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Third Person P.O.V

"I love you." Klaus said as the grey veins quickly spread over Cassie's body.

He couldn't stop it, she had made her choice. Klaus cried harder, indenial that she was actually gone. He shook his head and bit his wrist again, trying to force it into her mouth but nothing happened, it was too late.

"Please." Klaus begged quietly to her, "You can't leave me."

She never left, she never wanted to leave before, what changed? Questions were floating through Klaus' mind with no answers, no correlations, nothing. Nothing but the thought of her, and now she was... gone.

"Klaus!" A voice shouted behind him. He turned his head to see his youngest brother behind him. His eyes instantly fell down to Cassie's body in Klaus' arms, "No."

Kol rushed towards the two as Klaus turned his attention back to Cassie's grey body in his arms. Kol dropped to his knees beside them, "I'm too late."

"You... you were suppose to help me talk her out of it." Klaus growled angrily before it instantly turned back into agonising pain.

Kol began to cry, "I was on my way, I was too far away."

Klaus tried to catch his breath, "We need to get her back home, before Theo or Lila or Hope see, we have to -- "

" -- dad?" A voice interupted him.

Klaus glanced up to see Hope standing before them, she had been practicing her wolf transitioning in the woods. He frowned at his daughter, "Hope, leave!"

The young girls eyes dropped to Klaus' lap, where Cassie's body was. Her stomach twisted and her heart dropped, "Oh my God, Cassie? No, no! What happened?"

Klaus continued to frown as she moved closer, "Hope, go back to school!"

"But I -- "

"-- now!" He yelled at her, "And keep this from your siblings, she's not... she isn't dead, okay? She isn't."

Hope was crying, her breathing was becoming rapid at the sight. A mother figure of hers was dead, she had lost two of the most important women in her life. She sobbed before obeying her fathers orders and she ran away.

Kol placed his arm around Klaus' shoulder in comfort, trying to stay strong for him, "Let's get her home, brother."


Kol entered the compound courtyard infront of Klaus. He walked through the entrance. Freya was sat on one of the sofas with her phone in her hand, anxiously waiting for a call. Her head shot up when she saw a figure from the corner of her eye.

"Kol? I thought you -- " Freya stopped herself when she saw Klaus enter with Cassie's body in his arms. The blonde pushed herself to her feet, "Oh my God, is she -- "

" -- I need you to find a spell." Klaus demanded immediately. She remained in the same spot, which angered him, "Do something, Freya!"

Freya's breath jumped in her throat at his anger and tears filled her eyes. Klaus vamp ran up the stairs and into his bedroom. He placed Cassie's body on the bed.

Kol and Freya quickly entered after him, "How did it happen?"

"After you called I managed to catch the little Bennett witch that helped her." Klaus stated, frowning, "She said she got someone to siphon her magic and then when I found her, I tried to talk her out of it but she..."

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