the big surprise

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Kendall turns around and sees harry walking up to her, "omg harry!" she says giving him a big hug. "Kendall calm down he's just a normal person." I say alarmed she was acting like this. "lyss this is your big surprise! I was gonna surprise you by getting you and harry together!" "wait so this is your cousin alyssa!??" harry says pointing at me, "I knew there was a reason I clicked with you!" I was in complete shock.."wait hold on!" I say holding onto Kendall's arm about to fall over. "first of all, you do know I have a boyfriend, and second how do you two know eachother???" "we met at a bar a couple months ago and started talking but I already have a boyfriend so I couldn't get with him, and I had no idea you had a boyfriend or I wouldn't have planned this." she says looking upset. harry was in complete shock, "well we can talk about all of this over dinner, like we planned." "okay harry see you tonight!" I say realizing my luggage was here. I went and grabbed my bag and turned around seeing harry and Kendall hugging, I walked over to them and hugged harry also. "talk to you later harry!" I say waving as he walked away. about an hour later we arrived at Kendall's flat, she parked her car I got out and grabbed my bags in the back and I heard the door open, "Alyssa honey is that you?!!" I hear my aunt saying walking out the front door. "aunt Mary! I missed you!!" I say hugging her tightly, "I'm so happy that you got here safely! and I made your favorite foods!" she says grabbing my luggage and walking me into the flat. "omgosh it's absolutely beautiful in here! and it smells even better!" I walked into the kitchen to see a table full of food and I couldn't help but munch on all of it! "have a seat and tell me what you've been up to!" she says grabbing plates and setting them on the table, "I'm sorry aunt Mary but if it's okay with you id like to get a shower and maybe take a nap" I say hesitant hoping she wasn't mad at me. "oh go right ahead honey! we have plenty of time to catch up!" she says kissing my cheek, I grabbed my bags and saw Kendal sitting on the couch and I told her I was gonna go up to get a shower and nap for a few hours, "okay but when you get up we're going shopping for your date tonight!!" she says giving me a big smile. I walked up stairs and put all my bags into the guest room and taking out my phone to call my mom. I started dialing her number and sat on the bed while taking my shoes off, "hey honey! how was your flight?" "hey mom it was great! you'll never guess who I sat next to on the plane!" I say with a huge smile on my face "who?" a little concerned "harry styles!!" I say screaming into the phone, "and he asked me out to dinner tonight!" "that's awesome alyssa! I'm so happy you found a friend there your first day!" she says laughing "I know well I'm glad I got to talk to you mom I miss you a ton but I'm gonna get a shower and take a nap before my date tonight." I say while turning on the shower, "okay honey let me know how it goes tonight! I love you!" "I love you too" I say before hanging up. I got undressed and got into the shower. it felt so good considering I've been traveling for over 14 hours! I washed my hair and body, turned off the water and grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my body and walked into my room that had a kind size bed a dresser and desk a simple but comfortable room, I say down and started playing on my phone when I got a text message from an unknown number, "hey Alyssa it's harry, I'll be at the house around 8:45 to take you to dinner, wear something fancy! ~ Harry" I responded right away, "hey okay I can't wait! see you then! (: " then went onto twitter to see my notifications blown up, all from Tyler so I decided I would just call him tomorrow considering it was late in the US. I locked my phone and put on some comfy clothing and got into my bed. I must have been really tired because I slept most of the day. I was woken up by Kendal shaking me and yelling "Alyssa get up! we have to go shopping for tonight!" I fluttered my eyes open and moaned "what time is it?" I say pulling the covers over my head, "it's 5:30 Alyssa get up!!!" I throw the covers off my head, oh my god I slept all day!!!" I say panicking I jumped out of bed as Kendal got up and walked out to the hallway, "I'll be downstairs hurry up!" say said shutting my door. I quickly throw on a nice crop top and high waisted shorts I put my hair up in a bun considering it was a mess from falling asleep with it wet. I threw on a little make up to wake up my face, then I went to my suit case and pulled out my black sandals and a flannel that I tied around my waist. I put on deodorant and perfume, then grabbed my phone and purse. I ran down stairs to see Kendal and my aunt sitting in the living room waiting for me. "ready?" my aunt says " yes" I say out of breath, "geez you look like you just ran a marathon!" "sorry I'm just really nervous for tonight and I don't wanna be late. "aww little lyss is nervous for her date with harry!" she says grabbing my face like a baby. "it's not a date it's just two friends going out to dinner!" I say walking out the flat and to the car.

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