
22 3 3

"You did what!" Jazmin shouted causing me to pull the phone away from my ear.

"I uh, started online school," I repeated slowly.

"What happen to, 'oh I don't want to do online school, it doesn't work with my major,'?" Jazmin mocked.

"I know I said that but it just makes things so much easier," I stated.

"How?" Jazmin asked.

"Well, if I'm doing online I'm home more often, I can work more, and I can spend more time with Gilbert," I explained.

"You do know that online is more self taught, and you not really the kind person for that," Jazmin stated.

"I can handle it," I said, did I ever mention that my pride is a root to so many of my problems and mistakes.

"You can barely learn when the professional teaches, how are you going to teach yourself?"

"I'll be fine," I stated.

"Rachel-" Jazmin whined.

"Great talk, okay bye!" I exclaimed interrupting her then immediately hung up the phone. I slide the phone into my pocket and closed my laptop in front of me. I sighed as I leaned back and slouched down in my chair to only jump back up when I felt something brush against my legs. I quickly slide back my chair to see Gilbert sitting under my desk. "Gilbert, what the fuck," I mumbled.

"I'm sorry," he muttered.

"What?" I questioned, oh god what did he do?

"You're not going to college because of me," Gilbert said as he crawled out from under the desk.

"Yes I am," I replied.

"Then why was Aunt Jazzie yelling at you?" He asked.

"Aunt Jazzie yells at me a lot," I stated leaning back in my chair.

"Why?" He asked.

I sighed, he was at that staged were he questioned everything, "because I make a lot of dumb decisions."

"Like me," Gilbert stated, it wasn't even a question.

"What no!" I gasped, leaning down, "where did you get that idea?"

"I heard Aunt Cass and Jazzie talking and they said that your life would have been completely different if you never found me," Gilbert explained.

"Really?" I sneered, "well don't listen two those two."

"Why?" He asked.

I sighed standing up from my chair, "don't worry about it, now go play or something I'm going to start dinner."

"Alright," he said the stood up and ran upstairs.

"Unbelievable," I mumbled, "those two need to keep their nose out of my business."


The sound of my steps echoed through out the kitchen as I paced the room for the pasted half hour.

"Mom?" Gilbert called.

"Gilbert," I mumbled my voice muffed by the fingers on my lips. I quickly pulled my nails out from between my teeth. "Wh-what are you... I mean is-is something wrong?"

Gilbert remained silent staring at me with eyes that made me feel like a confused child.

Sadly this wasn't the first time I stared at that expression.


"Why can't I get this right!" I shouted as I threw my pen at my computer screen. I slowly rubbed my hands on my face as I took a deep breath. "Shut the fuck up Rachel," I mumbled. Gilbert hopefully has been at least in bed for a couple hours and how much I love for him to stay in there all night for once since we've moved here.

I placed my head on the palms as I stared at the computer screen. I scrunched up my face as I continually stared at my trashy excuse for art. Slowly I leaned back in my chair and began to rock back and forth. "I can do it." I mumbled, then leaned forward picked the pen back up and continued fixing my work.

I paused turning around as I heard creaking outside my door. "I swear to god he better not," I whispered before turning back to my screen. It seemed like my progress got slower and slower as the creaking became louder and louder. "He better not," I sneered taping my pen on my desk.

I froze as I heard my door slowly creak open. I set the pen down and turned my chair to face the door where Gilbert stood in the doorway his small smile slowly dropped as he saw my stern expression. I stood up and walked over to the door.

"Mom-" he started

"Back to bed," I commanded.


"No!" I sneered, "I have work I need to get done for school, so whatever it is I DON'T CARE!" I wasn't even thinking when I slammed the door shut. Honestly all I could remember from that night was being in a stressed and pissed mood.

I hear it a lot that you shouldn't go to bed mad and it's rather true cause when my alarm went off the next morning I felt a mixture of guilt and wanting to murder something.

My mood began to calm down as our morning continued. He sat quietly at the table eating his breakfast as I leaned against the counter flipping through a book. Every once in a while I would look up from my book to see him. Eventually I noticed that he was also looking up periodically when we made eye contact and he quickly looked down. I closed the book causing Gilbert to jump.

I sighed, "come on you've got school." Gilbert didn't say a word as he walked out of the room. "He- he'll be fine, he's a kid." I mumbled.


I had a hour after I got out of work before I had to pick Gilbert up from school so I decided to work on a college project.

"Almost, almost, almost," I mumbled repetitively finishing up the project. The smile on my face grew bigger as I watched it come together. I paused dropping the pen along with the smile on my face. I slowly turned around as the creaking outside my door. Gradually I stood up and walked over to the door, I quickly threw it open. I held my breath I stared down the hallway, I was staring at nothing.

I exhaled as I brushed my hair back. "Oh I'm completely sane!" I sneered. Silence became the only sound as I realized that I was talking to myself.

I loudly shrieked as my cellphone alarm went off causing me to jumped. I turned around to see it was passed 3 o' clock.

"Ah fuck me!" I shouted as I quickly grabbed my phone an keys and ran out the door.


Long time no see! Okay so this chapter was stalled for two reasons;
• I was having writers block
• I've been out of school for about a month now

Now I know a lot of you guys are thinking 'oh if you're out of school shouldn't you be able to write more . Well you see I mostly wrote in class to waste time and procrastinate. I'm a great student I know.

All comments and votes are highly appreciated for feedback and support!

Until Next Time!

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