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when I woke up the next morning I didn't feel Harry's arms around me so I rolled over and saw a note on his pillow, "good morning beautiful, I had to go to the studio this morning. I'll be back later today. kisses harry!" it feels so weird not waking up in Harry's arms I yawned and rolled back over and went on my phone, after a little while of being on my phone I went into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I made my way to Kendall's room to see she was still asleep so I laid next to her like we use to do as kids and she slowly woke up and turned towards me. "good morning lyss!" she says rolling back over "morning how you feeling?" I say sitting up "I'm so much better! I'm really happy I'm not ya know..pregnant!" she says whispering the last part. and honestly so was I! "me too Kendal! that wouldn't have been good!" I say getting out of her bed and opened the blinds. "what do you wanna do today?" I ask turning to sit next to Kendal. "umm we can go explore London for a little bit!" she says jumping out of bed, "sounds good to me!" I left her room to get ready. I was finishing up getting ready and heard Kendal walk into my room "hey could my friends come with us?" she asked standing in the door, "yeah of course they can!" I said smiling and grabbing my bag while walking down stairs to see my aunt in the kitchen, "hey girls what's on the agenda for today? oh and harry told me to tell you he was gonna be back later today." she said putting her book down "I'm gonna show Alyssa around" Kendal said grabbing us waters "thanks aunt Mary!" I said giving her a hug and we walked out to the car. and left to go drive around for a little. then we found a little cafe and ordered some breakfast and coffee. "so when are your friends joining us?" I ask sipping my coffee, "oh they should be here soon, I invited them to come eat with us!" she said "awesome! I can't wait to meet them!" i hope Harry's having fun in the studio, I took out my phone and saw a text from harry, I immediately got a smile on my face! "hey princess! how are you?" I couldn't help but smile more, i replied "I'm great how's the studio?" I said locking my phone when our food arrived, "this all looks soo good!" I said grabbing my fork, my phone buzzed it was harry "I'm glad, studio is going good we got a lot done! I'm taking us to dinner tonight so be ready by 7" "can't wait love!" I said before locking my phone and continued eating when the restaurant door opened and 3 guys walked in "are those your friends Kendal?" I said looking at them, she turned around and called there names, "yes! rob, Steve, Garry! over here she said scooting over. "hey kendy!" they all said together "guys this is my cousin alyssa! she's visiting from the us for a year!" they were so tall and had muscles! "hey Alyssa I'm Robert, rob for short!" he said shaking my hand "I'm garry! nice to meet you!" he said also shaking my hand "I'm Steven but you can call me steve!" he said kissing my hand "nice to meet all of you! are you guys hungry?" I asked as they all sat down. "not really we ate before we got here" rob said putting his arm behind Kendal "oh okay!" I said continuing to eat "well what's the plan for today?" Steve said "well I guess we're gonna go sight seeing and maybe a little shopping" I said finishing my food. "awesome I can't wait!" rob said smiling and the rest of them nodded in agreement and we made small talk for about an hour then we paid for our food and me and Kendal got into her car and the boys got into there's, "what was that with rob? kendy!?" I said mocking him making her laugh as we pulled out "I really like him and he really likes me I hope!" she said smiling "aww Kendal that's awesome! he seems like such a sweetheart!" "he really is!" she said smiling "well maybe we can all go on a double date together!" I suggested "definitely if robs up to it!" "well we can ask him when we get to the shops!" it was about an hour into the car ride and we arrived at the shopping center, we parked the car and I got out when my phone went off and it was a picture of harry and the boys in the studio and he said "I miss you babe! the song were recording is for you!" when I read that I smiled like an idiot! "Kendal look how cute this is!" I said walking over to her and showed her the picture "adorable!" she said smiling "he's the best!" I said looking at my phone "I miss you more baby cakes! I can't wait to see you tonight!" I replied feeling arms around my shoulders I looked up and saw it was steve "hey Alyssa! ready for some shopping?" he said in a funny voice which made me laugh then I heard a few clicks and someone shout "WHORE!" I looked around and saw pap and I'm guessing a few fans of Harry's. I walked into the dress shop and called harry but he didn't pick up. I wish he would have so I could tell him what had just happened. but I told Kendal to tell steve to not put his arms around me and she had a confused look but then went up to him and told him while I looked for a dress. "Kendal!" I yelled she walked over to me and I showed her a really cute dress she insisted on me buying it, so I said okay and kept looking around when Steve came over to me and apologized for touching me "Alyssa I'm really sorry for touching you! I'm not a creep or anything like that I was just trying to be friendly is all." that was really nice of him to apologize "just please don't let it happen again. I don't want rumors going around that I'm cheating on harry." I said smiling and looking at a few shirts "I respect that" he said walking away. I picked out a few more shirts and a pair of black skinny jeans. we all paid and walked to the next store which was a guy store, so the guys would stop complaining "Kendal do you think I should buy something for harry?" I said looking at a pair of black jeans "yeah go for it lyss!" she said looking with me a few minutes later I had about 3 shirts for harry and 2 pairs of jeans. I walked up to the cashier "will that be all?" the lady said "yes" I said handing her my card and we walked out we went to a couple more stores but I didn't get anything besides a perfume and a bracelet we've been out for about 2 almost 3 hours and I was ready to go home "Kendal I'm ready to go" I said yawning she nodded and we walked back to the car "okay guys it was really fun! I'm glad to have met you all and I hope we can do this again!" I said smiling "bye boys! I'll see you guys tonight? right?" they all said yes and we got into the car and drove home. "what are you doing tonight lyss?" "me and harry are going out to dinner? what are you guys doing?" I said looking at her "probably hit up a few clubs! you and harry should come after your dinner thing!" she said throwing her hand around "yeah maybe I'll see what harry wants to do!" I said checking my phone it was about 4:30 and I had a couple hours yet till harry was picking me up. "I really hope harry likes the stuff I bought and stuff I bought him!" "I know he will! he'd love anything you get him lyss, you know that!" she said laughing a little "true!" I said as we pulled into the drive way, I walked inside to see my aunt laying on the couch and getting up when she saw us walk through the door "hey mom!" Kendal said " hey hun! "hey aunt mary!" "hello dear!" I sat down next to her and Kendal sat on the other side "how was shopping!?" she said looking at the both of us, "very successful!" I said holding the bags up "what she said!" Kendal said pointing to me "well what did u girls get?" my aunt said Kendal said "I got a few shirts and some underwear and bras" she said going to the kitchen "awesome!" my aunt said "what about you lyss?" she said turning to me "umm I got a couple shirts and some perfume and a bracelet and I got harry a few shirts and some skinny jeans" I said opening the bags "aww that's sweet honey!" she said smiling I had to get ready for the date "well I gotta get ready, Harry's taking me out to dinner!" I said standing up "okay dear have fun!" I walked upstairs to my room and put all my things down and walked into the bathroom to turn the shower on and got undressed and got in the shower washing my hair and body and shaving. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body and walked out to my room it was 5:38 so I laid in my bed with the towel around me for about an hour then got up and dried my hair and straightened it then put a little bit of make up on and got my new dress on it was so pretty. it just went above my knee and had lace going down the sides, it was black. I loved it then i went into Kendall's room and asked her if she had any shoes I could borrow for the night and she pulled out a pair of black high heels "perfect!" I said grabbing them and walking back into my room I had about 10 minutes before harry would be here so I put the new perfume on and some deodorant then grabbed my phone and clutch and walked downstairs and called harry, he answered immediately "hey babe I'm about to pull in the driveway!" "okay see you in a bit" I said hanging up. and 30 seconds later I heard harry pull in "okay aunt mary I'm leaving! I love you!" "I love you too sweetie! have fun!" she said as I walked out the door to Harry's car. he had opened it and before I got in he kissed me "I missed those lips" he said before closing the door and ran around to his side he got in and kissed me again and again. I didn't wanna stop but I told him to start driving, he huffed and started driving, he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers and kissed the back of my hand. "baby you have no idea how much I missed you today!" I said he laughed "I missed you more!" He said looking at me. I couldn't stop looking at his perfect face! everything about him is perfect, he looked at me once we got to the restaurant "babe were here!" he said kissing my cheek I snapped out of it and unbuckled my seat belt and saw paps everywhere, "great what's gonna be tonight's name for me!" I said taking a deep breath before harry got out, he opened my door and closed the door holding me close as we pushed through everyone. we got inside without any name calling " reservations for two, styles" he said grabbing my hand. "right this way mr and mrs styles!" we walked to the table and started looking at our menus "babe you look absolutely beautiful tonight! I don't know if it's because I haven't seen you all day but you get more and more perfect!" he said holding my hands "aww harry you're the perfect one!" I said reaching over the table and kissed him, I was really surprised that they called us mr and mrs styles, it was weird but it felt right "can I get you two something to drink, perhaps a bottle of our champagne?" the waiter said "umm no thank you I'll just have a Pepsi" I said looking at harry "I'll have the same" "okay great I'll be back to get your orders" the waiter said walking away I was dreading the moment he asked me what I did today because I didn't wanna ruin the night. "so how was my baby's day?" he said grabbing both my hands "it was really good! I went out with Kendal and bought this dress" I said pointing to the dress "I knew it looked new, did you have a good time with Kendal?" he asked looking me up and down "yes I did she invited a few guys to come shopping with us" I said hoping he wasn't gonna get mad at that "awesome! none of them touched my princess did they?" he said as the waiter brought our drinks over "what would you guys like to eat?" "erm I'll have a chefs salad" I said closing my menu "and I'll have tacos please" harry said closing his menu "okay great I'll get that for you guys!" "thanks" I said as the waiter walked away "now did any of the guys touch my princess?" he asked grabbing my hands again "well I shook there hands." I was dreading the next part "and the one put his arm around my shoulders but I told Kendal to tell him to never touch me again!" he looked a little pissed "but babe he apologized to me for touching me and disrespecting you! so please don't get mad!" I said giving him the puppy dog eyes "how could I be mad at my beautiful girlfriend?" he said reassuring me he wasn't mad "also the paps most likely got a picture of him having his arms around my shoulders and I'm pretty sure a fan called me a whore." I said putting my head down, I couldn't believe a one direction fan would say such a thing "well you're not a whore in any way! and as for the paps..well there's nothing to say about them they're just pure evil human beings with no lives" he said as we got our food "thank you!" can I get you guys anything else?" she asked "nope I think we're good, thank you!" harry said and I nodded in agreement I quickly started eating because I hadn't eaten since breakfast we both finished our food and got the check and paid. we were making our way out of the restaurant when a bunch of people started calling me a whore, a cheater, a gold digger, and a million other things and at one point someone threw something at me that hit my cheek and I stopped but harry kept pushing me until we got to the car, he threw me in and yelled at the paps to leave me and him alone. then he got in the car and quickly drove away but then slowed down once they were far away. I don't think harry knew I got hit because when he looked at me he grabbed my hand and asked what was wrong. my face hurt so bad and I couldn't believe they were yelling mean and nasty things at me. once he saw that I was crying he quickly pulled over to look at me. when I looked at him his eyes got really wide and he asked worried "omg love are you okay!? what happened??" he said kissing my face "ouch! that hurts, I don't know I think someone threw something at me or hit me in the face!" I said holding onto my cheek "well let's get to your house so we can grab your clothes and we can stay at my flat tonight!" he said driving, wow this is the first night id be away from my aunt and cousin since I got here. we arrived at my aunts flat and I walked in and my aunt saw my face that was red and starting to bruise "oh my goodness what happened to you tonight?" she said bringing me into the kitchen and getting an ice pack "here darling put this on your face! who did this?" she said as harry walked upstairs to get me some clothes I started to talk when she said "dear god please don't tell me harry did this!" she said putting her hands over her mouth " no no no aunt mary! it was not harry! it was one of his fans or the pap, they hit me I don't know if it was with there fist or with a really hard object." I said starting to cry from the pain. "aww darling I'm really sorry!" she said as I cried more, she walked over and hugged me. "aunt Mary is it okay if I stay at Harry's tonight?" I said taking the ice pack off my face "of course honey!" she said giving me an extra ice pack to take to Harry's house. "thank you auntie it means a lot!" I said grabbing the ice pack and running up stairs to my room to see harry putting clothes in my bag. and I saw the bag for harry on the bed and I threw it into my bag that harry was packing. "harry I think I have enough clothing!" I said laughing he looked at me and smiled "aww even with a bruised face you're still beautiful and happy!" he said kissing me "well that's what happens when you date harry styles" I said smiling "oh babe I bought you stuff while I was out shopping with Kendal!" he looked surprised "aww lyss I didn't get you anything! I feel bad!" he says putting his head down "babe you are the greatest gift you could ever give me! I don't need any materialistic things to win my heart, just the love you give me!" I said smiling ear to ear no matter how bad my face hurt. I really do love this man! I saw that harry was getting chocked up "babe are you okay? I said grabbing his face to see he was tearing up "what's wrong?" I said "that's honestly the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me!" he said kissing me..then he said the words that made my heart melt.

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