Chapter 7

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Annyeong Guysss...

Mian for late update...

homeworks and exams are waiting..

So do you miss me? lol

Check this out ^^


"Oppa.. lets go downstairs" I say to jungkookie oppa. "Ah.. nee" He say. "Eum.. oppa.. keep your present first because-" "Arra arra" He say and keep it. "Kajjaaa" He cheers like a child. "Childish" I whisper. "Mwo???" He yell. "Anii" I say and run downstair. "YAH! Dont run oppa have told you that." Jin oppa shout. "Arra oppa mianhaeyoo" I say with aegyo. "Yahh ppaliii i'm hunggry" Taehyung oppa shout.

We all gather in dining table. "Lets eat.." Hoseok oppa yell. "Thanks for the food" we all say. I eat my favourite food fried shrimp. "Raejin ah.. eat the vegie too" myungsoo oppa say. "Hmmm" I say. "Eat this" Sungyeol oppa put a piece of chicken in my plate. "Gomawo oppa" I say. "Eat this vegie jin ah~" Taehyung oppa say and put some vegie "Hm.." I say and eat it all.

Then i wash all the plate. "Nuna.. mian i cant help you i have exam tomorrow" Teyo say. "Hmm. Gwenchana go study" I say. "Nee enjoy the dishes nuna~" He say. "Arra" But i just remeber. Tommorow is sunday. "YAH! KIM TEYO!" i shout but he's already upstairs. I pout.

Suddenly jungkook oppa come. "Raejin ah need any help?" He ask. "Ani just go with others oppa" i say. "Jinjja? Let me help you" he say. "Ani oppa gwenchana.. you can go with the others." I say. "Ani i wanna help you." He say. I just pout and sigh. Then i continue washing dishes.

Finnaly i finished and need to put a plate inside its place. But you know i'm short i cant reach it. So.. "Ouch.." I yell. "Raejin ah.. Gwenchana?" Jungkook oppa panicked. "Gwenchana oppa" i say calmly. Yes the plate is break and some of its pieces hurt my hand and theres some blood. "Wait here." Jungkook oppa say.

Taehyung oppa come and clean the plate pieces. "Follow me" jungkook oppa say and take me to the living room. "You must be careful" he say then clean my blood. "Ne oppa.. Slowly please its hurt" i say. You know i dont like blood. I'm afraid of blood and its a reason why i dont like horor movie.

I also easily get hurt sick or anything. "Hmm.. keep silent" he say. Then he give the medicine and take care my hand. "Done" he cheers. "Gomawo oppa" i say. "Ne.. next time be careful... i know you're short" He tease. "Aish oppa i'm tall enough" i pout. "Arra arra" he say and messed my hair.

Jin oppa who've done showering come down. "YAH! Jeon Jungkook ! What are you doing to raejin???" He shout. Its too loud. "Oppa nan gwenchana" i say. "Are you hurt? Yah jeon jungkook explain this" He say. Heol over protective oppa--. "Oppa i just washing dishes but because i'm to short the plate is dropped so i have this things" i say.

"Raejin ah oppa have told you dont do anything you cant do.. left it to oppa dont hurt yourself" He say. I just nod. "Now go to your room and take rest" he say. "Ne goodnight oppa" i say and go upstairs. I go to my room and lay in my bed. After some minute i've gone to dreamland.

The next day~

"Neon nege neomu appo! Neon nege neomu appo!" I wake up because v oppa's voice. Yeah i use it as my alarm. I like his voice there. So weekend is here. I do some excercise then take a bath. I go downstairs and go to the kitchen. "Good morning princess" I hear jin oppa voice. "Eh? Goodmorning too oppa" i say and smile.

"Do you sleep well?" He ask. "Hm.. Do you need any help oppa?" I ask. "Maybe not now. But i have one and i think you can do it" He say and smirk. HMM? He use his smirk. OMO WHAT WILL HE TOLD ME TO DO. JIN OPPA USE HIS SMIRK FOR SOMETHING THAT I DONT LIKE. OPPA JEBALLLLL. "You can help me to wake up the guys." He say. "MWOOO?? OPPA YOU CAN DO IT BY YOURSELF" i shout. Why? Because they can sleep with some bad bad atitude.

Example one, syuga oppa. I've been waking him once. When they're going to concert. Syuga oppa shout and whined like a child. I speechless and left him sleeping until he wake up by himself. Next Taehyung oppa and Jin oppa they always sleeptalking and also sleep walking.

Next Jhope oppa he's normal but something make him bad. He always sleep with diffrent way. He sleep with his earphone. So when i waking him up he never listen. So i cant wake him up. The biggest problem is jungkookie oppa. He always miss his home. When i try to waking his up he always sees me as his eomma or he sleep talking or he wake up then when you leave him for around 4 minute he will sleep again.

"YAHHH! OPPA SAY YOU'LL DO IT. SO ENJOY ITT~" Jin oppa say. "OPPA JEBALLL" i use my aegyo. "Arra arra just this time next time you should do it" he say. "Phewww" i sigh. Then i prepare the breakfast and settle the table.


Well hello guys...

Long time no see..

Mian for really late update and also short update..

I miss all of you ㅠ_ㅠ

Mian for all typos or my bad grammar.

Thanks by the way for the followers and also new readers^^

Keep read and support my story.

In this few weeks maybe i'll be hiatus because exam waiting infront of me...

So enjoy this chapter guys

Love ya

K_C (^3^)

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