A Cut Above the Rest

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Is it possible for things to happen so fast yet so slow?

"What?" I coughed out.

"It's you," he repeated, slower....

I think.

It's really difficult to tell the passage of time while a large man hovers over you. Also breathe and and focus and....


Am I having a panic attack?

Didn't even have time to answer my own question before the man started reaching for me. With a staggered gasp I quickly reached inside my purse. I barely had enough time to grab something before my fight or flight kicked in.

"No!" I shouted as pulled out a pocket knife horizontally slashing it in front of me. I only wanted to scare the guy off but guess my aim was a bit off. 

The man gasped, stumbling back grasping his hand. I took a couple steps back, my vision finally focusing back up as I watched the blood drip from his hand. I scanned the area to see people staring, many with their phones out recording. 

"Oh god," I muttered as I fumbled as I try to shove my knife back in my purse, before turning and running off, completely unaware that someone was calling after me.


"Gil?" Jazmin called as she peered into the living room. She gave out a low sigh as watched Gilbert continue pressing his face against the window. "Gilbert it's been almost an hour, staring out the window isn't gonna-"

"She's back!" Gilbert interrupted jumping up on the couch. Jazmin took a couple steps into the room, peering out the window, squinting as she watched her friend run up to the front door, jumping when the door slammed shut.

"Rachel are you-" Jazmin started before being interrupted once again when Gilbert jumped off the couch, nearly hitting the floor before I caught him.

"Oh," I muttered trying to quiet my heavy breathing, "hey buddy."

"I missed you!"He exclaimed as he wiggled out of my arms.

"Yeah," I breathed.

"Gilbert," Jazmin butted in, "why don't you go get ready for bed?"

"What," he whined, "but mom just got back!"

"Birdie," I called leaning forward, squishing his cheeking between my hands, "I'll tuck you into bed but got get ready, so I can so chat with Aunt Jazmin."

Gilbert looked around, "fine."

"Thank you Birdie," I gave him a kiss on the forehead before sending him upstairs.


"That's freaky," Jazmin mumbled as she took sips of her drink. The two of us sat at the kitchen table, where I told her about my garbage date made better with that creepy dude scaring the shit out of me. 

"Tell me about it," I groaned, distantly staring into my tea. It had been almost on hour and I could still feel my heart hit my chest with ever beat. I better get my shit together so i can go tuck Gilbert in before he gets impatient.

"Should we call the cops?" Jazmin proposed. 

"No," I stated standing up from my seat, "I think I know what this is all about."

"Well," Jazmin chuckled resting her head on the palm of her hand, "good to see you're done panicking."

"You're right," I grinned, "cause now I'm pissed."


"So no more dates?" Gilbert asked as he crawled into bed.

"Well, for now," I replied as I sat down at the end of the bed.

"For now?" 

"Don't worry," I laughed, "there won't be another date for a long time."

"Good!" Gilbert cheered, jumping up on his bed, "I'm the only man you need!"

"What?" I exclaimed laughing as I pulled him down onto my lap, "Birdie you are ten years old, far from a man."

"Only boy then?"

"I don't know," I grinned, "pretty found of Gilbird."

"Mom!" He exclaimed grabbing my face, "I love you!"

"I know, I know," I chuckled as I picked him up of my lap. I stood up from the bed with a low grunt. I adjusted Gilbert in my arms before I laid him down in his bed, his eyes locked onto me, I gave a soft smile as I pulled the covers up to his chest. 

I took a deep breath as I stood back up, I look down at the young boy I called my son. My son... that's certainly not the way I imagined my life over a decade ago. Kids were nowhere near the image of my future. Yet here I am 26 years old, I finished college, got a job in my field, I have a son. 

I'm happy.

My eyes widen as it dawned on me, that strange man, I was so rattled just minutes ago, but here I am perfectly calm. The incident, the man, the phone calls, they all seem so far away.

"Mom?" Gilbert called.

"Birdie," I smiled, leaning down and giving him kiss on the cheek, "I love you." Gilbert rolled over on his side as I walked away, shutting the light on my way out. I closed the down behind me, still holding the knob as I leaned against the door.

Whether or not this was my plan, whether or not this was my ideal future, Gilbert is a part of my life now, and I love him, and I may not know many things but if there's one thing I known, is no matter what you protect what you love.

And there will surely be hell if anyone gets in my way.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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