Title your Story Part

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing! harry was talking to another girl and dancing with her. of course I got jealous and decided id do the same, I grabbed the guy Kendal brought over and took him to the dance floor where harry was and started dancing with this guy. I looked over at harry to see that he was starring at us. after about a half hour later I stopped. dancing and went to the bad to get a drink, I asked the bar tender to get me the same thing I got before, when I heard a voice say "and two shots please!" it sounded very familiar but is just kept looking the other way, but I wanted to look and see it was so bad, when the bartender brought over my drink I got up and started walking away when I felt someone pull my arm, I turned around and saw it was harry! "hey you look fuckin sexy!" he says stumbling on his words, I look at him weirdly "why are you talking to me right now? you completely ignored me that night when I needed you!!" I tell into his ear, "me? you're the one that left me at the door after I kissed you!" I looked at him and turned around and brought him outside and down an alley. I cleared my throat and started to explain what happened that night. after I had explained everything i waited for him to respond but he didn't "are you gonna say anything?" I said expecting an answer.. when I felt him push his lips onto mine and we moved in sync with each other and I felt him pull away and smile. "lyss I wanted to respond that night but you hurt me so bad I laid in bed all night just thinking about what happened, I didn't get out of bed until tonight when your cousin called me and told me to come to the club. I only came to see you! so you could see how much I cared about you and lo-" I cut him off by kissing him again. "harry you honestly don't know how good it feels to hear you say that! because honestly I really really like you!" I say hugging him, I wasn't sure what he'd say next but he kissed the top of my head and we ended up getting a cab back to my place and when we got to my aunts flat I took him upstairs and sat him on my bed and went into the bathroom and took off my dress and makeup and put on my shorts and a shirt. I had some men's sweat pants that I have to him so he could change out of his jeans and get comfortable. I laid in my bed and waited for harry to get changed. harry gets into the bed with me and kisses my forehead, "you looked absolutely beautiful tonight!" I was shocked he said beautiful because I was going for the sexy look but any compliment he gives means a lot. "thank you" I say getting closer to him and laying my head on his bare chest, he starts playing with my hair which automatically makes me really sleepy and I wrapped my legs around his legs and yawned, "Alyssa before you go to sleep I tell you something." he says looking down at me. but fell asleep just listening to his voice and heartbeat.

****next morning****

I woke up in Harry's arms which made me so happy. I had the worst hangover so I ended up in the bathroom about 3 times and the last time I threw up harry came in and held my hair back and rubbed my back which was so sweet of him. "thank you, for doing that!" I say before washing my face and teeth, "no problem baby cakes!" he says laughing which made me giggle. I went back to the bed and sat there while harry brushed his teeth that I found when I woke up and I caught myself starring at him and I smiled. once he came back to bed he grabbed my hands and kissed them. "do you remember anything that happened lastnight?" he asked "no do you?" which I lied I remembered that he was dancing with another girl and that we were able to talk about everything. "I remember some things but no much." he says watching me lay back down because my head hurt. "ohh okay did we do anything stupid?" I say looking at him. "all I remember is walking in the club and seeing you at the bar sitting with other guys and getting jealous, so I grabbed a girl and asked her to dance with me. then I remember kissing you outside of the club" he says "yeahh I remember those two things two! haha" then we heard a knock on the door, it was Kendal she looked rough! "omg Kendal what happened to you?" I say sitting up and going to the edge of the bed where she was sitting, "well after you left me with that guy he ordered me a couple more drinks and then after that I don't remember." I felt bad that I left her at the club by herself! "I'm so sorry I didn't come back to get you but I just wanted to go to sleep!" "it's okay lyss, I see you and harry are okay" she says looking at me and harry. "yeahh we talked about everything I'm guessing." when I heard my aunt calling us to come downstairs where she had cooked up all a big breakfast! "omgosh aunt mary did you make this for us?" I say hugging her, "yeahh I figured you needed something in your stomachs. "harry nice to see you here!" she says pouring us all orange juice. "nice to see you to!" harry says sitting down next to me. we all ate and helped to clean up. then we got showers and got dressed to go out just the three of us. "ALYSSA! HARRY! GET DOWN HERE!!!" I hear my aunt yelling, so we both ran down stairs to see the tv had a picture of me and harry kissing in front of the front door and at the club last night. "what the hell!! they just can't give up!" the reporter said " is harry seeing a mystery woman?!" I can't believe they got pictures of us last night, even the night we went to dinner! "well atleast they have there story straight this time!" harry says turning to face me and grabbed my hands. "Alyssa I know this is fast but..will you be my girlfriend?" he says looking me in the eyes, I was in complete shock! "omg yes yes yes!" I say kissing him. "awww my little niece has a boyfriend!" my aunt said hugging us. I could t believe he asked me to be his girlfriend! I was on cloud nine! I had to tell my mom so I asked my mom to FaceTime me. and I got a call from her but I told harry to get out of the frame so she wouldn't expect anything just yet. "hey mom!" I say waving at her "hey honey how's everything going?" she says waving back. "everything's great I say with the biggest smile on my face! what about you mom? " she knew something was up "just working and hanging out with friends like before, what's got you so happy?" she said smiling "mom I have a surprise!" "ohh goodness you know I hate surprises alyssa!" me and harry couldn't help but laugh, I pulled harry into the frame and he got the cutest smile on his face! "hi Alyssa's mom!" he said waving "lyss honey who is that cute looking fella "mom this is harry my boyfriend!" I say kissing his cheek "awww that's adorable! I'm happy for the both of you!" I knew my mom would love him! "thank you mom!" I said smiling "and I know your father would love him to!" she said hesitantly "I got a little chocked up when she said that, because my father passed away 2 and a half years ago from a heart attack and I was so upset because he was like my bestfriend! "I know he would mom! well me and harry just wanted to say hi to you and tell you the good news! I love you and miss you!" I said waving good bye "love you too lyss! and harry!" she said catching both of our attention, " you better treat her like a princess or I will hunt you down!" she says smiling "no problem ma'am I couldn't even imagine hurting her!" he says looking at me "alright mom I'll text you later! love you bunches!" and I hung up and locked my phone. "well that went better then I expected!" harry said looking at me with my head down, "what's wrong love?" "nothing just thinking about my dad is all" I say getting up to go to the bathroom and cry but harry grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto his lap and pushed my head onto his chest which made me cry instantly. "everything is going to be alright love!" he says rubbing my back and kissing the top of my head. "I just miss him so much harry!" "I know you do babe but he wouldn't want you crying about it!" I looked up at him and kissed him, "you're honestly amazing!" I said smiling. "hey this is what I'm here for!" he said kissing my forehead, I just laid my head back onto his chest listening to his heartbeat. "hey you wanna go back to my flat so I can grab some clothes?" he says "yeah let's go babe!" I said standing up. we walked downstairs to where my aunt and cousin were. "okay well we're gonna go to Harry's so he can get some clothing and stuff. is that okay?" I said holding Harry's hand "yeah go ahead, just be back by dinner!" my aunt said "okay we will! bye guys!" I we both said waving at them. we got into the car and drove down the street harry held my hand the entire time. when we got to his flat there were car in his drive way "are these all yours?" I asked "no I have to introduce you to some people!" he said getting out of the car, he opened my door and walked me to his door and I heard loud laughing and jumping around, when we walked in there were 4 guys just jumping around and a girl sitting at the kitchen table just laughing at them all, when all of a sudden they stopped and looked at us at the door. "HARRY!" they all yelled and ran up and tackled him I moved away from them so I wouldn't get hit by god knows what. and I saw the the girl walk over to me, "hi I'm Abby! sorry about the guys, they have horrible MANNERS!" she says really loud and they all break away from the hug. "no it's fine! haha I understand completely!" I said smiling at them all, harry walks over to me and introduces me to the guys, "Alyssa this is Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, and of course Abby's man Niall Horan" harry says, "hello nice to meet you all!" "well are you gonna introduce this young lady to us harry or what?" Louis says "right sorry guys, this is my girlfriend alyssa!" harry says putting his arm around my waist, "it's very nice to meet such a beautiful girl!" Liam says grabbing my hand and kissing it. they each said the same thing and kissed my hand besides Niall because of his girlfriend, all the boys ran into the living room leaving me and Abby by ourselves, "it's very nice to meet you alyssa, I'm finally not the only girl in this group!" she says hugging me, I laugh at what she says and we walk into the living room with the boys and I sit between harry and Louis. Abby sits on Nialls lap. "so guys what are we doing tonight?" Louis jumps and says "Louis calm yourself lad you don't wanna scare alyssa!" zayn says smiling at me. "sorry about that!" Louis says I just smile. but no one answered Louis because I think Niall and Abby had there own plans and me and harry were going back to my flat for dinner. but I looked at harry and kissed his cheek. "well that's enough pad for tonight guys!" Louis yells and we all couldn't help but laugh. about and hour later me and Abby had made our way into the kitchen to get something to drink. "so do they all live here with harry?" I say laughing "no just Louis, but you'd think they live here because they never leave" she says looking out at them, "but don't worry you get use to them, acting like clowns trust me!", " they're so much fun!" I say taking a sip of my drink, when I feel hands around my waist. "having fun in here ladies?" harry says "tons! just getting to know eachother!" I say smiling "good I'm glad you are! when do you wanna leave to back for dinner?" harry says I look at my phone clock and it says 5:12 "umm we can leave in like 20 minutes if that's okay with you?" "yeah sounds perfect to me! wanna come up to my room with me so I can get my clothes and you can help me pick them out?" harry says turning me around to face him. "yeahh of course" I say before turning to Abby and giving her a hug and we all walk out of the kitchen together, Abby went and say with Niall and I went upstairs with harry and I heard them whistle I just laughed then I heard Abby telling them to shut up and I laughed again. we walked into Harry's room and I sat on his bed while he went to his closet and started picking out clothes, "hey harry can I use your bathroom?" I ask getting up "of course babe, this is your house now to!" he says winking at me. I use the bathroom and come out to harry changing his clothes to something nicer, "sorry I should have warned you before walking out!" he laughed "babe I don't care if you see me half naked, you're aloud to. plus I walk around naked half the time anyways!" he says smirking "good to know harry!" I say laughing "ready to go babe?" harry says grabbing his bag and grabbing my hand "sure am!" we walk down stairs to a quiet room.. "alright lads were leaving!" "so soon!!" they all say "yes so soon we have a dinner to be at" harry says hugging everyone good bye, then they all hugged me at once! and getting a million forehead kisses which surprised me! I gave Abby a final hugged and said goodnight to them all. and we got back into the car. "well that was loads of fun right babe?" harry says turning on the car, "oh yes it was!" I said giggling. "so I suppose you know that I'm in a band with them all!" harry says looking at me and back on the road. "yes I knew the on the plane! but I don't care, I support anything you do. and I love your band so it's just a bonus!" I say kissing his cheek. he looked surprised "wow I knew I liked you! you're not a crazy fan that just wants me for my money!" I looked at him "no! I like you for you Harry Edward Styles!" I was so happy to be with him! we finally arrived at my house, we walked through the door and it smelled so good inside, I yelled "were home!" and my aunt popped her head around the corner "okay dinner will be done in 5 minutes so go wash up!" we ran upstairs harry put his bag on the bed and we washed our hands then went down to the kitchen and ate the delicious meal! "omgosh aunt mary! this was absolutely delicious!" "yes I agree with Alyssa! thank you for having me for dinner!" harry says taking his and my plate to the sink. "you two are very welcome! and harry you're welcome here anytime!" she says smiling we walked up stairs after helping aunt mary clean up. I told harry id be right back and I went to Kendall's room and knocked on her door. "Kendall is lyss! open up!" I said knocking again! she opened the door and it looked like she had been crying "what's wrong!" I said following her to her bed, "something's wrong" she says on the verge of tears. "what happened? talk to me please!"

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