Passion Blinds the Most Correct Minds

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Chapter 11 - Passion blinds the most correct minds

It seemed like as he got older these moment became more frequent, yet more predictable. I knew what to keep out of his way and what could set him off. I've thrown myself into a motion that every time he had one of these moment I would always remember what it was. Yet even though I've made mental note after mental note of what upsets him I still have no idea why. Why? What's going on in his head to set him off, to make him so sad?

But more importantly why does my appearance set him off?

Well to be honest it doesn't always set if off, just when I got upset at him which happens more then I'd like to admit. It's awful, I get upset at him, he gets set off and then I feel horrible. Maybe he's doing it just to get out of trouble, but whenever it is, it works.

That's when I get the feeling; the feeling that I have no idea what I'm doing.

Maybe I don't, but I've spent most of my life taking care of children yet for some reason I always seem to be guessing on what to do with him. He's different I've come to that conclusion, but how he's different I have yet to figure out.

However even with these sporadic moments I've managed to get a couple things together. Christmas was just a couple days away and after Christmas will finally be able to move out into my own house.

Can't say I don't feel bad, I mean Jazmin and Cass have been so nice to take care of Gilbert and letting me move in. Also Jazmin has not been the easiest to talk to about moving out. Hell I think she put up more of a fight then my own mother. Cass was supportive, and helpful when it came to getting Jazmin to calm down, and Gilbert didn't really care or know what to do with it. He seemed mildly upset to be moving away from Jazmin and Cass, but he got over it real fast.
Cass turned slightly as she heard the front door open and close, then turned back to her cooking.

"It's cold as fuck out there," I complained from the other room.

"What happen to not swearing?" Jazmin asked.

"Have you heard how I talk?" I replied, "I can't just completely stop."

"She's not even trying to hold back," Cass mumbled as Jazmin and I walked into the kitchen.

"Where's Gilbert?" I asked. We turned as we heard some shuffling, not long later we saw Gilbert pop his out from under the table. Jazmin and I gave a puzzled look as he crawled out from the table and ran up to me. I quickly picked him up holding him up in my arms. "What were you doing under the table?" I asked.

"Secret fuck! Ah, fort." Gilbert exclaimed. I smiled, he's become so good at engl- WAIT WHAT DID HE SAY! I looked at Gilbert to Jazmin, who was trying to hold back her laughing, then I turned to Cass who was already looking at me with a pissed expression. Even though she only had a wooden spoon in her hand I knew that it would bring just as much pain and misery as if she were holding a knife.

"Old habits die hard," I mumbled as I set Gilbert down, probably not my best idea. Cassidy only sighed as I quickly made my way out of the room.

It's surprising how easy life can seem before it hits you like a train. Things seemed so easy, I was moving, college and work went without a stitch and Gilbert was getting better at almost everything. It was going so well, and the worst part about it is, that it's was going great for so long that when that train hit you might as well had said I'm dead. Well maybe not its more like after the hit I got up and began to slowly walk again hoping that if I did that I can convince myself that the hit never happen.

Needless to say it started out great, especially due to the fact that I already had the house and it wasn't even Christmas yet. I could move in when I wanted but waited, because I promised Cass and Jazmin that I would spend Christmas with them. Hell why not, I wasn't spending it with my family why not spend it with some friends.

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