history starts here part 2

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I picked up the phone and immediately say, "hey babe, what are you doing up this late?", " I could ask you the same thing!" he says with an attitude. I don't know what Tyler means by that, but I ignore it and finally get up the courage to tell him what is happening, "babe I have to tell you something" I say get excited again. "uh oh what's wrong?" he says "nothing..well it depends on how you look at it" i take a deep breath and finally spit it out, "I'm going to London for a year! isn't that exciting babe??!" I say hoping he's as excited as I am. "um what about us?" he says with an attitude. "what about us? we can still be together ri-" he interrupts me and says, "I think we need to talk about this later" and hangs up the phone. I put my phone down and continue packing and cleaning up. I end up falling asleep at about 3:30, and being woken up at 8 to get ready for the airport. I look at my phone for the last time before putting it in my carry-on and no texts from Tyler just from my cousin saying " I can't wait to finally see you! and I have a surprise for you when you get here! xoxo Kendall" I smile and turn my phone off and put it in my bag. I get into the car with my mom who already had my suit case in the car and she says "are you ready?" I just nod yes. "what's wrong sweetie? you should be excited?" she says concerned, "oh I am. it's just that I told Tyler about me leaving and he isn't happy" I say looking out the window, "trust me honey he will get over it and be excited like you should be right now!" " yeah I guess" I say while turning on the radio. as I turned on the radio I hear me and Tyler's song come on by one direction. and I get tears in my eyes and quickly whip them away, and turn the station. after about 2 hours I'm finally at the airport with my bags, boarding pass, and passport. "okay sweetie I gotta get home! I love you so much and I hope you have an amazing time!" she says while hugging me and getting tears in her eyes. "aw mom please don't cry I love you too and I will call you as soon as I get to Kendall's house!" I give her one final kiss and head into the airport and my carry on, and suitcase that I didn't ship to London. I walked around the airport for about an hour and got some coffee and a bagel and sat down in my terminal I saw that there were a lot of people on this flight. I got out my iPod and headphones and listened to music when I heard "flight to London is now boarding" I got up and got out my boarding pass and started walking to the gate and handing the lady my ticket, she handed it back and said " enjoy your flight ma'am" "thank you" I said as I grabbed my ticket and walking into the plane. I found my seat and saw the a curly hair guy was sitting in my row but I couldn't see his face because his head was down. I walked up to the row and say next to him and he looked up he had sunglasses on so I couldn't see his eyes but he looked very familiar, but I said "hi I'm Alyssa" he just gave a quick smile and looked back down so I looked out the window to see the sun shining and I smiled thinking about being in London with my cousin and aunt. the last few people finally made there way to there seats. and the flight attendant started making her speech about flight safety. when she was finished I took out my phone and turned it on to check if I got any messages and I had none so I put it back in my bag. and looked at the man sitting next to me and he was putting his phone away. he looked at me as I was looking out the window and he says, "I know you were looking at me!" I looked back at him and said "I was just looking out the window, not at you!" with an attitude because I was wondering why Tyler hasn't text me yet, he always texts me in the morning. by I just shook it off, so I looked over at the man next to me and I asked the curly haired man what his name was and he pretended he didn't hear me so I nudged him with my elbow and said, " hello, I'm asking you a question!" "Harry! Harry styles! happy?" he snaps back with an attitude, "very" I say back. wondering what his problem was, so I just ignored it and put my headphones in and started to fall asleep since this would be a long plane ride. I guess I had fallen asleep because I suddenly felt someone pushing my shoulder and I fluttered my eyes open and looked to see it was harry. I took out my headphone and to see what he wanted, " I have to get to the bathroom can you please let me out?" I moved so he could go, I took a good look at Harry, and I looked at my iPod to see what was playing of course it was one direction because that's all I really ever listen to, especially since I was upset. and I locked my screen and immediately looked back at the album cover and recognized who it was sitting next to me! "omg!" I say out loud but quiet enough so no one but myself could hear me. I'm sitting next to harry fricken styles! but I kept my cool because I didn't want him to think I was another crazy fan, all of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was harry so I moved so he could get back to his seat. "thanks" he said with a smirk. "no problem harry" I say with a smile

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