Sharing the Night Together

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"It was, but I found an alternative in the the study of the Mystic Arts." Stephen said, making a yellow glow come from his hands. "I have learned to control the pain. My mind and body are at peace with each other." He said, forming a sunflower with his magic.

"How come they still shake?" Hazel asked.

"I could make them stop shaking if I wanted, but I'm proud of my scars and my hands. I like to embrace my flaws." Stephen said.

"That's nice." Hazel said.

"What about you? What's your story?" Stephen asked.

"I was diagnosed with cancer when I was eight."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Stephen apologized.

"They found a malignant tumor between L4 and L5 in the lumbar part of my spine." She explained. "It's extremely painful for me to try and walk on my own. My life expectancy is estimated to be about thirty." Hazel said, sadly.

"I'm sorry." Stephen said.

"Don't be. It's not your fault. I've submitted to the idea." Hazel smiled at the ground. "If I didn't have Alina, I don't know where I'd be now. She treats me good, she's very loving. She really cares about me."

"Alina has a kind heart. She's a good person." Stephen said.

"I really glad Alina introduced me to you." Hazel said, looking at Stephen. Stephen listened closely. "You're a really nice guy."

"Thank you." Stephen smiled.

"Hazel! Hazel!"

The two turned around to the sound of Alina calling Hazel.

"I'm here." Hazel said, waving at her.

"Oh." Alina sighed in relief and ran over to them, kneeling down by Hazel's side. "Thank goodness you're okay." She pulled her into a loving embrace.

Stephen smiled softly at the two.

"I just came to take a breather with Stephen." Hazel said, looking at Stephen.

Alina pulled away and looked at Hazel. "Does anything hurt? Do you need anything? More morphine?"

Hazel put a hand on her cheek. "Hey, hey...calm down. I'm okay. I'm okay." She smiled at Alina. "Okay?"

"Okay." Alina nodded. "Okay." Alina looked over at Stephen. "Did you two have fun?" She asked.

"Yes. We danced and had a good time. It was fun." Stephen said.

"The most fun I've had in years." Hazel said.

Alina looked at her and smiled. "That's wonderful. I'm glad you two enjoyed your night together."

"Thank you for introducing me to Stephen." Hazel said.

"I told you you'd like him." Alina said. Stephen smiled. "By the way, Tony's looking for you."

"Oh." Stephen said, standing up. "I guess I'll go over there and make sure everything's okay with him." He dusted his hands off. He looked down at the two girls. "Thank you so much Alina, for introducing me to Hazel. Hazel, I had a fun time."

The two smiled at him.

"Bye Stephen." Alina said.

"Goodbye Stephen." Hazel waved at him.

"Goodbye." Stephen smiled at them and began to walk to the building. He looked back at them, watching Hazel put her head on Alina's shoulder as the two watched the water.


"Hi, sorry. Have you seen Stephen?" Tony asked a Clint, who was drinking some punch. Clint shook his head.

Prom was over. Almost everyone had gone home. Only Tony and his friends remained, along with a few other students. There was cleaning staff already starting to take out the trash, and slow music played in the background with warm pink lights shining.

Bruce was sitting down in a chair with Thor's head on his lap. Thor was out like a light.

Steve, Bucky, Everett, and T'challa were conversing. Nat was taking off her heels.

Tony turned to the sound of the main door opening. Stephen came in, wiping his feet on the small rug at the entrance.

Tony's heart felt relief. "Oh, Stephen." He put a hand over his heart. He walked over to him. "Stephen, where have you been? I've been looking all over for you."

"I was with Hazel and Alina-" Stephen was cut off by Tony, who pulled him into a loving embrace. He hugged back after a few moments.

They pulled away shortly.

"We haven't been together all night." Tony said.

"Mhm." Stephen nodded.

Tony took him by the arm and pulled him to the center of the room, under the warm pink lights and streamer covered floor. He bowed. "May I have this dance?"

Stephen looked around. "But won't everyone else-"

Tony looked up at Stephen. "I was being stupid when I said all of that. We shouldn't care what others think." Tony said. "Come. Dance with me Stephen."

Stephen smiled, suddenly embracing Tony. "Oh, Tony." He laughed.

Tony, a little surprised at first, laughed along with his boyfriend.

The two slow danced what was left of the night away, holding each other close. There was no space between them. Their heartbeats could feel each other. Every so often, Tony would whisper sweet nothings into Stephen's ear, making the wizard smile.

"I love you, Tony." Stephen said, placing his head on Tony's shoulder.

Tony kissed Stephen's head and laid his chin on it. "I love you too, Wizard." He said as they slowly swayed to the rhythm of the song.

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