A Helping Hand

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Chapter 2 - A helping hand

A couple things I was lucky enough to have happen to help my plan.

One: the spot I found him was close to a store.

Two: I had a friend who could drive, and was willing to drop everything to come help me.

Three: Teens with children were nothing out of the average where I live.

Things that I was unlucky enough to have:

1: social anxiety while walking around a store with a naked sleeping baby wrapped in my coat.

Doesn't matter if teen mothers were normal here, every time someone glance at me it felt like somebody poking me with hot, burning metal.

Needless to say, since I was waiting at a store for a friend I decided to go through the store to buy some things for the child. After I was done I knew I couldn't walk around in there anymore without raising suspicion, so I waited outside.

Bad thing was that it was autumn and the baby was still only wearing my jacket. Out of fear of the baby getting too cold I took off the first lay of my shirt wrapping him that then my coat. Leaving my in just jeans and a tang top, but that was alright.

What wasn't alright was the amount of stares I got was people walked by. Wondering about improperly dressed girl holding a baby tight to her chest. I even had people ask about me, I only said that I was waiting for a friend, which was true.

Finally she arrived, I immediately stood up and rushed into the car.

My friend stayed silent as she gawked at me.

"It's a long story," I sighed, "can we just go to your house."

My friend hesitated, but eventually left the store as we headed to her house, me explaining the whole way.

Once we were at her house my friend, Jazmin, had heard my whole story. Which wasn't that long now that I think about it. Anyway, when we got there Jazmin slowly turned the car off.

"Rachel," she mumbled my name.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Why didn't you go to the police?" She suddenly shouted.

"Bitch!" I sneered, "shut the fuck up or you'll wake him up."

"Answer me," she demanded in a softer tone.

"I don't know," I mumbled, "I was but then I began to rethink it. Jazmin the police around here are awful. What if they try to put him in an orphanage, those places are always awful!"

Jazmin took a long sigh rubbed her eyes and face, "that's just in story and shows, my god Rachel be realistic."

"I am," I argued.

I knew Jazmin was going to argue back but the baby spoke up first, struggling and whining. Jazmin sighed, "come on let's go inside, nobody's home right now."

Once we inside we decided best if we bathed the child first finally putting clothes on him, even though I completely guessed on clothes when I bought them, they were only a little big.

After he was changed, we lied a blanket down and placed him on it. Assuming that he was too young to roll around we then put the tv on and went into the kitchen to make something for him and us to eat.

"Rachel, what do you expect to do with him?" Jazmin asked. "I know you can't keep him at your house with all of your family." I said nothing just kept my head down. "Rachel," Jazmin said trying to get my attention, "are you trying to keep him?"

My head shot up, "don't be ridiculous, he's not a pet." I exclaimed, "why would I want to,you know that I don't want a family for a long time."

"Rachel?" Jazmin questioned my statement. "If you don't plan to take him to the authorities, then what do you plan to do?"

Blood rushed to my face, "I-I, well I don't know," I paused for a couple seconds to think, "maybe I do want to keep him."

"Still, what are you going to do, you can't keep him at you house," Jazmin stated. Jazmin was taken aback from my big smile, but immediately caught on to it. "Rachel, no!" She turned down.

"Jazmin please it's just until we graduate, then I'll take him," I begged.

"What am I supposed to tell my mom and aunt?" Jazmin asked.

"I don't know, just please, I know he can't stay at my house," I argued.

"What if I call Cassidy and see if maybe-" Jazmin proposed.

"No!" I interrupted. "I want somebody that I know well, and a place I can see him daily. Please Jazmin, I'll help whenever I can, I'll buy all the things he needs, please."

Jazmin groaned softly, "okay, I'll see what I can do, but I'm not making any promises."

"Good enough!" I cheered.

However my victory was short lived as from the other room, we heard loud screams scaring us both.


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Until next time!

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