"Sebastian Smythe is a pretty dislikable guy." The brunette laughed sadly, "he's my ex. The guy just ditched me for no reason, we have a really long history."

He took one look at her eyes, and took her hand lightly, "we don't have to talk about him if you don't want to, we can dance instead."

"Who said I dance?"

"Me. now come on, Alex."


"I just think that Glee's going to drag us down, and anyway- now that we're national champions, we have friends!"

Turns out that Margo wasn't in glee for the family, she was in it because she had no friends. Her true colours were starting to slip. Still, Alexis wanted to believe that she wasn't as shallow.

"I'm still in the new directions, Margo. Even if you don't want to be" Alexis stared the brunette in the eye, "now please don't do this, it's the troubletones all over again, dios mio."

Margo just slammed her locker, walking away in a fit of rage. It served her right, realistically. Just because they'd won, doesn't mean they were any different, or so Alexis thought.

The morning classes passed with little excitement, most were just a basic review of the syllabus for each class, and every teacher was their typical grumpy selves. Other than Mr Schue, who was kind and pitiful to the girl who had a lot on her mind.

Alexis' walk to lunch was normal in itself, she had trekked alone since Jamie was still in class. But the sense of normality left as she approached the lunch table, left over Tacos in tow. Alexis placed her things by Sam, giving him a quick greeting before making a b-line for the microwave.

When she made her way back, she noticed her things were now on the floor by an empty seat, and a cheerio had taken her seat. She turned her owl neck to face Alexis, before turning away again with an icy scoff.

No one gets on the bad side of Alexis Hummel.

"Excuse me-" she stared at the back of her jacket, "Kitty, you're in my seat."

"I didn't ask." She replied, earning a laugh from two jocks on the table.

Immediately, Alexis put on her bitch face- something she had learnt well from Santana Lopez, "maybe you don't get my message, so let me rephrase, move."

"And why would I listen to you?"

Alexis' nails started to dig into the table, and you could see that the jocks and kitty were starting to get slightly uncomfortable, "look, I get it okay? You're a stuck up, bitchy, cheerio with a superiority complex, but I am a senior. And from what I'm aware, you are underclassmen. So I will repeat; Move your shit and we can never do this again, or I will move you and you can see why I'm such a bitch."

Her eyes widened, quickly moving from the seat in a matter of seconds, handing the brunette her book bag.

Shortly after sitting in her original seat,  and growling at the rest of the new directions for not helping her, both the jocks and the cheerio left to grab their lunch, leaving them to finally talk about our days.

They were so into the conversation that they didn't notice a small, hazel-haired, lanky girl in a green shirt and a newsboy hat had walked up to the table, "Hey, you're the glee club, right? I'm auditioning later, I'm Marley Rose." She was super sweet, and had a voice like honey.

Alexis smiled at the girl, and went to speak before being cut off by Tina, trying to shoo her away from the table "okay, well good luck to you, you have lots of competition."

Before she left, Alexis grabbed her wrist and smiled, "we look forward to hearing you, okay? You most likely have a wonderful voice."

As soon as she was out of ear shot, The brunette growled at Tina, "what the fuck, Tina? Where is that kindness that you used to preach? we may be fucking national champions, but that never gives us the right to be mean to people."

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