and it begins..

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I was such a huge fan of harry and his band mates but I didn't wanna fan girl so when harry looked at me I had to keep my cool and treat him like a real person, "so what are you coming to London for?" he asks looking me in the eyes with his adorable smile. "to see my cousin" I say whispering because everyone else on the plane was sleeping. not wanting to end the conversation i took out my ear bud so he didn't think I didn't care I ask, " what about you harry?" already knowing the answer, "I live here" he says turning towards me "I just got back from..nevermind I live here" he says turning away from me which confused me, "how long are you here for?" he says I guess trying to change the subject but I wanted to know what he stopped telling me. "a year" I say smiling because I couldn't wait to see all of London and be able to be close to my cousin and aunt. his eyes widened, "won't you miss your family and boyfriend??" woah how did he know I had a boyfriend, how'd you know I have a boyfriend?" asking a little creeped out. "a beautiful woman like you isn't single!" he says touching my leg and I couldn't help but smile and start blushing. "aww thank you! and yes I will miss my family and boyfriend but I deserve to get away and be in London you know? I just graduated from high school and I haven't decided if I want to go to college or not" I say not believing I was actually having a conversation with the biggest pop star in the US, he was such a good listener I feel like I can tell him anything, I start telling him about Tyler being mad at me for being gone for so long, and he says "well alyssa if he really loves you he will stick it out" I nodded in agreement because he was right, I mean a year into our relationship Tyler left for Spain no it wasnt that long but I had to stick it out so I think it's just fair that he can to. we continued talking the rest of the flight I had given him my number because he seemed like a very nice guy to hangout with, after I gave him my number I was surprised he asked me to go to dinner with him once I was settled into my cousins house I was so excited that I made my first friend in London, I wasn't even on the ground yet. and I asked him to open the window blind an see we were about to land and I was so excited to see my cousin! I looked at him and confessed to him, "thank you harry for listening to me talk and giving me such great advice, I really hope we see each other and keep in touch while I'm here!" I say hoping I would be able to really get to know him. "you're very welcome beautiful! we will definitely keep in touch I will make sure of it!" he says kissing the back of my hand. I couldn't help but smile and look out the window again. I hear a woman say " we have arrived in London ladies and gentlemen, keep your seatbelts on we will be landing in 5 minutes" then it went silent, I couldn't help but think about Tyler and the last conversation we had. I decided I would take my phone out and check to see if I had any messages, I waited about 2 minutes and looked at my phone and saw it was about 9:30 am and that I had 10 texts and 6 phone calls 2 snapchats 5 twitter notifications. "woah miss popular I see" harry says giggling. I couldn't help but laugh a little, most of them were surprisingly from Tyler not wanting to read them I looked and saw 2 from my cousin and 2 from my mom. my cousin said, "lyss and I can not wait for you to finally be here! I'm going insane waiting for you to land! have a safe flight! xo Kendall!" then the other saying, " I'm at the airport waiting for you! can't wait to show you what your surprise is!!" i read the last part and get a huge smile on my face, then I read my moms messages, "hey sweetie I just got home and you have no idea how empty this house feels with you gone! I love you and I hope you have an amazing time" the second one saying "oh and don't do anything crazy, can't wait to hear about everything when you get home!" I read as I get a few tears in my eyes but whipping them away quickly hoping harry didn't see them, then I started reading Tyler's messages, "good morning babe!" "call me or text me when you land so I can talk to you!" "I miss you" "just so you know I'm not mad at you, I hope your not mad at me for hanging up I just don't wanna lose you!! ): " "Iove you bunches baby cakes" as I was reading them I could feel Harry's eyes on my screen and I looked and him, " well I guess he's not mad at me!" I say putting on a fake smile, "that's awesome baby cakes!" he says mimicking what he had read, I laugh and go look at my snap chats they were both of my cousin showing me she was here. we had finally landed and I got up and grabbed my bag underneath my seat and stretched, as we were walking off the plane I felt harry put his hands on my back and he walked up next to me and said, " well I guess I will see you sometime!" he says hugging me, "yes for dinner right?" "of course I'll text you when I get to my hotel and let you know what time I'll pick you up!" "sounds good" I say giving my final goodbye. I walked to my baggage claim and heard my name being screamed from what sounded like miles away, I looked up and saw my cousin running to me and jumped into my arms! "OH MY GOD I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" she says putting her feet on the floor and taking my carry on, "I missed you a ton Kendall!!" "how was your flight??" she says jumping up and down "it was great!! but omg you'll never guess who I say next to on the plane!" I say with the biggest smile on my face! "who? who? who? who?" she says I look over her shoulder to see harry walking towards us. "him!" I say pointing to harry.

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