Chapter 15

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"Oh, God! Look at the time. Didn't know how it just flew by. I have to leave. Have to make notes of this morning's meeting, and submit it to the boss. It's been nice talking to you. I wish we spent more time."

Anu frantically dumped her things into her tote bag, called for the bill and got up.

"Hey! Come on. No formalities. Maybe we should plan something well in advance," Anya said.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Do you have my number? Let me just jot it down for you."

Anu plucked a tissue from the holder and looked for a pen in her bottomless tote bag. Sanjay, in the meantime, pulled out a pen for her in amusement.

"Thank you!" she said absentmindedly.

"Your welcome!" he offered in gaiety.

Anu did not expect a reply from him at all and was caught off guard for a second. She spent close to an hour there and not once heard him talk, except for the initial Hello. Since she had other pressing things on her mind, she did not pay attention. She proceeded to write down her phone number and gave it to Anya.

"There you go. Please plan something, and let me know. Or wait, I have the perfect place in my mind to catch up. I'll check and let you know. Drop me a message, I'll save your number," Anu enthused.

Anya smiled at her eagerness and nodded. Meanwhile, the bill came by, and Anu paid it.

"Cya. Take care, dear."

"Bye, Anu."

Anu made a move to leave the place only to be interrupted by Sanjay's soft voice.

"Please do include me in your plans. I found you very interesting...I mean...your conversation, very invigorating," he corrected in a rush, with a faint blush but continued without missing a beat, "I promise to be a silent spectator, you need not mind my presence at all. I don't mind sitting and whiling away all the time just looking around while you ladies chat, chat and chat."

Anu blinked in disbelief while Anya looked surprised. Neither knew if it was sarcasm or if he had seriously meant it. Sanjay in the meantime nervously shrugged.

Anu recovered first and added with a smirk, "Of course, let's see, I'll invite my brother just to even out the number."

She left the place in a hurry before she encountered any more awkward situations.

"You dog! So you find her interesting, huh?"

"Come on! It's not like that. I used sarcasm to pronounce my boredom," Sanjay explained.

Anya scoffed and smirked at him knowingly, "Yeah you were bored with sparkling eyes, blushing cheeks and a tender smile? Cut the crap. You like her."

"Well, what's not to like about her?"

"Now, we are talking. I only know that she is a divorcee, nothing much. She is sweet and very determined, though. Oh, My God! She is two years older than Ajay, and you are three years my senior. You must be a year or so younger than Ajay. Then she's like three or four years older than you. Wow! That's something, man. You need to work a lot on convincing her, and everyone else if you are serious. "

"Come on, Anya. We just met, and a big deal about the age gap. When women don't mind marrying older men, then why should we?"

"That's the spirit, man. I love you for this. You are a better feminist than me."

Sanjay quirked a brow at her comment, "Feminist?"

Anya gave him a cheeky smile.

"I think she is matchmaking!" Sanjay mused.

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