Chapter 4

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It had been a week since the impromptu meeting, yet Ajay remembered it as if it was yesterday.

"I must say you look good tonight. Blue suits you," her words repeated in an infinite loop, at the back of his mind. He wanted to meet her again. It was far from love-at-first sight. He was neither a green boy from his youth to feel ardent desire nor a hardened criminal to forgo all kinds of feelings.

Love was a distant feeling he never wanted to feel. There was a time when all he thought about was to settle in life with an understanding life partner, whom he would love dearly. Have a kid or two, preferably, a son and a daughter, and then work towards the betterment of their lives.

Or even better, have a kid of their own and adopt another, if his wife would agree to the arrangement. But he saw the best of the lot fall for something similar.

His best friend and the person he always confided in fell for the same trap. Yes, it was a trap. Ramesh was engaged to someone he thought he loved. Ramesh's parents were bride hunting in the typical South Indian style. They stumbled across Padma's profile but gave it a miss for something better. Ramesh, however, liked her profile and argued that she would suit their lifestyle against all the odds.

"But how? You are an MBA, and she has not even completed graduation, Ramesh. How would she suit? and what about the age-gap?" Ajay had asked.

"I'm earning enough to take care of the family. I don't have big ambitions, Ajay. If she stays home and looks after my parents and then kids, that's enough for me. She can do whatever she wants in her spare time, be it graduation or PG. I'll bear the costs. Can't you see from the picture that she is a good choice? She looks demure, and she's from a very basic middle-income-family," Ramesh had replied.

Ramesh's parents enlisted Ajay to persuade Ramesh against Padma's alliance, but he couldn't convince him at all. Ramesh's resolve to marry her only strengthened with further discussions.

Ajay requested Ramesh's folks to humour him with a meeting involving the bride's party and then to decline the match based on astrological reasons.

Ramesh came back jubilant than ever after the meeting.

"I think I'm in love," he declared.

Ajay kept mum and waited for Ramesh to explain further, "I have a good feeling about this match, Ajay. She is so calm and modest. She's so perfect."

"There is no such thing as perfect, Ramesh. You are just in a bubble. But I hate to break it to you. Your parents hinted that you are astrologically incompatible. I think you need to leave it."

"Bullshit! It's a love match Ajay, and astrological compatibility is not required. I think I'm going to give her folks a call and let them know of my consent."

"Don't call them Ramesh. Just confirm with your parents, just once. Why hurry when you've waited for so long?"

Though he could stall Ramesh for the time being, he couldn't persuade him against the match.

Three weeks later, Ajay attended their simple marriage ceremony, where every little arrangement was taken-care by Ramesh's family.

"They are a lower-middle-income family, Ajay. What do you expect? Besides, I'm bringing the bride home. She is worth it," Ramesh had said during the wedding.

Ajay met Padma a few times. Her poise looks and soft words deceived all of them involved. Within a year, they had a kid.

Things changed after they shifted to a multi-cultural locality, close to Ramesh's office. Ramesh didn't curtail Padma's eagerness to belong. She let other people influence her and turned into a high maintenance wife —making appearances in kitty parties, pool parties and others. She slowly turned to drink. Padma had no time for his friend, and Ramesh preferred office because she was rarely home. They went through nannies like diapers. In the midst of all, the kid suffered.

To Love Or Not To Love| A FEATURED STORYWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt