Unusual but not impossible

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Chapter 1 - Unusual but not impossible

I walked out of the bedroom, shutting the door quietly. I sighed quietly as I dragged my body down the door. I propped my head on my knees, finally having time to relax. How did my life become so hectic, I'm was only seventeen when I had a child.

We'll sorta...

It's not mine, I found him, and he's not really a child, he's a nation, I think, that nation isn't around any more. I didn't even know that when I first found him, and why I didn't I immediately take him to the police is beyond me.

The good thing was that I wasn't doing this alone, I had a friend who agreed to help my care for the child. However two teens raising a baby isn't much better then one teen, no matter how well we convince each other that we're great with kids.


Oh jeez, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Okay well I suppose I should start with the day I found him.

I am someone who lived in a middle ground of city and the country. So I wasn't surrounded by nature but I knew where a bunch a small patches of woods were. Every once in a while me and some friends would go out and explored them. However today I went alone, and looking back I'm glad I did cause what I found that day changed my life. It was a rather small patch so I didn't plan on staying to long, I was more than ready to leave, when a sudden noise caught my attention. With it being such a small patch of land the only animals could be there were stray dogs and cats. However that sound was nothing like that, and yet I've heard it before, lots of times. Everytime the sound repeated it filled me with fear and frustration. I knew that sound was familiar, I grew up hearing that sound daily. I turned my back ready to run out, but every time that sound repeated it slowed me down. I was terrified of what the echoing noise was but the frustration of not know what that familiar noise was killed me. Ignoring every irrational thought in my body I ran to the noise. I stopped whenever the noise continued out of fear, and so I could hear where it was coming from. I slowed my step as the noise sounded as if it was right in front of me.

But, where?

Stopping completely I scanned the area. I sound became silent, as it stopped repeating. I shrugged it off, as I started to walk forward a shrieking screaming scared me causing me too stumble back.

I stopped to catch myself from the sudden scare. I then knew clear as day what the sound was, and why it bothered my so.

It was a baby screaming and crying.

How did I not think of it before. I grew up with lots of babies, and babysat a lot. How did I not recognize the sound before?

What help solidify my conclusion was fact that I was currently staring down at an baby laying on the forest floor crying it's heart out.

I immediately panicked, always having a liking for kids I wanted to pick it up, yet hesitated to do so. I only slowly kneeled down near the child, wanting to calm it down. The baby immediately noticed me next to him, and slowly calmed down. I was in awe as the baby's crying came to an end and it stayed calm and quiet just staring at me. I have never seen that before, sure it's possible to calm a child down quickly but without doing anything, impossible. Yet here I am doing the impossible, well I think I did the impossible.

"Hey," I said in a soft tone, I was terrified of setting the baby off, if he could calm down that easy then maybe he could get upset that easy. The baby only smiled, which made me smile back cause to me one of the cutest things ever is a baby smiling. I smiled back as I slowly reached my hand out. The baby quickly reached forward grabbing two of my fingers. I couldn't help but laugh, this was getting cuter by the second.

Without and hesitation this time I bundled the baby in my arms. The child had no problem with it he just continued to laugh and smile.

The cuteness quickly washed away as reality struck me as if somebody had just smack me upside my head.

"I have to take you to the police," I mumbled. The baby quickly quiet down giving me a panicked expression, gripping my fingers tightly.

"I-I" I stammered jumbling over my words, "maybe I shouldn't." I finally said. 'Wait no!' I thought. 'Wait, maybe I shouldn't.'

Why did I even need to rethink this? This is a child that was abandoned in the woods. I sighed as I settled down on my knees still looking at the baby, who looked right back.

"You're not a normal baby," I concluded then pulled out my cellphone.


Thank you to all who read this. Please do comment, so I can get some feed back.

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I appreciate all of it!

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