The Inevitable

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Chapter three - The Inevitable

It wasn't screams of a child, but screams of the birds that Jazmin's aunt kept in the living room. We both rushed into the room to see the birds freaking out.

We were astonished with what we were looking at, the child managed to get to the cages somehow, and also managed to use the cages to stand up, shaking the cages wildly.

"Hey, no!" I shouted running up and grabbing the baby pulling him from the cage. However that caused the cage to fall forward, but before I could react Jazmin caught the cage. I turned my head to see Jazmin's irritated expression. All I could do was chuckle softly to break the tension.

Long story short Jazmin did agree to my plan. What it was that my plan was, Jazmin will keep the child at her house, and I will stop by everyday to help out while providing as much supplies as I can. This will go on until I graduate high school.

The only problem is that this child has massively gotten in the way of my future plans. I realize this rather late months after we kept him, with me wanting to keep him I wouldn't have enough money and time to go to college after high school, and online wasn't something I wanted to do.

The worst thing I had to swallow was the fact that if I wanted to peruse my dream career I would have to give him up. Which became harder every time I saw him, it became more difficult to think of leaving him. However I refused to give up on the goals I've set for myself long ago.

I didn't plan on finding him, however it was my choice to keep him.

I had no idea what I was going to do, which wasn't good cause graduation was around the corner.

The closer the event got the more busy both me and Jazmin became, we were extremely pushing it between graduation and caring for the child.

"Rachel we have to," Jazmin argued.

"No no no no no," I shot down, "did I mention no?"

"Rachel come on, she already graduated, she would have time to watch him," Jazmin pointed out.

"I don't like the idea of somebody I barley know caring for him," I whined holding the baby closer to me.

"I know her, and I trust her," Jazmin added but I still refused, "listen if you trust her with this I will take full blame if anything happens to him." I loudly sighed, it was inevitable.

About an hour later there was a knock on the door, Jazmin opened it to reveal her girlfriend, Cassidy.

"Jazmin, is everything okay?" Cassidy asked.

"Yes, sorta, well we have a problem. Please, come inside." She did as Jazmin said as she walked closer to the place where I was holding the baby.

"Oh, he looks adorable! What's his name?"

"Um....Gilbert," We both said at the same time looking at each other. She looked confused for a second then turned to a different topic.

"Rachel, you have a child?" Cassidy exclaimed.

"OF COURSE NOT!" My face turned red with embarrassment as I started getting defensive. "God damnit, Jazmin!" I scolded "I thought you told her everything!"

"I did! Cass, it's not hers. She found him in the forest." Jazmin quickly explained.

"And you didn't take him to the police?"

"God damnit!" I started to shout which made the baby fuss. Jazmin took him away when I started yelling some more. I don't remember anything I said but when I was done they both looked scared and Gilbert's ears were covered.

"Are ya done?" Jazmin asked.

"I think so..." I huffed, brushing my hair back with my hands.

"Good. Now Cass, I'm glad that you can babysit for us. You will watch him while Rachel and I are at school and one of use will come over to pick him up sometime after school." Jazmin explained, then turned back to me, "did I miss anything?"

"No," I responded then walked up to Jazmin and Cassidy, "but today is Sunday so as of right now, he's mine." I said as a snatched Gilbert away from Jazmin and walked out of the room.

Cassidy turned to Jazmin with a irritated expression. Jazmin shrugged, "she's very attached to him you'll have to excuse her." 


Thanks to a friend a got this chapter done really fast, any please do comment and vote it you like it enough.

Until next time!

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