Title your Story Part

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he looked me in the eyes and said "alyssa I love you." he said kissing me passionately I was so happy he said that to me "harry I love you too!" I said right back to him, yes we haven't been dating that long but the timing felt perfect. "well we better get going." I said grabbing my bag and harry grabbed his. we walked into the kitchen where my aunt was and we said our goodbyes, then we walked to the car and drive to Harry's house. we brought in our bags and saw Louis sitting on the couch watching the tv. harry closed the door which surprised Louis. "oh hey gu.." louis stopped and jumped off the couch and ran to me. "Alyssa what happened?" "HARRY!" Louis yelled as he walked into the kitchen to put the ice pack aunt mary gave me in the freezer "no Lou it wasn't harry! it was either a fan or the paps they either threw something or hit me" I said feeling harry behind me "those paps are absolutely insane anymore!" lou said hugging me "well I'm glad nothing worse happened and it's just a bruise" he said looking at Harry. I took our bags upstairs while harry and Louis went and sat down to watch tv. I went upstairs to Harry's room and put some sweats on and grabbed one of Harry's shirts and put it on, then took my make up off and put my hair up in a bun and walked down stairs. I went to the kitchen and asked if the boys wanted anything harry asked for some tea and lou asked for a water. I made me and harry a cup of tea and got lou his water, then grabbed the ice pack out of the freezer and walked over to them sitting on the couch. "here you go lou! harry here's your tea" "thank you lyss!" Louis said "thank you babe" harry said as I sat in between the two of them and put the ice pack up to my face and whimpered a little. the guys jumped I couldn't help but giggle at there reactions "guys I'm fine! relax" I said drinking my tea. "is that my shirt alyssa" harry said "yes it is, deal with it!" I said smiling "well it looks better on you anyways" he said kissing me "well I'm going to bed" Louis said getting off the couch, "me too" I said looking at harry. "okay well goodnight you two!" lou said hugging me "and Alyssa I hope your face feels better! and harry take better care of this lady will ya" he said walking away but we followed behind him and we walked into Harry's room he sat on his bed "do you want your gifts love?" I said grabbing the bag and putting it in front of harry "okay!" he said pulling everything out. he looked at everything I got him like it was gold. "I love everything you got me babe! you're the best!" he said kissing me and putting everything pack into the bag and putting it on the floor next to his bed I got in bed next to him and cuddled up to him. I was about to fall asleep when harry kissed my head and said "goodnight my love!" I smiled and kissed his chest and said goodnight back then said "I love you" then fell asleep.

I got woken up by yelling and I moaned but once again I didn't wake up in Harry's arms but then I heard the door open but I pretended I was asleep then the door closed and I heard someone say "shut up! she's still asleep!" I couldn't help but laugh so I stayed in Harry's bed because it was honestly so comfortable I went onto my phone and checked my twitter and Instagram after about a half hour I went into the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth then put my hair in a high ponytail. I couldn't help but cringe at the sight of my bruise. but I walked out of the bathroom to a text from harry saying "good morning princess! when you feel up to it come downstairs there's people here that wanna see you!" I smiled and opened the door and smelled some yummy food, so I ran downstairs to see lou, naill, zayn, Liam and harry getting yelled at by Abby and three other girls I never met before. I cleared my throat to get everyone's attention and they all turned and looked at me "good morning sunshine!" lou said running over to hug me "good morning hun!" zayn said waving and walking over to me and soon everyone had hugged me and said good morning. except the 3 girls id never met when they pushed passed the boys and introduced themselves "hi I'm Sophia! Liam's girlfriend" she said hugging me "hello I'm elenour Louis girlfriend" also hugging me "zayn spoke up and said "and this is my fiancé Perrie!" "hello sweetie! I hope these crazy hooligans didn't wake you!" she said laughing well of course they did but it was okay I missed them! "well yeah but it's all good!" I wouldn't wanna miss a moment of hanging out with everyone!" I said looking at harry who had his hands behind his back. "okay well let's get back to cooking!" Sophia said then everyone turned around and went into the kitchen but harry "good morning my princess!" he said moving his hands to the front of him revealing a dozen red roses I couldn't help but smile "harry they're beautiful! thank you so much! but you really didn't have to!" I said kissing him about 20 times "well I wanted to! you're my girlfriend, you deserve flowers!" I smiled and grabbed his hand walking towards the kitchen "can I help you guys?" I said hoping I could help but it looked like they were all done "I think we're all done but you can help me set the table" Abby said grabbing a stack of plates, napkins, and forks I put the flowers down and grabbed some things from Abby and helped to set the table then I went and grabbed some cups and mugs. "wanna help bring the food over" I heard liam say "yes of course!" I said running into the kitchen grabbing whatever I could. then we all sat together and ate the huge breakfast every one made "thank you guys for the delicious breakfast! but what's the special occasion?" I said looking at everyone "well..we heard about what happened to you lastnight and we just wanted you to feel better!" Niall said "so we cooked what ever we could find!" Liam added "thank you everyone again!" I said smiling at everyone they each said you're welcome and I put my plate in the sink and grabbed my ice pack in the freezer and sat back down at the table. we all made little talk and had many little side conversations. I was honestly lucky to have these people by my side and I was to lucky to have an amazing family and boyfriend! I couldn't help but smile watching everyone get along. when all of a sudden my phone started ringing. it was a us number..I walked out in the patio so I wouldn't disturb anyone's conversation. I walked outside and answered it "hello?" "hello is this Alyssa?" the man said "yes this is her" I was really scared as to why they were calling me. "I'm sorry to inform you but your mother has been in a really bad car accident this morning!" I was feeling so many emotions "what? what happened? is she okay? is she alive?" I couldn't believe what I just heard. "she was involved in a car accident with another car, your moms in critical condition, is there any way you can get here within the next few hours?" he asked "um yes I can try!" I am in such shock I started shaking and I started balling at the thought of my mom in a hospital bed "ma'am are you there?" he said "yes I am here, okay you're mother is at st lukes!" "thank you sir I will be there as soon as possible I said I hung up and immediately called my aunt and told her what happened. she told me to get my things and come back to her house immediately! I hung up and ran right past everyone and started throwing my things in my bag when I heard harry call my name "Alyssa!" he said running into the bedroom "car accident." "hospital" "mom" I could only get out those words but harry knew it was something serious so he got some of his clothes together just incase and we went down stairs and I ran outside while harry told everyone what I said and they told him to call them when he knew what happened. he got me in the car and I just balled my eyes out the entire way there and harry kept rubbing my back and holding my hand. we pulled into the drive way of my aunts and I ran into the house looking for my aunt who was in her room getting her bags packed. I knew I should inform harry. I looked at harry who hadn't left my side the entire time. "look my mom was in a really bad car accident this morning and she's in critical condition so I need to go back to the us." his eyes got really big, " well I can call my pilot and he can take us to the hospital! it's a lot faster!" harry said my eyes got really big, he always knew the right ways to help! "omg yes harry can you please!" I said holding into his arms "he walked away and dialed his phone as I helped my aunt pack. "where's Kendal??" I said running back into her room "idk she hasn't come home yet but I'll just leave her a note, we need to go!" my aunt said "okay my private jet is gonna take us to the hospital!" harry said grabbing all of our bags and putting them in his car. we ran outside and got into the car and drive to where his plane was. "thank you Sergio!" harry said getting into the plane after we ran in. "no problem mr styles anything I can do to help!" we took off and after about 4 hours we were at the hospital! I ran inside and went to the front desk. "hi my mother was brought in after a bad car accident this morning!" I said panicking she looked at us all "okay she's in surgery but gladly wait here and we will call you as soon as she's out." the woman said "okay please as soon as you know!" I said looking her in her eyes. we say in the waiting room and I couldn't stop crying into Harry's chest and I knew my aunt wasn't okay so I hugged her and I felt harry hug the both of us which meant so much to the both of us and all of a sudden I heard "ma'am!" I shot my head up "yes is my mother okay?" "she's in the er" the lady said "okay what floor please!" my aunt said practically jumping over the counter "4th floor ma'am" she said pointing to the double doors "thank you!" I said as I ran to the doors we made it to the 4th floor and I asked a nurse where my mother was and she walked me over to her room and I couldn't walk in at first but I walked in holding Harry's hand and I saw what she looked like and I immediately broke down in tears. I fell to the floor in Harry's arms. "Alyssa please get up! you need to be strong for your mother!" my aunt said I got up and held her hand, harry stood behind me the entire night. a doctor came in about 1:30 to check on my mother and that's when I asked what was going on. "your mother is going to be just fine. she's just on some very strong drugs for the pain but she should be awake by morning." he said smiling at us, then a nurse came in and gave harry a chair since he was the only one without a chair. then we all started to drift off to sleep when I felt my hand get squeezed. I shot my head up "mom!!" I said waking my aunt and harry up, she opened her eyes and I stood up so she could see me and I said "hi mom it's me alyssa! you were in a car accident yesterday!" I said looking her in the eyes she tried to talk but I told her not to. she looked over at harry and pointed at him "who..that." she said with pauses in between "mom this is harry my boyfriend remember?" I said looking at him she let go of my hand and held out her hand for harry to hold. I moved so she could get a better look at him. "hi ma'am do you remember me?" he asked as she nodded her head I put my hand over my mouth, I felt like my mom was approving of harry. then he pointed over to my aunt and said "your sister is here to ma'am!" he said as my mom looked over but she didn't let go of Harry's hand. I looked at him and i thanked him for everything and kissed him "anything for you babe! your my world, and so is your family!" he said smiling, my aunt had left the room to talk to the nurse and doctor so it was just the three of us in the room and I looked at my mom and told her I loved her and kissed her cheek. she still hadn't let go of Harry's hand, "do you wanna hold my hand mom?" I said looking at her she just shook her head no, I thought this was so precious I couldn't help but get a picture of the two of them. I sat in the chair harry was in and when I heard my mom start to say Harry's name and I looked over at her and saw she kissed his hand. harry smiled and kissed my moms forehead I was in tears, then I saw her reach her hand up for my to grab and I held her other hand, and we fell asleep like that, when we were woken up by the sound of my aunts voice telling us to get up. I picked my head up to see my mom smiling and I was no longer holding my moms head like I remember when I fell asleep and neither was harry. we were holding eachothers, "harry honey wake up!" I said rubbing his back "good morning honey!" I said kissing his cheek he smiled and looked at my mom and smiled and kissed her hand. "harry why are you so perfect!" I said to him he just smiled and held my moms hand. I went to the bathroom leaving harry alone with my mom. I was going back to the room when I heard harry talking to my mom "I really love your daughter, she's perfect in every way! she deserves a perfect life and I plan on giving it to her. it would mean so much to me if you would come to London when your all better of course and meet my parents" I couldn't believe he was telling my mom this, it was so precious and I couldn't ever find a way of thanking him for what he's done and how he's been with my mom. I walked away to find my aunt who was talking with the doctor, "when will she be able to leave?" my aunt asked "in a few days as long as she feels up to it!" "will she be able to travel?" I heard harry say from behind me, "what?" I said to harry "will she be able to travel, like by plane?" he asked looking at the doctor serious I pretended I didn't know what he meant "again as long as she's feeling up to it she can do what ever she wants..with limitations of course!" the doctor said "great!" harry said walking back to my moms room, me and my aunt left harry with my mom while we went to get coffee and tea in the cafe. "seems like your mom and harry are really getting along!" my aunt said "yeah I know isn't it awesome?" I said smiling "it really is! what do you think he meant when he asked the doctor if your mom could travel?" "well I over heard him talking to mom about me and her meeting Harry's parents" I said pouring my coffee and Harry's tea. "really?" my aunt said shocked "yeah isn't that awesome? he really does care about me and us!" "he's a keeper alyssa!" my aunt said walking out of the cafe" he really is a keeper! anyone guy that will stick by my side in a time like this and talk to a parent the way he did with my mom is most definitely a keeper no matter who he is the rest of the world. to me he's harry Edward styles! and the love of my life! I walked back into the room to my surprise my mom was sitting up. "hey mom! how are you feeling?" I said handing harry his tea, "thank you babe" he said taking a sip "I..m..gre..at! just a lit..tle sore. " she struggles to say. "aww mom! do you remember anything?" I asked sitting on her bed "no" she said grabbing Harry's hand and mine. I couldn't help but smile at this. harry got up and let go of my moms hand, "I'll be right back" he says looking at my mom and then me and smile "mom are you gonna be okay to come back to London with us?" I ask she looked shocked "yes mom I heard harry talking to you." I said smiling "yes I would love to come back to London with you guys." she said kidding my hand "well the doctor said when ever your ready to leave we can go" I said looking her in the eyes with that harry walked in with both hands behind his back. I turned around "harry what is that behind your back?" he brings in front of him two bouquets of flowers the one had a balloon that said get well soon and the other said I love you! "these are for the two beautiful woman in this room!" he said kissing my moms cheek and mine. my aunt was in the lobby talking to Kendall "I love them harry!" my mom says smelling them "I love mine as well!" I say smiling at the moment we all just sat there talking. it's been about 9 hours since we got here and my mom was being released in 2 hours so I asked my aunt if she wanted to go to my moms house so we could get her things together and I asked if harry wanted to come but of course he wanted to stay with my mom, which I was perfectly fine with. "okay sweetie were gonna go to my moms to get her things and we will be back!" I said hugging him "and mom I will be back I'm going with aunt mary to your house to get your clothes. is there anything you want me to grab or do while I'm there?" I asked "just make sure everything's off and you lock all the doors and windows please!" she said "of course we will be back in a few!" I said kissing her and walking to the car. we arrived at my moms house and grabbed her luggage and got her a lot of shirts and comfy pants, all of her essentials and some things for her to do. "thank god mom doesn't have any pets!" I said laughing "let's get going honey we need to get your mom and harry!" she said grabbing the bag I packed for mom, when I got a call from harry. "hey is everything okay?" I said panicked "yes babe everything's fine, your mom wants you to grab some photo albums and anything value able." he said then asked my mom if there was anything else "nope" she said softly "okay we will be back shortly" I said walking upstairs "okay babe take your time! love you!" harry said "I love you alyssa!" my mom said into the phone, "I love you guys too!" I said then hung up. I grabbed another bag and grabbed some sweaters from my room and my moms room then put her valuable jewelry and then grabbed some photo albums like my mom requested. "okay Alyssa we need to leave right now!" my aunt yelled from the door "coming!" I yelled locking all the windows upstairs and then gave my aunt the bag and went around and locked every window and door then locked the front door before we left. we made our way to the hospital and went back to the room where I saw harry and my mom laughing. "we're back" I said hugging my mom and harry "so when are they discharging you?" I asked "I'm already discharged we were just waiting for you to come back" my mom said getting out of the bed. "okay well let's go mom we have a long flight home." I said bringing the wheelchair to her "thank you dear" she said siting "harry can you push me?" my mom asked "sure thing" he said smiling at me I couldn't help but laugh and smile, we got my mom into the cab and made our way to the plane. "okay mom your gonna have to go up steps, are you gonna be okay?" I asked "yeahh I should be fine I might just need some help is all" she was so cute with harry! it's like he's the son she never had. "harry darling" my mom said "yes" he said turning to look at her "thank you for being here for me and my daughter! it means more to me then you'll ever know" she said getting teary eyed "aww I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else then here with my favorite ladies!" she said smiling we got to the plane and harry did such a good job helping my mom into the plane. as soon as the plane took off I fell right asleep and I'm guessing everyone else did to because the pilot had to wake up all us. "we're here folks!" he said waking everyone up. we got my mom out of the plane and into Harry's car and he drove us to my aunts flat and Kendall was waiting for us outside "hey auntie! hey mom! hey lyss! he harry!" she said hugging us all she grabbed my moms bags from the back of the car and put them in my room because that where she was sleeping and I was sleeping in the guest bedroom. me and harry went back to his house and got our clothes, thank god no one was there so I didn't have to explain myself. and we got back to my aunts flat and my mom was asleep in her bed and my aunt was asleep on the couch so i covered her with the blanket and me and harry went to the guest room and passed out.

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