It cheered Bolting over to me. It embraced me in a bone crushing hug, and carried me downstairs with psychic..

the worst part...
I didn't have time To put down my pokeball.

"Cleffairy come On!!" I grumbled in adgitation before it drops me in front of my flustered mom.

"Annalece justine! Where in the name of arceus have you-"
Cleffairy interupted pointing at my hand; still shakily clutching the pokeball. "Y-You have.....a pokemon?" She asked with a Tight, wide eyed expression.

I gulped down the lump in my throat, chuckling nervously.
"Mom..It's not really what you th-" MY BABY FINALLY HAS HER VERY OWN POKEMON!!" she squealed jumping up and down.

Her and cleffairy hugged the life out of me, until finally I shoved her away "I'm NOT a baby!" I growled "who cares you've finally found a pokemon!! Let's see pleasee." She begs. "NO I NEED TO WORK WITH IT FIRST!!" My voice shook nervously and I bolted Up the staircase to my bedroom before locking the door.

I made sure the window was locked and closed the curtains. I turned on The light and prepared myself for the worst.
I placed the pokeball on my bed. And started pacing around my room with my hands on the back of my head.

"Okay..I'm gonna meet my first pokemon...but I'm a pokemon?!?!?! This is so weird. Oh jeez what am i gonna do??? How is this about to go it gonna like me?!?!"

"Okay get it together annalece you can do this!! Oh shit I can't do this!!!!!"

"¡Oye! Cuida tu boca pequeña pagana!" My mom snaps from all the way across the house. "Sorry mama!" I call back, sorrowful.

I rubbed my face and shifted as quick as possible preparing myself. "Okay litten..." I say picking up the pokeball. "Come on out.." I murmur wearily then purse my lips as the bright ball of fluff appears on my bed.

It looks up at me wide eyed...

W-who are you?!?!?

Where am i??

How did i...

I was gonna die..

I know I was the
one who saved you
I replied mentally

How did you get me into a pokeball?
It's eyes are glossed with worry and confusion

I sigh because I'm not
Just a pokemon

"I'm also a human"
I say allowed which makes

t jump back slightly

I am annalece forence justine
I am your new Trainer

I finished and shifted into my human form. It looked up at me in awe. "I've never had a pokemon if you don't want anything to do with me..and you wanna be free again, I will release you okay? I-I've never had a pokemon before.."

It shook its head..

To be honest...I've never really had a trainer before..and to be with someone who could actually understand me would be...alot you saved me.

I want you to be my trainer...

It approached me with glossed eyes, it's feminine voice rang in my head. I stood there for a moment

You can still understand
me right?

She tilted her head. "Yes, I can hear you just fine." I say as tears fall from my eyes. I was shocked to find myself reacting this way....why??

I'm sorry did i say something
To upset you?

I held my hand out and scratched behind her ears then right beneath her chin.
"No..honestly I've never been better."  Then why are you crying??......"because I'm happy." I say and with that I scoop her into my arms and she nuzzles me happily.

"So..what was life like for you?"
What do you mean? We pop down into my bed, after I've changed into some pajamas. They were wailmer sweat pants and a suicoon t-shirt. "Well...when I found were all beaten up and stuff." I point out.

Oh yeah...get this so I had just figured out how to use flame charge and I used it on a tree to knock down a few oran berries but when I took off in the alley this Persian started attacking me-

We talked throughout the night getting to know each other until we both drifted to sleep, curled closely into each other; with smiles plastered on our faces.
A/N: omg I am so loving how this Is turning out!! The chapters are pretty long, but its for a good reason...I'm so glad I started on this story!! Thanks so much for reading If you did!
Xox see you next chapter

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