Title your Story Part

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I hear harry drive away and I start walking upstairs when I hear Kendall "how was the dinner??" with a big smile on her face, "fine" I say running up stairs and closing my door. I see my phone sitting on the bed I must have forgotten it when I was rushing out the door. I have to talk to Tyler I looked at my phone to see 7 texts from Tyler! so I called him..a few rings later " hello?" "hey babe did I wake you?" "yeah kinda" how was your flight?" he says with a sleepy voice that made me smile forgetting about the kiss. "ohh it was long, I couldn't stop thinking about you though!" I say taking off my shoes "aww really? look I'm really sorry about hanging up on you! but I have to tell you something.." he says taking a deep breath. "what is it? is everything okay?" "just listen to me and just know I wasn't thinking straight at all that night you called me." I was soo scared to hear what he had to tell me. "well umm..." he had a long pause, "I cheated on you with your bestfriend." my heart dropped and into my stomach. "you did what??" I say in tears "Alyssa I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for it to happen it kinda just happened!" "but why? why did you do this to me? to us?" I say crying "I told you I wasn't thinking straight, I was so upset that you were leaving and that I wasn't gonna see you in a long time, and I called your bestfriend to talk to her and she came over to my house and we started talking and one thing led to another and we had sex." I was in tears I could not believe what I was hearing "OMG Tyler I'm so done with you! never talk to me again! delete my number and everything! I want absolutely nothing to do with you!" I say hanging up throwing my phone across the room. I cried into my pillow when I heard a knock on my door "go away!" I say in my pillow. "honey it's me" my aunt says opening the door and walking in sitting next to me. "I heard you crying..was dinner that bad?" she said hoping I would laugh but I was way to crushed to ever think about laughing. "no Tyler cheated on me with my bestfriend!" I said crying even harder "omgosh Alyssa I'm so so sorry! did he say why?" she says rubbing my back, "yeah he said it was because I was leaving for London and he wasn't gonna see me and something about he couldn't think straight." I say sitting up whipping my tears away, "aww honey he doesn't deserve your tears, believe me there's someone better out there!" she was right but I still couldn't believe it, everything has happened so fast that I couldn't comprehend everything. "well how was dinner with harry?" she says hoping it went better then my phone call. "it was so much fun aunt Mary! I don't think I've had that much fun with someone since Tyler! the paparazzi even showed up to the restaurant harry cleared out just for us" I say laughing at the jokes he was telling and the stories he was telling me about his bestfriends, "also I have to tell you something" I say hesitating to say it "harry...kissed me." I say covering my mouth trying to hide my smile. "he kissed you??!" she said surprised. "yeah when he dropped you off but I didn't know about what Tyler had done, so I just left him there..omg harry must hate me!" I say covering my mouth again! "I have to call him!" I say jumping out of my bed to get my phone. "well honey I hope he's not mad at you and I'm very sorry again about Tyler!" I didn't say anything before she shut the door I just needed to talk to harry, before he does something stupid or falls asleep. I pressed on his name and it started ringing but he didn't answer so I called him again and again, but no answer. I was so scared that something happened. I honestly did have feelings for harry I just didn't know it myself until now. I decided that since he wasn't answering his phone maybe he would answer my text message. "hey harry, I'm sure your probably mad at me or upset about what just happened. but I need to talk to you. I really really need to talk to. please call me or respond to me whenever your ready. xoxo baby cakes (:" I added the last part hoping he would cheer up and call me but after about a half hour he never responded. so I got ready for bed and took off my make up and put my hair up. I got back into bed and started falling asleep when I remembered I had to call my mom..god I hope she's awake! she always knows what to say and how to comfort me. I dialed her number and it rang about 3 times and I heard her pick up.. "mom!" I say hoping I didn't wake her "Alyssa sweetie, is everything okay? she says concerned. "no mom I'm not okay! I just got the worst news I could have ever received and I ruined things with harry!" I say about to cry again, "okay honey I'm gonna need you to calm down and explain to me what happened." so I told her what happened with Tyler and she said he's not worth your tears and if he's stupid enough to cheat no matter what happens or where you go, he doesn't deserve an amazing girl like you!" I couldn't help but start crying because i knew she was right. "and how did you ruin things with harry?" she says "well dinner was absolutely perfect and I had such a good time! we laughed the entire time and the paparazzi showed up when we got there and when we left. then he took me to the front door and..." I said pausing " he kissed me." "please tell me you kissed him back!" my mom says in excitement which I thought was funny, "I would have if I would have found out about Tyler before the kiss! but I messed up and left him at the front door!" "ALYSSA!! why???" she says about to rip my head off through the phone. "because I didn't know Tyler cheated on me!! I feel absolutely horrible about it and I called him and text him and no answer!" I say getting more and more upset with each word! "well I'm glad you atleast tried to apologize! have you talked to your aunt marry about this?" she says "yeahh I did and she said to call him but I did and no answer so I called you." "just give him time, I'm sure he will come around sooner or later!" she says yawning "mom do you want me to let you go?" I say yawning myself "yeah honey are you going to be okay?", "yes mom I'm gonna get some sleep myself! I'll call you when I hear from harry and let you know what happened" I say laying down in bed, "okay honey well I really hope everything works out!" she says happily "me to mom! thank you soo much for talking to me! I love you to pieces!" I say "you're welcome honey that's what mothers are for! I love you to goodnight!" she says and I hang up. putting my phone on the bed next to me so I can wake up if harry calls me. and I slowly fall asleep.

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