Title your Story Part

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**3 months later**

since my mom was doing much better she suggested we go and meet Harry's parents because she didn't want to since her accident. I called harry at the studio and asked him if we could all go out to dinner with his mom and her boyfriend. he was a little hesitant at first but he knew it was something I wanted. "let me call my mother and ask her what time she's available." I heard oohing in the back ground. I couldn't help but laugh "sorry babe the boys are a little hyper off candy and energy drinks" he said laughing "it's fine, call me when you get outta the studio, and we can meet somewhere." "okay babe, I love you! and I'll see you soon" he said hanging up. I went and laid down for a bit because I wasn't feeling to well. I must have fallen asleep because I heard my mom yelling from down stairs for me to get ready to leave in 10 mins. harry must have called my mom and told her the details I started frantically getting ready, I threw on the black skinny jeans and crop top I bought while shopping with Kendal and my mom a few days ago. then I went into the bathroom but my hair in a side braid and threw on some simple make up. but on some perfume and deodorant, grabbed my phone and bag then put on some black high heels, i ran downstairs "lyss you look really good!" my mom said spinning me around "thank mama so do you!" I said kissing her cheek "you ready to go?" my aunt said walking to the door, we walked to the car and got ready we were in the car for awhile and I had an urge to throw up but it didn't come out. we finally got to the restaurant and there were a bunch of paps and fans of course. I saw Harry's car and I got really excited because I hadn't seen him in a few days because he was busy with the album and doing a bunch of interviews. I got out of the car and grabbed my moms hand who grabbed my aunts hand and she grabbed Kendall's hand. we ran into the restaurant and I made sure everyone got in safe. I hear harry call my name and I saw he's with his mom and his sister. Gemma and Kendal are already best friends so there was no need to introduce them to each other, harry walked to me and kissed me not caring that his mom and my mom were around. my mom cleared her throat and walked up to Harry's mom and introduced herself. then harry said "mom this is my girlfriends mother" "hello love" his mom said "and mom this is my beautiful girlfriend alyssa!" he said smiling from ear to ear. "harry! she's way more beautiful then you described!" his mom said hugging me "aww ms styles, you're to sweet!" "oh please honey call me mom!" she said then looked at my mom "if it's okay with you" she said smiling at my mom, I knew she wouldn't mind but it was nice of her to ask "oh yeah that's fine I don't mind! as long as your son can call me mom!" she said laughing a little, then they sat down and started talking about god knows what. "and Alyssa this is my sister Gemma!" he said pushing her forward, "hello Alyssa!" she said smiling "hi! it's very nice to meet you!" I said hugging her "and we all know who I am!" harry said sarcastically "yes we do!" I said kissing him, we sat down once everyone got introduced. we were in deep conversation when I started to not feel very well, I guess it showed because harry leaned over and whispered in my ear. "you okay love?" I nodded yeah because I didn't want him to worry, Harry's mom was sitting next to me and she noticed I didn't look so good, "Alyssa are you feeling okay? you don't look to good." she said pushing the hair away from my face. everyone else was in a conversation "I have to go to the bathroom!" I said quickly getting up, I ran to the bathroom and immediately threw up, but it weird because I haven't eaten anything. so maybe I need to eat a little something. I was done throwing up and I went to wash my face when I heard the door open, I saw my mom and Harry's mom walk in. "Alyssa what's the matter?" my mom said walking up to me, "idk I just threw up out of no where. maybe I need to eat something" so we went back to the table and saw we had gotten our food so I sat down and we all started eating. I started to feel a little better. "so alyssa what do you like the most about my brother?" Gemma said smiling and looking at harry and I "I don't like anything about him." I paused and everyone stopped and looked really confused..even harry did. "I love everything about him!" I said smiling, everyone relaxed and started to laugh, I felt Harry's hand grab my leg, I looked at him, "you okay?" I said "yes I'm perfect!" I smiled. when everyone was finished we went back to my aunts flat with Harry's mom and sister. so when we got to the flat my aunt started making coffee and Gemma and Kendal ran upstairs laughing. me, harry, his mom, my mom and aunt sat on the couch and started to talk about life and harry being on tour soon. "do you think you'll be able to be without him for awhile?" Harry's mom questioned, I wish I could go with him on your but it would be way to distracting. "I'm not sure but I can definitely try." I said grabbing Harry's hand "I know I will miss him so much but I know it's something he loves and I'll stand by him till the end!" I said putting my head on Harry's shoulder "well that's just precious!" his mom said "aren't they! they get more and more adorable together everyday!" my mom said smirking. I could feel I was about to throw up again so I excused myself and ran to the bathroom, I don't understand what is wrong with me! I went back downstairs and I decided id go lay down. "I'm sorry but I'm not feeling to great, so I'm gonna go up and lay down." I said as Harry's mom got up, "of course sweetie! I hope you feel better and it was great meeting you! I hope we can do this again! maybe when your feeling better." she said then hugged me. she whispered in my ear, "I support you and my son!" I smiled and hugged her "thank you!" I hugged my mom and aunt then hugged and kissed harry goodnight. "you want me to come up, with you?" he asked "no babe stay with your mom, I'll be fine" I said walking away and up stairs. I got to my room and laid down, I got a comforting feeling when I heard everyone laughing downstairs. I got up and got changed and found one of Harry's shirts in my closet and it smelled just like him I put the shirt on and laid down. I then slowly drifted off to sleep. the next few weeks have been the same, waking up every morning throwing up, and feel like complete crap all day. my mom suggested I go to the doctor so, harry took me. I got to the office and waited till they called me back. I sat in the room with harry, he looked so worried. "babe I hope you're okay!!" he said walking over to me. "me too! I hate feeling like this!" I heard the door open and a doctor walked through the door, he smiled and shook me and harrys hand. "hello, im doctor garcia." he said then he started to check my breathing and all the other normal check up things. "when did you start feeling like this?" he said "umm about 3 weeks ago." he nodded "and when's the last time you were sexually active?" he asked "umm why is that important?" I asked "just procedure" he said smiling "uhh about 3 months." I said looking at harry, "what? with who?" he asked trying to lighten up the mood I guess. "okay and when is the last time you had your period?" I wasn't sure about when that was. "umm I'm not sure." I said looking down. "well I'm gonna need to take a pee sample and I'm gonna need you to get some blood brawn for me" he said writing out a form, I hate needles so I grabbed Harry's hand. "okay take this cup and the bathroom is down the hall and to the left." I got up and grabbed the cup, then walked down the hall. I did what the doctor told me and I put it in a little nook looking spot across from the bathroom. I walked into the office to see harry by himself. "hey where did the doctor go?" I said sitting down on harry's lap "he had to go get the stuff for your blood work" I was soo nervous just thinking about needles freaked me out. it had been about 15 mins since I came back into the room and felt the urge to throw up again. I ran to the bathroom to throw up, I knew something was wrong with me. but not what I was about to be told, I was walking back to the room when I saw the doctor walking towards me with the needles, he took my blood and told us if we need anything to just call. "thank you." I said to the doctor then looking at harry. he looked really worried "I wish there was something I could do to help you feel better." he said standing in front of me. "I know babe but hopefully the doctor can tell us what's wrong." I said hugging him, Harry's phone started to ring. "it's Simon, I'll be right back babe!" he said answering it and walking out to the hallway, the doctor came in a few seconds after harry left. "okay Alyssa I have some good news and I have some really good news." he said sitting in the chair next to me. "okay what is it?" I was so scared to hear what he had to say, even though I knew it was good news. "well the good news is you're not sick." he said then paused. then handed me a paper that was in an envelope. and the really good news is in that envelope." I looked down and the doctor walked to the door and turned around and said "congratulations!" then walked out and closed the door behind him. I could hear harry talking before he closed it. I was a little confused as to why the doctor said congratulations, then I opened the envelope and took out the paper, I unfolded it very slowly, then read what it said. I started crying in shock, I put my hand over my mouth. "congratulations, you're pregnant!" I couldn't believe it. this explains why I was so sick and moody all the time, I was so overly happy that I wanted to wait and tell harry till everyone was together! so I folded up the paper and put it in my pocket. I got up and walked outside to look for harry who was looking at the floor on the phone, "hey!" I said quietly, he smiled. "okay thanks uncle si! talk to you later!" he said hanging up, "so what did the doctor say?" he asked as we walked out to the car "oh just that I will be feeling better in a day or two" I couldn't tell harry the good news even though I wanted to so badly. "so it was just something you ate?" he asked as we got into the car "yeah I guess so" I said smiling and kissing him. I couldn't stop smiling, I just wanted to get home and tell everyone. "hey you should invite your mom and sister over tonight!" I said "okay I'll call when we get to your aunts flat." he said happily, I decided id call Louis and tell him to bring everyone over to my house, since they're all family. we got to my flat and I asked my aunt if Harry's family could come over for dinner. of course she said yes and ran to the grocery store to get a few things. i was overly happy, I started to think, what if harry doesn't want to keep it, what if he leaves me to raise the baby by myself. a million things were running through my head. i started to cry and heard harry walk through the door from talking to his mom, "mom will be here..omg babe what's wrong?" he said running to my side. "I need to talk to you..upstairs" I said because my mom was in the kitchen, we walked into my room and I had the envelope in my back pocket. we got to my room and we sat on the bed, "what's wrong love?" I was tearing up "remember what we did a few months ago?" he got a smile on his face "yes I do! why?" "well.." I said pulling out the envelope and handing it to him, he opened the envelope and took out the paper as he opened it I kissed him, "we're pregnant babe!" I said smiling and watching Harry's reaction, I don't think I've ever seen someone so happy! he couldn't stop kissing me "omg babe! this makes me so happy, you have no idea!" I thought he was gonna explode from excitement! "you're not mad?" I asked trying to calm him down, "no way babe! if anything I'm above and beyond excited!" we got so caught up in the moment we forgot we had people coming over. I started walking out the door to go down stairs "oh harry I invited the boys over as well!" I said smiling he ran up to me, picked me up and twirled me around kissing me. "im so happy babe! you have no idea!" we walked downstairs, my aunt and mom were in the kitchen, it smelled so good I couldn't wait for dinner "omgosh it smells soo good in here! do you need any help?" I asked "uhh yeah you can start the salad" she said pointing to the table. I started cutting everything up and putting it in a bowl. it was about 6:45 and I told the guys to get here at 7 so when I finished the salad, I went into the living room to see harry starring into space smiling like an idiot. I let him go, I walked past Kendall's room and saw she was getting ready, "love the outfit cuz!" she smiled and continued getting ready, I went into my closet and didn't know what to wear, I finally just threw on a skirt and a white top that I tucked into the skirt. I heard harry walking to the room, he put his hands around my waist and kissed my neck which gave me chills. "harry you have to get ready! the boys will be here in like 5 minutes!" I said laughing. he walked into my closet and picked out his clothes, so I walked to Kendall's room. "hey do this look okay?" I asked twirling around "yes lyss you always look good!" I smiled "what about my outfit?" she asked twirling like I did "perfect" she always looked so good! I don't know how she puts her outfits together but they were amazing "who you trying to impress?" I asked joking "well I wanna tell you but you will hate me." she said. I was just joking I didn't know she liked one of the boys. but which boy was it.."I could never hate you!" I said hugging her "well I've been talking to Louis for awhile, ever since you guys dropped the guys and there girlfriends off at the club we were at." she said smiling. omgosh Kendal likes Louis!! why didn't she tell me earlier!? "why didn't you tell me this earlier?" "well I would have but I didn't want it getting around" she said fixing her hair. well we better get down stairs I think I hear the guys, Kendal ran downstairs almost knocking me down. when I got to the living room I saw all the guys with there girlfriends but Louis and elenour wouldn't even look at each other. "hey boys!" I said hugging them all then went and hugged then hugged Perrie, Sophia, Abby and then elenour. she seemed kind of distant with everyone, then I went and said hello to Harry's mom and sister, of course they already made there way into the kitchen, so I asked elenour to come out front with me so I could talk to her. we went outside and sat at the steps "is everything okay?" "i don't know, Louis has been acting weird lately. but why do you care?" she said giving me attitude "I'm just trying to help!" I said giving it back because my hormones were going crazy, I'm sure in a little bit I'll be crying. elenour got up then walked into the house. I walked in behind her and made eye contact with harry them rolled my eyes in annoyance, he just chuckled. then I saw Louis an elenour walk out of the room. I wonder how this is gonna end..I made my way to the dinning room table where Perrie, Abby and Sophia were sitting and talking, I sat down and joined there conversation. a few minutes passed, my mom called everyone into the dining room for dinner and boy did it look good! "omgosh everything looks so good!" I said sitting near harry. everyone agreed and started to eat. harry was getting anxious to tell everyone the news, after a few minutes and a lot of talking and laughing, I started to getting nervous to tell everyone. I had an awesome way of revealing it to everyone. once we cleared the table some of the boys made there way to the living room and turned on the tv, once we were done cleaning I held harry back and told him how I was gonna reveal it and he got excited, "ready?" I said as I walked into the living room to see everyone horsing around and seeing Harry's mom try to calm everyone down. Louis seemed to be in a better mood since elenour left after they talked, but no one wanted to ask what happened so we let it go. I walked over to the tv and turned it off "hey!!" all the boys said together. "hey nothing let's play a game of charades!" I said knowing the guys loved games so of course the guys went one by one and then the girls went up. I was after Sophia and she made if hard for people to guess but finally Niall guessed it, it was my turn and I made eye contact with harry. he just smiled and took a deep breath as I did to. I put up two fingers "two words!" then I put up one finger "first word." then I pointed to myself and harry. "her!" "him" "we" I pointed to my nose which meant correct, then I made a pirate hook with my finger "hook!" "bent" then made a pirate face "are!" Liam said "we are!" "we're!" my mom said I pointed to my nose again. I could tell harry was getting excited and anxious. then I put up two fingers again "second word" then I made a crying face "sad!" "tired" I shook my head then I made a stomach motion like pregnant woman do when they have a big stomach. "fat!" Louis yelled which made everyone laugh "PREGNANT!" harry yelled then got up and took the paper out of his pocket that the doctor had given us. I smiled and looked at everyone but no one got it everyone got quiet then it clicked in my moms head, "OMG YOURE PREGNANT!!" she said jumping off the couch and running to hug me and harry. "yep! me and harry are expecting!" I said breaking the hug with my mom. then Harry's mom got up and hugged us. "that was a very clever way of telling us alyssa!" zayn said "thank you zayn!" everyone started hugging us and congratulating us. I was so happy about the outcome of everyone's reaction. the rest of the night we talked about the baby, names and all that stuff! my mom and Harry's mom were doing most of the talking. it was about 11:30 and all the boys had left to go out for drinks, I told the girls they could stay the night but they had things to do the next day so they went home. I started getting really tired so I said goodnight to my mom and aunt, then Harry's mom. they were so caught up in the planning they didn't realize everyone had left. and Gemma and Kendal had gone to sleep up in Kendall's room. I walked up stairs alone because harry was out with the boys and I didn't mind because he deserved to go out. I laid down after getting changed, then slowly fell asleep.

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