them carefully, "how you feeling?" liam asked "I'm gonna survive" I said smiling. "we're just glad you're okay!" he said and everyone nodded in agreement. "yeah I don't know what I would do without my Bestfriend" sophia said smiling and hugging me again "aww you are all to sweet" I said as harry came down the stairs from putting Darcey to sleep. "yeah thanks guys!" he said putting his arms around liam and Niall. "welcome lad" they said. "okay who wants cake?" my mom asked "I'm good but you all can" I said. everyone started to get there slices of cake. I went to the living room and laid down for a little until everyone came in, I sat up slowly. "so what is everyone doing tonight?" I asked as they all plopped down on the couch. "idk what do you guys wanna do?" harry asked. everyone was spitting out ideas "how about we stay here with lyss and have a movie night" sophia said "good idea!" liam said smiling and putting his arm around her. we all picked out movies to watch and after a few movies my eyes started to get heavy. I finally decided to just close my eyes, soon I was fast asleep.

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