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||Harrys POV||

it's been a few months since Alyssa let me take her virginity. I love her so much, she's the best thing that has ever happened to me. I've been at the studio all day with the guys trying to get things started with our new album, we were sitting around just spitting out lyrics when alyssa called me, all the boys were really hyper so they were yelling and fooling around, I yelled to shut them up, once they all stopped yelling I answered it, she asked if I had a few minutes to talk, "babe I always have time to talk to you!", she asked if her and her mother could meet my mom and sister. I called my mom, "hey mom!" "hey sweetie, how are you?" "I'm good. would you and gem wanna come to dinner with me and meet my girlfriend and her mom?" I asked I knew she would say yes because she loved meeting new people. "omgosh harry I would love to! what time?" "I'll be by around 6:30 to pick you two up!" I said I hung up because Simon was coming to check up on the album. he sat down and we played the few things we had recorded and he told us we were really coming along. I remembered the conversation me and Alyssa had a few months ago about tour starting again. "hey uncle si before you leave can I talk to you in the hallway?" I said standing up "sure thing, keep up the good work guys!" he said walking out with me. "alright harry what's wrong?" he said crossing his arms "well since all the guys girlfriends/fiancés come on your with us do you think it would be a problem if Alyssa came on your with us for a few a few months or even the whole tour?" I asked putting my hands in my pockets. he scratched his head, "well I'm not saying yes and I'm not saying no. but let me think about it and figure everything out and I'll give you a call." he said "alright thanks!" I said hugging him then walked back into the studio, it was 6 and we were wrapping everything everything up. we left and went back to my house, I ran into the house to see the girls in the living room talking and laughing "hey harry!" they all yelled "hey!" I said quickly running up to my room and got out my black skinny jeans and a nice dress shirt and my black boots. I walked into my bathroom and grabbed a headband from the brewer, put it in my hair then walked downstairs. I was actually kind of nervous about tonight, I just want everything to be perfect. I walked over to the girls and asked them if my outfit was okay and they all said that I looked really good. "thank you!" I said before walking to the kitchen to get a drink of water before leaving. "have a good night haz!" all the boys said "yeah have fun!" all the girls said before I walked out the door. I got in the car and drove to my mothers flat. I honked when I pulled in to let them know I was here. my mother soon walked out followed by Gemma, who closed the door. they were both wearing dresses. my mom got in the passenger seat and gem got in the back. "hello love! you look very handsome!" my mom running her hand down my arm, I smiled and said "you both look beautiful! now buckle up ladies!" I said backing up out of the drive way. it took about 20 minutes to get to the restaurant. I helped my mom and sister out of the car and helped them passed the crowd of paps. "hi table for 6 please!" I said "okay right this mr styles" the lady said walking us to the table. "thank you!" my mom said we got a big table so everyone could sit comfortably. I looked at the door every time someone walked in about 5 mins after we got there I heard Alyssa's voice and I quickly got up and called her name "Alyssa!" I said loudly she looked absolutely beautiful! I walked to her and gave her a long and passionate kiss not caring who was around. Alyssa's mom cleared her throat which stopped our kiss, then Alyssa's mom introduced herself. and I walked Alyssa over and said "mom this is my girlfriends mom!" she said hello then I felt Alyssa squeeze my hand "and mom this is my beautiful girlfriend!" I said letting go of her hand and putting my hand on her back, "omgosh harry she's more beautiful then you described!" my mom said as she hugged Alyssa "aww ms styles, you're to sweet!" Alyssa said into the hug "oh please call me mom..if that's okay with you!" she said looking at Alyssa's mom "oh I don't mind!" her mom said, Gemma got up and walked up to alyssa, "and this is my sister Gemma!" I said as Alyssa smiled and hugged her "hi! its very nice to meet you!" she said, to make everyone laugh "and we all know who i am!" alyssa laughed "yes we do!" she said then kissed me, we finally got to our seats and the waiter came over and got our drinks and food order. I had my hand on Alyssa's leg when I felt her move suddenly I leaned over "you okay love?" I asked quickly. my mom was sitting next to her and noticed "Alyssa are you feeling okay?" my mom said pushing alyssa's hair back, i couldnt do anything but hold her hand. "i have to go to the bathroom" she said then get up and run to the bathroom. "what was that about?" my mom asked "I don't know she's been throwing up almost all day." oh god what's wrong with my baby girl! "mom can you go check on her or something!?" I asked worried, with that my mom and Alyssa's mom got up and went to the bathroom. after they went to check on alyssa the food came but i couldnt eat untill alyssa came back, then a few minutes went by and saw her walking back with my mom and her mom, she looked so pale. she sat down and started eating, she seemed like she was starting to feel better, i guess she was just really hungry. gemma cleared her throat, "so what do you like most about my brother?" i didnt know what was gonna come out of her mouth but i knew it was gonna be all good things, "i dont like anything about him" she paused, i got really confused. i thought she loved me..i guess not, then she started to talk again "i love everything about him!" she said smiling, i noticed everyone relaxed even me. she always knew what to say and when to say it. i put my hand on her leg and squeezed it so she would notice that i heard her. she looked at me "you okay?" she said confused, i mean how could i not be okay? i have the perfect girlfriend, perfect family, and better yet the perfect life. "yes im perfect!" i said smiling. once everyone was finished eating, we all went back to alyssa's aunts flat. when we all got inside we sat on the couch and i held alyssa close to me, her aunt went to make coffee and of course my sister and alyssa's cousin kendal ran upstairs laughing about who knows what. my mom and alyssa's aunt started talking about the tour, but i was consintrated on alyssa, i held her and started playing with her fingers. "do you think youll be able to to be without harry for awhile?" my mom asked alyssa, she didnt say anything right away, but i think the real question was will I be able to be without alyssa while im on tour! " im not sure but i can definitely try." she said holding my hand then said " i know i will miss him so much but i know its something he loves doing and i will stand by him till the end!" then she put her head on my shoulder. " well that's just precious!" my mom said smiling. im glad my mom likes alyssa! "aren't they! they get more and more adorable together!" alyssa's mom said. tonight is just going perfect, but all of a sudden i felt alyssa jerk again like she did at dinner. she excused herself and ran upstairs to the bathroom. "omgosh what is wrong with that girl!" her mom said i shrugged my shoulders i wish i knew what was wrong! a few minutes later she came back down and told us she was gonna go to sleep. my mom got up and said " of course sweetie! i hope you feel better and it was great meeting you! i hope we can do this again, maybe when your feeling better! my mom said then hugged her, she whispered something in her ear and then alyssa said goodnight to her mom and aunt then she came over to me and kissed me and hugged me. "you want me to come up with you?" i said looking her in the eyes, "no babe stay with your mom, ill be fine!" she said walking up the stairs. I wish I knew what was wrong with her! I suppose it was something she ate, I sat on the couch with my head in my hands thinking about her. "honey what's wrong?" my mom said sitting down next to me. "I'm just worried about Alyssa." I said in tears "aww baby she's going to be okay, I'm sure she will be better in a few days." my mom said kissing my head, she turned to talk to Alyssa's mom more. it was getting really late and I wanted to get my mom home. "okay mom I think it's getting late, how about we go home and we can get together soon." I said standing up and grabbing my keys. I figured my sister would just stay the night since they hadn't come downstairs. "okay well it was so nice talking and meeting you both." my mom said hugging Alyssa's mom and aunt. they agreed and traded numbers so they could keep in touch. I got my mom to the car and drove her home. "do you wanna stay here tonight since gem is at Alyssa's?" she said grabbing her bag, "okay only for you mom." I said turning the car off. I got in the house and immediately said goodnight and went up to bed to sleep, I had a long next few days.

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