If Only I Knew

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Chapter 13 - If Only I Knew

"Chirp chirp," Gilbert mumbled as he sat at the kitchen table while I cooked, "chirp chirp chirp!"

I paused listening to him repeat the noise a couple more times before finally turning around, "Gilbert, what are you doing?"

"Chirp chirp," he repeated holding up a small, fuzzy, yellow plush bird that he had gotten for Easter last year. I was honestly surprised to see that he still had it. "Can we get a bird?" Gilbert asked.

"What?" I questioned.

"A bird, I want a real bird, can we get one?" He repeated.

"Uh, no," I shot down as I turned back around and began to cook again.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because we can't afford one, and if we were going to get a pet, the last thing it would be is a bird," I explained.

"Why?" Gilbert shouted as he kicked the table. I immediately turned around pulling his chair away from the table.

"Stop," I sneered, "you are not throwing a fit, especially so early in the morning." His enraged expression quickly dropped as his eyes began to water. 'Shit,' I thought to myself as I stepped away from the chair. 'Is he having one of his moments, why, he hasn't had one in forever. Or maybe he's actually upset that I yelled at him. Then again I didn't really yell at him...' I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head. "If you're going to do this you can either sit here and calm down, or go into your room, cause I do not wanna hear it." He didn't even say another word, he just gave me this pis off expression before storming off.

"Preschool?" Jazmin asked as we talked over the phone later that day.

"Yeah, it was a pain in the ass but in the end it was worth it. He starts tomorrow," I explained.

"Tomorrow!" Jazmin exclaimed, "and you just now tell me!"

"Uh," I mumbled slowly.

"Did you seriously wait until the last minute to tell me?" Jazmin asked.

"Maybe," I mumbled. I waited in silence for Jazmin's long sigh to end.

"Ra-" she started before getting her phone snatched out of her hands once again.

"Preschool!" Cassidy exclaimed, I jumped at the sudden loud tone. "But he's only a baby!" I barley heard her over the screaming of Jazmin in the background. I slowly pulled the phone away from my ear and ended the call.

I took a long deep breath, "that was...something."

The next morning I gave out a loud groan and a shut off my alarm. I began to stretch my arms and legs in the hopes that it would wake me up. However what did wait me up was something kicking me in the legs. I gasped pulling my legs back and scrambling to turn on my lamp. Once the light was one and my vision was clear I pulled my covers back to see Gilbert sleeping at the end of my bed.

"Gilbert!" I exclaimed, "what the hell!" He only groaned as he swatted the air. "I thought you were over this," I mumbled as I got out of bed. "Come on, get up," I sighed as I picked up his face down body by his stomach. I carried his limp body to his room, grabbed the outfit I had pick out for him the night before then walked over to the bathroom. I set him down outside the down. He turned rubbing his eyes as I handed him the clothes. "Get dressed and hurry, I'll be downstairs making breakfast." He sighed as he clutched the clothes and dragged himself into the bathroom.

I softly gasped as my eyes shot open I looked in front of me to see the food in the toaster had finished. I must had began to daydream, which was strange I was still so tired when typically it doesn't take much in the morning to keep me awake. I turned when I heard footsteps walk in, Gilbert had already made his way to the table.

"Here," I stated, setting the plate of food on the table, "you eat while I go get ready." I then walked past him.

"Hey mom," he called turning in his chair. I flinched as I stopped walking, almost five years and yet ever time he said that word it made me flinch. "What's school like?"

I paused biting my lip, I could have easily said that it was a gateway into a hell full of stress and pressure. "Well it's preschool and I never went to preschool, but I'm sure it'll be fun." Gilbert didn't say another word he just gave me a 'huh okay' expression then turned and sat down.

"This is going to be a great experience I promise," I reassured fixing up his outfit as we stood outside the classroom.

"Where will you be?" He asked.

"I'll be at school too, but when I pick you up I'm taking you to aunt Jazmin and aunt Cass's house."

"Why?" He whined.

"Gil, I have to work right after school," I explained, "don't worry I'll pick you up at ten o'clock."

"Fine," he sighed, he pulled his backpack closer to his back then turned and walked into the classroom.

I slowly stood up shocked from that sudden change of expression. However I couldn't dwell on it for too long as I was already extremely late for class.

I gave out a long yawn as I walked into Jazmin's house. I walked into the living room to see Gilbert sitting in front of the T.V.

"Rachel, you're here," Jazmin stated as she walked in from the kitchen. "I just put dinner away but do you want some?"

"Uh, no, it's late and I'm extremely tired," I muttered. "Gilbert lets g-" I choked on my last word as I felt him quickly run and up and hug me. "Uh well, Jazmin thanks for watching him for me."

"No problem, I'm a lot cheaper then a daycare," Jazmin stated.

I chuckled, "heh, tell me about it."

The next morning I was even more out of it as Gilbert and I quietly sat at the table eating breakfast.

"Mom?" He called causing me to choke on my food.

"Mm, yes?" I replied as I properly swallowed my food.

"Do you know what Prussia is?" He asked.

"Russia?" I questioned thinking I misheard him.

"No Prussia," he corrected.

"Uh, no never heard of it," I replied.

"What about Austria or Hungary?" He asked.

"Uh Austria not really, and Hungary that a country in Europe I think," I answered.

"What about Germany?" He asked.

"Oh yeah defiantly, that's a European country," I stated, "why? What's with all of these geography questions?"

"Don't really know," Gilbert shrugged, "just something that's been in the back of my mind lately."

"Okay," I said slowly, "well finish up we're leaving soon." Gilbert nodded, I sighed leaning back in my chair watching him finish up his breakfast. Why would he be concern over some countries? Maybe he was smarter then I presumed, or maybe it was something else.

Okay so fun little fact, before I started watching Hetalia I didn't know many countries existed. So countries like Austria and Prussia I had no idea about.

There was another thing I wanted to mention but I'm probably going to remember it after I upload this.

Anyway, thanks for reading, all comments, and votes are highly appreciated.

Until next time!

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