Title your Story Part

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I woke up the next morning with a horrible headache and a arm over my naked body. what happened last night and who was I laying with? I slowly got out of the bed trying not to wake whoever I was laying with, I turned around to look. a huge relief came over me, it was harry. but I thought he left..I went into the bathroom and got dressed, fixed my hair, I walked into the room and left harry a note "hey harry I don't know what happened lastnight but I have to go home and be with Darcey, thanks for the night. xoxo lyss" and left the hotel room. I got a taxi, when I got to my house it was quiet so I checked in my moms room, she was sleeping then I went into Darcey's room and saw she sound asleep, I smiled and walked into my room and fell asleep until I heard Darcey crying, I moaned and got up. "I'm coming baby girl" I said walking into Darcey's room. I picked her up and went downstairs to make her a bottle, I fed her and went back upstairs to get a shower. "mommys gonna get a shower, you gonna be a good little girl for mommy and not cry?" I said placing her in her play pen. I got a shower and then got dressed for the day, I walked out of the bathroom and picked up Darcey we went downstairs to make my mom and I breakfast/lunch. "good afternoon honey!" I heard my mom say walking down stairs "hey! how was your night with baby girl?" I asked handing her the cup of coffee I made her "she was perfect, how was your night? I'm guessing you didn't get home till late?" she said then sipped her coffee, "I just got home a few hours ago actually, I guess I crashed at Harry's hotel room" I said shrugging "well at least you got home safe!" she said hugging me "so what's on the agenda for today?" she asked "umm I'm not really sure" I said put our breakfast on plates "we should have a mommy daughter day?" I suggested handing her her plate "sounds like fun to me!" she said smiling "thank you for breakfast" she said, I put the left overs in the fridge then washed the dishes, I heard Darcey crying so I went onto the front porch with her and just watched the cars drive by. I went back into the house and looked at my phone to see a text from Sophia, I unlocked my phone "hey what happened lastnight?" I don't even know the answer to that, I replied and said "honestly soph I don't know, I woke up in Harry's bed naked, I don't even remember leaving the club" I put my phone down and put Darcey down for her nap, I walked back to my phone and had two texts, Sophia and an unknown number. I looked at Sophia's "yeah I think you need to talk to harry, he's pretty pissed!" I immediately started to shake..what did I do? "what do you mean pissed?" I replied then went to the other text. "hey Alyssa it was great seeing you lastnight!" I was so confused "who is this?" I replied. I tried to call harry but it went straight to voicemail, I left him a voicemail to call me back ASAP! I got another text "it's Tyler..your ex!" my heart immediately sunk, omg what the fuck happened! "how did u get my number??" I sent he replied right back "I text myself from your phone lastnight before you walked away from me!" I blocked his number from my phone and deleted my messages to him, then my phone went off again "like he's so pissed he flipped out on everyone and left and hasn't come back since this morning" she sent me "well we need to go look for him!! can you come get me?" I sent. "yes I'll be there in 10!" I read it and ran upstairs to tell my mom that I had to leave and that ill explain later, she ran downstairs to get Darcey, I walked outside as soph pulled into the driveway. "hey..where do you think he went?" I asked her we pulled out of the drive way, "I don't know to be honest" we drove past the beach when I saw him! "stop the car!" I yelled she pulled over, I ran out of the car and called out Harry's name, he turned around and started walking towards me, "harry.." "don't talk to me right now!" he said cutting me off "what the fuck did I do???" I said pulling his arm "you wanna know what you did?" he said turning around, he was scaring me. I've never seen him this pissed before. "yes I wanna know!" I said looking him in the eyes "well let's see, you got piss drunk lastnight, then I saw you grinding on some guy, then you kissed him..you kissed him Alyssa!" he said in tears "then I come back to get you and see you and the same guy talking against the building, thank god I came or he probably would have done something to you!" he said grabbing my arm "wait I kissed someone??" I said in tears "yes you did and it broke my heart into a million pieces!" he said full on crying now, he walked away. I couldn't do anything but fall to the sand and cry harder and harder. I heard soph come up behind me, "lyss let's go, you can't cry here!" she said picking me up "no I need to make things right with harry, I fuckin kissed someone else!" I said running after him, I saw him sitting on a bench with his head in his hands "harry.." I said quietly, he looked up at me "what?" he said mid cry "harry you honestly don't know how sorry I am, I never in any means want to hurt you! you're the best thing that has ever happened to me, if I lost you id die!" I said holding his hand sitting next to him "why did you do that?" he asked sniffling "harry I was drunk, that's not an excuse but I didn't mean for it to happen, honestly!" I said picking his head up. "please forgive me! if I have to never go out again, I'll do it! please forgive me I wanna be with you for the rest of my life!" as I said that he crashed his lips into mine "I love you!" he said. you have no idea how good it feels to hear him say that "I love you soo soo much harry!" I said hugging him "let's get out of here and go to your house" we walked up to Sophia's car and got in "everything okay now?" she asked looking at us holding hands "yes!" I said smiling, she drove us to my house, we got out and walking through the door to see Darcey laying on my moms chest sleeping, "aww they look precious" Sophia whispered "I know let's head up to my room to hangout" I said whispering and walking upstairs. we sat in my room and talked about what happened last night and it made me feel sick that I did such a thing to harry. "so what happened lastnight?" soph asked "I don't remember" I said looking at harry "but I guess I was grinding on a guy and kissed him" I said looking at Sophia, she had a shocked look on her face "omgosh that's not good" she said putting her hand up to her mouth "so are the guys pissed at me" harry asked getting Sophia's attention, she turned to look at him. "I don't think so, they know you're stressed. I'm sure if you talk to them they will fully understand" she said smiling. Sophia was always the one to make people feel better when they were down, she's an all around great person. "well I have to go I have a date with li tonight!" she said smiling then hugged me and harry. "bye, and have a fun night!" I said walking to watch her leave. "so what do you wanna do next?" I asked harry "umm we could take Darcey to the park, or we could go out to dinner" he said walking downstairs to see my mom awake. "well we could all go out to the park then to dinner, it's been awhile since we just went out" I said walking to pick Darcey up from my mom "I like that idea" my mom said walking to the kitchen where I was sitting so I could feed Darcey before we all left to go to the park. we all got ready to leave, it was about 5:30 and still light out. everyone was ready to leave so I loaded Darcey into her car seat, harry drove and my mom sat in the front seat with him. they started making conversation and I just looked out side the window. we got to the park and saw there were a few families there, we got out the stroller and I put Darcey in, buckled her in and we started walking around. I was surprised there were no paps or fans around, "this is nice babe!" harry said looking around, he looked at me and grabbed my hand, "I have to agree! it's actually quiet." I said laughing we were enjoying our walk around the park when Darcey started crying, I picked her up and held her for the rest of the way, we were almost at the car when we heard screaming and flashing lights, "harry! harry!" the fans and paps were screaming. I quickly got Darcey and my mom in the car, I saw harry take a few pictures with the fans. after a few pictures harry made his way into the car and we left to go to dinner, we didn't wanna get mobbed again so we went into a different town, we arrived at a cute little diner, "this is so cute" I said getting out, looking at all the cute little things that we're hanging from the roof. I got Darcey out of the car seat and we all walked in the diner, "table for 4" I said "okay follow me" we walked to a booth in the corner of the diner. "your waiter will be right with you" we all smiled while looking at the menu, "everything sounds so good" my mom said "all I know is that I'm starving" harry said chuckling, Darcey was in-between me and harry, I kept looking them two, it was actually really scary how much she looked like him. he glanced over and me and smirked, I loved when that little shit smirked. "hi my names jenn, I'll be your waitress tonight, can I get you all something to drink" "I'll have a hot tea" harry said "I'll have a water" I said "and I'll have a diet coke" my mom said "okay I'll be right back with your drinks" we all smiled. "mom what are you getting?" I asked trying to break the silences "I'm not really sure, the blt sounds really good" "that does sound good, what about you hazzy!" I asked kissing his cheek "I'm not sure maybe a slice of pizza" he said smiling and fixing his hair "ooh yummy" I said, the waitress came back with our drinks "are yall ready?" she asked looking at us all "yeah I think I'm gonna have the blt" my mom said closing her menu "I'm gonna have a Caesar salad and chicken noodle soup" I said closing my menu and sipping my water "and um I'll have a slice of cheese pizza please" harry said handing the waitress our menus, "great I'll get those out for you" "thank you" we all said "so when are we going back to London?" my mom asked, I started playing with Darcey "well we're leaving on Thursday, that is 2 days from now. "I can't wait to get back" I said holding Harry's hand. "I can't wait to have you all back" he said kissing my hand, I'm glad harry wasn't still mad about lastnight. "I never wanna lose any of you girls again!" he said as he went to grab my moms hand "damn how did I get so lucky!" I said smiling "I'm the lucky one, I have a beautiful family and amazing friends" he said smiling. I could help but feel horrible about the fact I kissed a guy. harry knew I was thinking about it "babe I'm not mad at you anymore" he whispers in my ear, I just smiled and nodded. the waitress have us our food, I felt like I was gonna be sick from thinking about it. I ate a little and played with Darcey while everyone else ate, once we were done we paid and went back to my place, "wanna hangout here?" harry asked "no I think I'm gonna take a nap, plus you have a show tonight right?" I said putting my things down, harry looked confused "well..I-I could stay with you till I have to leave" "it's up to you but I'm gonna put the baby down and take a nap" I said picking up Darcey and walking upstairs, I heard footsteps behind me. when I got to my room harry was laying down, "come on babe" he said moving over, I curled up against him, "I love you" he said. I woke up about 4 hours later and harry wasn't there, he must have went to rehearsals. I turned over and saw a note on his pillow "hey love I went to rehearsals, I left you backstage passes on the kitchen counter. see you tonight! xoxo harry" I jumped out of bed and went downstairs, I saw a bouquet of flowers and 3 backstage passes. I went into my room and saw Darcey moving around "good morning babygirl!" I said picking her up, "me and gigi are going out shopping today" I said walking to my mom room, "good morning mom" I said seeing her sitting in her bed reading a book, she put her book down "is that Gigi's baby" she said putting her hands out, she grabbed Darcey and started talking to her "you hungry mom?" I asked watching her with Darcey "yeahh starved" "okay I'll go make us some breakfast" "I'll just take some eggs and toast" she said as I walked out the door, I walked downstairs and couldn't help but stop to smell the roses and think about how lucky I was to have an amazing fiancé who does cute little things like this. I heard my stomach growl so I walked to the fridge and made me and my mom some eggs and toast, and brewed us some coffee. "ooh who are the flowers from?" I heard my mom say as she walked into the kitchen with Darcey in her arms "they're from harry!" I said leaning on the counter smiling "aww that's adorable! let me tell you lyss you're one lucky girl!" she said looking at Darcey and smiling. I couldn't agree more with my mom, I had the best family, an amazing fiancé who treated me like a queen and takes care of our baby, and I have a beautiful baby girl who's healthy and happy. "thank you mom! I love you!" I said walking up to her and hugged her, I turned around and finished making breakfast, we ate and I told my mom we had to go shopping because we were going to the one direction concert tonight and my mom was so excited she started jumping up and down, then she stopped "what about the baby?" she asked "what about her?" I asked confused "well she can't be near loud noises like that!" "we can put headphones on her that cancel out the noise" I said taking Darcey upstairs and my mom following "do you think that will work?" my mom asked "they did it with baby lux" I said changing Darc "okay well we better get going!" my mom said as she walked into her room. I finished changing Darcey, then I got dressed. I put on some jeans and a plain white tank top, I put my hair in a high pony tail and quickly put on a little bit of makeup as my mom yelled from downstairs that we had to leave. I grabbed Darcey and her diaper bag and my purse, then walked down stairs, we went outside to see a few paps snapping pictures of me and my mom, they must have followed us from the restaurant "dear lord we get no privacy" my mom said running to the car, I quickly got Darcey in the car and turned around and say a little girl get run over by the paps, I yelled and ran to her to see if she was okay. "you okay sweetheart?" I asked carefully lifting her off the ground, she was crying and all I heard was crying, yelling and snapping. "SHUT UP!" I yelled to the paps "now honey are you okay?" I asked again, she nodded. "where's your mother?" I asked as a woman ran up to us "omgosh ash are you okay?" she said hugging her "thank you so much Alyssa!" she said hugging her daughter "no problem! is there anything I can do to help?" I asked putting my hand on my chest in concern "my daughter would love a picture with you!" "aww of course!" I said kneeling down, her mom took the picture and I asked if she was going to the concert tonight, she nodded, I felt so bad that she had gotten hurt I felt like I had to do this "you know what since you were such a sweetheart, I'm going to get you backstage passes to meet the boys!" I said. the little girl started screaming and crying in happiness I hope. "omgosh Alyssa thank you so so much!" her mom said over the little girls screams, "no problem just meet me by the back gates and I will get you in" I said hugging them all, "well I have to go I'll see you tonight sweetheart" I said hugging her one last time before I got in the car, "what was that!" my mom asked concerned. "oh she had gotten run over by the paps and I helped her and felt bad so I told her id get her to meet one direction" I said driving to the grove to go shopping "aww that was so nice of you! I raised you right" she said smiling. we got to the grove and had been walking around for about an hour or so, I found the perfect outfit at a cute little boutique. as we were walking to the car the paps were surrounding us I could barely walk through them, there were a few security guards helping us get the crowd. we finally got to the car and I pulled out of the parking lot as fast and safely as I could, once we made it back to my house I put Darcey down for her nap then I went and got a shower. I got out and dried myself off, I wrapped myself in a towel before walking into my room hearing my phone go off, "hello?" "hey baby! how are you" harry asked, I smiled "I'm good how are you?" I asked "I'm good. I can't wait to see you tonight!" I remembered I told the little girl id get her backstage "I can't wait either..harry?" I said scared he would be mad "yes love?" he asked "I dont know how your gonna respond to this" I said taking a deep breath as harry did the same "I was leaving the apartment earlier and there were a few fans outside" I paused "and there was a little girl that had fallen" harry gasped "omgosh was she okay?" he asked before I could finish "yeah she was a little cut up but that's not what I wanna tell you" I took another deep breath "I asked her if she was going to the concert tonight and she said yeah and I felt really bad so I told her id get her back stage to meet you guys..please don't be mad!" I said there was a silent moment then "see and this is why I love you!" he said I was so relieved he didn't flip out, "so you're not mad?" I asked "no way! you did something I would have done!" he said happily "phew I thought you were gonna be mad" I said "I could never! but how's darc?" he asked "she's good I put her down for a nap before I just got a shower" I said remembering I was still sitting in my towel "ohh okay well I'll let you go so you can get ready and we can rehears" he said "okay I'll see you in a little bit, love you!" I said "love you too" then he hung up. I sat on my bed for awhile then took my outfit of the bag, it was a black crop top with a flannel tied around my waist and black skinny jeans with sandals. I wonder if Sophia and all the girls will be there tonight..I thought as I got dressed, I picked up my phone from my bed and dialed Sophia's number "heey girl!" she yelled into the phone "hey doll face!" I said smiling "what's up?" she asked "getting ready for tonight, are you and the girls coming?" I asked as I walked into the bathroom to put makeup on "no I won't be there I'm in London, I just got here this morning" "aww I wish you were gonna be there tonight" I said putting mascara on "well you're coming back with harry thursday right?" she asked "yes ma'am and I'm bringing my mom back with me too" "awww good! I'm glad you're coming we all missed you here" she said, "I know I was stupid for leaving" I said frowning and putting all my makeup back "no you weren't stupid honey, you were upset" she said comforting me, Darcey started crying "you're right, but I gotta go Darcey's crying" I said walking into the hallway "okay well have fun tonight and I'll see you when you guys get back" she said then hung up, I put the phone in my back pocket "Darcey mommys right here" I said picking her up, I started to rock her and bounce her, she finally calmed her down, I placed her on the changing table and changed her diaper then walked downstairs, we had an hour and a half till we had to be at the stadium, so I made a bottle for Darcey and my mom walked downstairs in a maxi dress, "looking good mom!" I said sitting down as I fed Darcey, "thanks, you look very cute!" she said smiling. "we have a half hour till I wanna leave so can you finish feeding her so I can get her bag together" I asked "of course" she said grabbing the baby "how's Gigi's babygirl?" she said in a baby voice, I just laughed and walked upstairs, I got some extra diapers and baby wipes, got a few extra outfit just incase she made a mess, then put some pacifiers and toys in the bag I finished packing her bag, then I walked into my room and grabbed a change of clothes, my phone and my keys then walked downstairs "ready?" I said taking a deep breath "yepperz" my mom said putting Darcey in her carrier, I grabbed the carrier and all the bags, I walked out to the car awhile, "you ready to see daddy?" I said to Darcey as I buckled her carrier into the car, I was kinda of excited to see him even though I just saw him a few hours ago. "I got us some waters" my mom said as she got into the car, harry had arranged for a driver to come get us, "okay let's go!" I said seeing my mom walk to the car. she got in the car and huffed, it look awhile to get to the stadium but we got there with 20 minutes to spar, we pulled into the back and I saw all the guys except for harry playing football, I guess he was getting ready, we got out of the car, all the guys stopped when they heard the door slam. "Alyssa!!!" they all yelled, I had Darcey's carrier in my hands, but they didn't care they all ran up to me and hugged me "hey guys!" I said smiling and hugging them all back "where's harry?" I said while they all turned there attention to Darcey and my mom. "umm I'm not sure" Niall said "I think he's getting his hair done by lou" Liam added "why? Niall asked "just wondering" I started to pick Darcey up but I was pulled to play with the guys, "come on lyss! we have 5 minutes, bet we can whip your ass" Louis said kicking the ball to me. I laughed "oh you guys are going down" I ran while kicking the ball, "GOAL!" I yelled jumping up and down "damn you're good!" Niall and Louis said patting my back "time to get ready guys!" someone yelled, I walked back to my mom and Darcey, I picked her up and walked to the door, but Louis was standing at the door, "can I talk to you" Louis said "sure, here mom-" "no both of you" he said smirking, I was confused what was he up to. "I wanna pull a prank on harry!" he said quietly "oh god Louis, last time you did that you almost got broken up with" I said, he started laughing "what is this joke Louis?" my mom asked, I looked at her then back at Louis "well harry doesn't know you're here yet" oh god I don't like this already "so I was thinking you could be out in the crowd but to the side so he can't see you then I'll have a security guard bring you up on stage and surprise him" he said with a big smile on his face, I smiled at the thought of his reaction, "and I'll have Niall distract him so he's not looking you guys direction" he said jumping, I huffed "okay Louis!" he yelled "yes!" we walked into the stadium and they put us in a different dressing room the was near the stage, I almost forgot about the little girl, I text Louis because he went to the room with the rest of the guys, "Louis get in here now!" a few seconds later I heard a knock on the door while I was changing Darcey "what's wrong?" he asked closing the door, "I promised a little girl that I would get her back stage and I told her to meet me at the gate, I need to go get her!" I said handing Darcey to my mom "okay okay, umm wait here!" he said before he left, I was standing there when I got a text from harry, "babe where are you?" I smirked thinking about the plan. "I'm sorry babe I'll be there hopefully before you're done, I need to do something before I get there" I sent then heard Louis, he was walking with the guys past the door. "Louis what if she doesn't come!" I heard harry say, I couldn't help but giggle "haz she will be here I promise!" I heard him say then I heard a knock on the door, I opened it to see a security guard, "come with me" he said as I walked out the door. we walked out to the gates and I saw the little girl, "Alyssa!" I heard her yell, then a swarm of girls ran over to us, I grabbed her and held her close to me, as her mom grabbed my hand and we ran threw the crowd of girls, once we got backstage I opened the door to our dressing room. "why are we in here?" the little girl asked "because me and Louis have a plan to surprise harry but, I need you to not say anything and go to your seats and enjoy the concert and I'll have someone come and get you guys after the concert, okay?" I said smiling "okay I hope the plan works" she said smiling. she's such a. sweetheart, I was hoping the plan worked myself. "thank you!" I opened the door and saw the same security guard standing there, "get these two to there seats for me please" I said hugging her and her mom, then I watched as they walked away, I waited till I couldn't see them anymore. I closed the door and plopped on the couch that was in the room, I huffed "boy this is a lot of work" I said then chuckled, I could hear the guys singing and talking, the longer we were in there the more nervous I got, about an hour into the concert we heard a knock on the door, it was the back stage manager, "okay you girls ready?" he asked smiling, "can we have like 3 minutes please?" I asked "of course just knock when you're done" he said closing the door, I took a deep breath, "ready?" I asked my mom "boy am I nervous!" she said smiling "me too" I said laughing, I picked up Darcey off the ground where she was playing, I quickly changed her and dressed her, I knocked on the door and it opened, we walked out. as we were walking I could hear the guys talking to everyone and I heard the crowd screaming. we walked to the side of the stage and watched them perform a few more songs and I couldn't help but sing along and take pictures like the fans. I saw my mom singing and dancing, then the moment came where we had to go surprise harry. "follow me ladies" the guy said as we walked behind him, we got back stage and heard Louis start talking, I was so nervous! "okay so harry, we've been the best of lads from the start and we've played plenty of pranks to others and ya know this may have been a good prank but it wasn't all me in this one" he said laughing as the crowd screamed, I was getting more and more nervous with every word Louis was saying "get on with is Louis" I whispered to my mom, she just laughed. "well this is more of a surprise, then I saw the monitor and it was a video of my, my mom and Darcey arriving earlier, it showed us getting out of the car and then it showed me playing football with the guys, then I looked at harry smiling but having a confused look on his face. "Alyssa why don't you come on out and get your man!" he yelled as I ran out I saw harry tearing up and running to me, the crowd was screaming and chanting "hassa! hassa! hassa! hassa!" then my mom walked out with Darcey and I don't think he could have gotten any more happier, he broke our hug and ran to my mom and Darcey, he kissed my moms cheek and grabbed Darcey and kissed her a million times, then he came back to me and we had a family hug, the crowd was screaming and awwing, I couldn't help but tear up and smile at the amount of love and support I felt from everyone. "wow what a great surprise!" Liam yelled. I stood there and waved to everyone and smiled. I finally walked off stage and we were walked to the dressing room. the guys sang a few more songs then they said there final goodbyes. I heard tons of screaming and then I heard the guys yelling so I opened the door and saw the guys walking up to the door, I stopped harry, "hey how was that surprise babe?" I asked hugging him, he smiled "it was the best surprise I e ever received" he said then kissed me, "wanna go and get that little girl with me?" I asked. harry nodded and I pulled him we met up with the little girl and her mom, harry picked her up and swung her around in a hug, "did you have fun tonight sweetheart?" I asked looking at her with harry. "yes it was amazing!" she said smiling "thank you again for letting her come back here to meet you all!" her mom said hugging me and then harry, "no problem" we both said "wanna meet the other lads?" harry asked still holding the little girl "yes yes yes!" she yelled, I grabbed the moms hand and we all walked to the meet and greet room, I saw a bunch of girls standing there then a huge roar of screams came once they all saw us, I was in complete shock, we walked to the guys and the little girl had a 10 minute hangout with the guys before they told her that other people had to go. she hugged them all again, I grabbed her hand "let's stand over here and we can watch them, okay?" I asked grabbing the girls hand, we walked to the side away from the guys. I was watching the girls take pictures with them all, I started to talk to the little girl and got to know her and her mom a little, but I could t help but notice harry was starring at me with her. we were laughing and talking then I heard harry yell my name, my head shot up. he waved me over to him so I excused myself, then I walked to harry. "these girls want you in a picture" he said pointing and 3 nervous looking girls. "aww of course!" I said. I posed and then a few more girls came up and got pictures with us. I walked back to the side, "I think we're gonna get going!" the mom said as the little girl started yawning. " aww okay! well I hope you had fun tonight!" I said hugging the little girl, then her mom. "omgosh it was the best night of my entire life!" she said with a huge smile, "thank you again! it honestly means a lot that you could do this for my daughter" her mom said getting teary eyed, "harry is a lucky lucky man!" she said as she hugged me, "aww you're both welcome! have a safe drive home!" I said as they walked out the door. I stood there and watched them take the last few pictures then, we walked back to the room and got all of Darcey's things and my mom then walked to the guys room. "tonight was such a good night!" Niall said laughing "yeah lad it was great!" zayn said "I agree" I added. we hungout for a few minutes, I could tell my mom was getting tired so we said our goodbyes. and got in the car and went back to my apartment. since tomorrow was our last day here, I figured id start to pack but before that I put Darcey down for bed. then said goodnight to my mom. I decided id keep the apartment for the next time the guys are in LA they have a place to stay. I packed all my personal things and things I need for everyday. it was about 3 am and I was getting really tired and we I still had all day to pack tomorrow. I taped up the last box for the night and put it to the side and walked upstairs to get a shower then go to bed. it was our last day in LA but I woke up at 10:30 so I finished up the packing and called harry. "hey baby!" he answered in his raspy voice. I smiled "hey love! what you up to today?" I asked, he coughed "um I guess the guys are just gonna hangout in the room considering they are still sleeping" he laughed, I giggled "ohh well did u wanna come-" "I'll be over in a few" he said cutting me off. "okkay! love you" then I hung up. Darcey started to cry so I walked upstairs and opened her door, "good morning princess " I said picking her up. I walked to the changing table, carefully put her down and changed her diaper, I put her in some black pants and an "I love la" t shirt I got her a few days ago. I couldn't help but stair at how beautiful she is, she was squirming and making random noises then the door bell rang. "Darcey daddy's here!" I said picking her up, I walked down stairs and opened the door "hey baby!" he said hugging me "there's my baby girl!" he said looking at Darcey and taking her from me, he was such a beautiful guy! (haha) "you hungry?" I asked as he walked into the living room with Darcey "yeahh you wanna go somewhere?" he asked looking at me. "...umm I do know how to cook ya know" I said sassy "well then let's see what you got!" he said nodding his head, I smirked half an hour later, the table looked like I was feeding an army. "woah! this looks good!" he said walking to the table, "I told you I could cook!" "sorry I doubted you babe!" he said walking to me and kissed my lips, "yeah you should be" I said sitting down and laughing, we finished eating, I did the dishes while harry went and played with Darcey, "I have to finish the packing" I said drying my hands "want me to help love?" he said looking up at me "you don't have to I just need to pack a few more boxes, but you can help me take them to the post office when I'm done" I said smiling "oh okay" I walked upstairs and packed all my clothes and Darcey's clothes. it was about 3 and the post office closes at 5, I ran downstairs and saw harry and Darcey sleeping on the couch, I couldn't help but smile. I didn't wanna wake him up so I started taking boxes out to the car to take to the post off, I was taking the last few boxes out and I was about to put in the boxes when I heard Darcey crying, I quickly threw the box in and closed the door, I ran I to the house. when I go to the living room I saw harry holding her and singing to her, she started to stop crying but harry kept singing to her. it made my heart melt because he's just so good with her, I cleared my throat and Harry's head shot up at me "hey" he said smiling "that was really cute love" I said walking to them "well anything I can do to help" he said starting to sing to her again. a few moments later he got her to sleep for awhile. we packed the rest of the car while she slept, we waited for Darcey to get up so we sat and watched a movie, I loved cuddling up next to him, it's the simple things like this that make my day. we finished our movie as soon as Darcey woke up, "I'll go get her" I said to harry, I walked to the nursery to change her diaper and then we walked to the kitchen, I saw harry on his phone I could tell something was wrong. "what's wrong harry?" I said give him Darcey, "uhh it's it's nothing" he said fake smiling and putting his phone on the table "you know you suck at lying" I said making her bottle. he chuckled then I walked to him and gave him the bottle, I sat next to him and watched him feed her. "so are you gonna tell me?" I asked rubbing his back "it's just rumors" he said. he never let's me read things people write about us so I never get hate and if I do harry doesn't let me see it "what did they say?" I said going for his phone, "no! don't! it's just stupid shit honestly lyss!" he said grabbing my hand away from his phone. "fine then if you won't let me see it then I'll look myself" I got up and walked over to my phone that was on the kitchen table. "no lyss! just stop, it's not worth it" he said running to me, I opened my phone and went onto twitter where I get the most hate. I searched my name and read the tweets from fans. "she's just with him for the money!" "she's a whore" "she got pregnant on purpose" I kept reading until I saw a tweet that hurt the most "I don't blame harry for cheating on Alyssa! I'm glad he slept with her" then a picture to go with it that showed harry walking to a hotel room with a girl. I started crying, I locked my phone, I can't read them anymore "so that's what your fans really think of me?" I said looking at him "babe they don't know the real you!" he said pulling me into a hug "but they hate that we're together..why?" I said crying even harder. "lyss they are just mad because I'm with you and not single anymore. all the guys girlfriends get hate, just like you and sometimes it's worse then I've ever seen" he said kissing my forehead "this is the first time I'm getting it harry! I'm sorry I'm not use to it like soph, perrie, and Abby are!" I yelled running upstairs. I opened the door and fell onto my bed. it hurt me that people think all these horrible things about the girls that make there idols happy. it makes no sense, I don't know how I'm going to keep this going with me and harry. "babe?" I heard harry say at the door "what?!" I sniffled whipping the tears from my face "please stop crying, you know I hate seeing you hurt like this! now you know why I don't let you see that bullshit! promise me you won't look at that anymore" he said lifting my head with his finger under my chin "okay I promise" I said smiling, I kissed him then walked into the bathroom to dry off my face "good I love you more then anything in this word!" he said looking at me from the bedroom "I love you too!" I said walking out of the bathroom. "okay you ready to go mail these boxes?" I asked grabbing my bag and Darcey's bag "yepp" he said getting up and putting Darcey in her carrier "I'll carry her" he said walking out the door. I just smiled, we got into my car and drove to the post office. we finished at the post office then I was gonna head home but harry had other plans, "turn here" he said pointing down a street "okay but why?" I asked confused "we're going out to dinner for our last night here " he said smiling "okay well where are we going?" I said laughing "right here" he pointed to a cute yet fancy looking restaurant "but harry were not dress right for this place, I'm wearing sweats" I said parking the car. "who cares, you look beautiful no matter what you're wearing" he said then got out of the car, he opened my door then got Darcey out of the car, we walked into the restaurant and everyone just looked at us, "uh table for 3 please" harry said smiling, "okay follow me" the man said. harry held my hand, we sat at our table and then ordered our food and drinks. "are you excited to get back to London?" he asked grabbing my hands "very! I can't wait to be back at our house and be around the guys and my aunt!" I said smiling "I'm sure the guys have missed you even though they just saw you yesterday!" he said laughing "I'm just so ready to be home" I said we just talked about the baby and his tour "hi can I have your autograph" a little girl asked shyly "aww of course sweetie" harry said taking her book "what's your name?" he asked "Bailey" she said smiling "aww that's a beautiful name" I said smiling "thank you! are you Alyssa? and is that baby Darcey??" she asked turning to me "yes I am and yes it is." I said smiling "can you sign my book too?" she asked "omgosh of course!" I said taking the book from harry "thank you thank you!" she said "oh and can I get a picture with the both of you?" she asked, harry looked at me, I nodded "of course, I look like crap but anything for Harry's fans" I said laughing "oh stop your gorgeous Alyssa" Bailey said to me. we took the picture "thank you!" she said then walked away "she was really sweet" I said looking at harry and smiling "yes she was" he said smiling, our food came, we are then went back to my house, "I'm gonna put Darcey to sleep, then I'll be back down" harry said "uh okay but don't forget to change her and turn on the cd" I said putting my bag on the chair in the kitchen "I know I know" he said laughing "oh and be quiet my moms sleeping" I said quietly "okkay!" he said whispering. while harry was upstairs I got a bottle of water and then made harry a cup of tea, I walked to the couch and waited for harry to come downstairs. about 5 minutes later I heard footsteps coming downstairs, "hey love" harry said sitting next to me, "how was it?" I asked "she went right to sleep" he said smiling "just like her father" I said laughing "ha ha very cute come back" he said chuckling. "aww you made me tea" he said "yepperz" I said smiling, he took a sip and the put his head on my lap, I started playing with his hair, he slowly started to fall asleep and so did i. "lyss?" I heard him say "what?" I said moaning "I have to go to the hotel to get my things.." he said sitting up "okay..you coming back?" I asked watching him get up and put his shoes on "well it's kind of late so I might just crash at the hotel..okay?" he asked "hhm I guess" I said frowning "I'll be back in the morning to come get you guys" he said kissing me "okay I love you!" I said as he walked to the door "I love you to baby girl" he said then walked out the door, I watched him get into the car and drive away. I closed to door, locked it then washed Harry's cup then turned all the lights off and walked upstairs. I stopped at my moms room to see her luggage all packed and her sleeping on top of her blanket so I grabbed a blanket from her closet and placed it over her and kissed her forehead then walked into the nursery to see Darcey sound asleep. I finally made my way to my room and turned on the baby monitor, then hopped in the shower. I got out of the shower and started to pack all the shampoo and body wash I was taking to London with me. then I got into my pjs and picked the clothes I was going to wear tomorrow at the airport then out the rest into the luggage, I went to check on Darcey one last time and headed to bed. I was just laying there thinking about everything and then I realized I haven't planned a single thing for our wedding, I started to plan in my head when I got distracted by a text from harry "goodnight love, I can't wait to see you in the morning. have a good night sleep! hugs and kisses" I smiled and replied "goodnight love you baby!" then locked my phone and turned over.

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