The More Things Change

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Chapter 5 - The more things change

I always told myself that I wouldn't get an official job until I graduated. Up until then I always earned money by babysitting or working with family. However now I had no choice, so I got a real job. Why? Well, daycare mainly, and also any other expenses for me and Gilbert. To make it better I now had my license, granted I didn't have my own car yet, but one thing at a time.

The only bad thing was that Cassidy still had to babysit him for the rest of the week and Gilbert still refused to listen to anybody but Jazmin and I.

The three of us spent the rest of the week everyday after school trying to help him. Even though it was slow we made progress. Everyday it would be easier for Cassidy to get Gilbert to listen, even if there was still a lot of struggle. Finally it was next Monday as I dropped Gilbert off at daycare, and to make it easier it was the same daycare that was in my high school. Yet, I couldn't help but flinch as everybody stared at me as I walked into school with a baby.

I stared at the list, I pondered for hours but I still couldn't think of what to do for Gilbert's first birthday. I sat there in the library during my lunch break think of what to do. What do you do for the first birthday of a child you're hiding from your friends and family. I didn't even know what to get him, I lifted my glasses up as I rubbed my eyes.

What was I going to do?

I jumped at the sound of the bell ringing, I quickly packed up my stuff, I needed to get to my next hour.

Surprisingly as the week went by I slowly managed to put together what I could. I saved up what I could from work to get him gifts, as for a cake I decided to do what my mother always did for us when we turned one. When we turned one, my mother would alway get us a small cake and let us get messy with it. I knew that was perfect, Gilbert loved to get messy. We decided to have a little celebration at Jazmin's house with Cassidy.

We held it on Friday, that day after school, I quickly picked Gilbert up and as I headed to the store to get what I needed, while Jazmin and Cassidy got the house ready.

Gilbert sat in the cart playing with my car keys as I got the cake from the bakery. Gilbert's attention quickly changed as I set the small box in the cart.

"No," I said a I lifted him hand away from the box, "it's a surprise." It was so weird, it's as if he knew what we were doing.

It wasn't really his birthday since I didn't know it, so Jazmin thought of something just as good. Half a year from the day I found him, now originally she did recommend the day I found him, but that's so cliché.

I looked back at Gilbert as we left the store, he was in such a happy mood, which put me in a happy mood. Sometimes I believe that he's older than I think it's as if the knows so much for the infant he is. However since I had no idea what age he was I had to wing it.

The moment I pulled up to Jazmin's house she ran out, she rushed up to the driver's door as I got out. "Is everything ready?" I asked. Jazmin nodded, I looked back to see Cassidy already getting Gilbert out of the car, she doesn't waste any time.

"Did you get the cake," Jazmin asked.

"Yup, and I know he's going to love it," I nodded. He had to love it after all it did have a big yellow bird made of frosting on it.

Jazmin and I were too busy talking we didn't notice Cassidy and Gilbert already in the house, that is until we heard a loud noise. We walked into the house to see Cassidy and Gilbert on the living room floor. Cassidy looking like she was just scared, and Gilbert laughing wildly. The same noise repeated as we then realized what happen. Gilbert was popping balloons, and the three of us jumped at the sudden noise.

"Okay that's enough," I said as I took the balloon away, Gilbert immediately started to throw a tantrum. I passed the balloon to Jazmin then picked Gilbert up. "Come on now, if you start this we can't celebrate," I told him. Gilbert quite down as he rubbed his eyes, "huh, are you tired?" I asked. I bit my lip as I thought back to when we were at the store, he was yawning a lot, and I'm pretty sure he fell asleep in the car. "Okay let's put you down for a nap, we can celebrate later."

Cassidy and Jazmin sat waiting in the kitchen. I finally walked in sitting down at the table with them. "Sorry guys," I apologized, "I didn't think that he would skip his nap today."

"That's alright, it gives me some time to relax," Jazmin pointed out.

"He listens to you real well," Cassidy commented.

"Yeah but he's still a troublesome child," I said.

"Rachel" Jazmin asked, "are you doing online school after high school?"

"No, you know I don't want to do college online," I replied.

"Then how will you get the time and money to go to college, work and look after Gilbert?" Jazmin asked. I said nothing as I thought this over, I remained silent as I got up from my seat leaving the room. "What are you doing?" Jazmin asked, but I had no response. Once I was out of the room Cassidy looked over at Jazmin confused. "Stubborn girl," Jazmin mumbled.

It was hours after the celebration, as I wash Gilbert up, both me and Cassidy decided to stay the night at Jazmin's. Gilbert continued to make weird sounds as I washed his face. I smiled as I finished, my smile slowly deteriorated as I thought about the talk we had.

What was I going to do?

I shook the thought away as a wrapped Gilbert in a towel. I laid him on the floor as I began to dry him. I stopped as I dried him off, I realized something, his hair was pure white.

"You're albino," I mumbled, Gilbert only smiled in response. "This day is just full of what the fuck moments." Gilbert then touched my hand, catching my attention. The what the fuck moments continued as I gasped.

"Mommy," Gilbert repeated.


Thank you for reading as always please do vote if you liked this chapter and please comment so I can get feedback.

Until next time!

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