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I was soon out of Kol's arms and vamp ran back up into the apartment. Lila had stopped screaming and was panting heavily, trying to catch her breath back. I dropped down to my knees and wrapped my arms around her. She sat on my knee as she cried harshly into my chest.

"It's okay, baby. Mommy's here." I soothed her, stroking my right hand down the back of her head. I could feel the fear radiating off of her, "I won't let anything bad happen to you, ever."

I turned my head towards the doorway, feeling Kol's presence. He was staring down at the two of us, face full of concern, "That was pretty powerful. Has she ever done that before?"

"No." I shook my head, "Theo started showing signs of his abilites when he was two, she's had none, she's almost four."

"Maybe she's developing slower?" Kol questioned, taking a seat on the arm of the white sofa.

My eyes wandered towards the flowers on the table beside him, as the petals suddenly changed from their bright pink form into a crumbled grey mess. The water in the clear vase suddenly turned into a deep red. I exhaled an anxious breath, "Or maybe, it has something to do with that."

I met Kol's gaze as he sighed, "Klaus."

Two hours passed and I'd managed to call Klaus a total of seven times with no answer. So, I'd resorted in doing a locator spell on him to find he was still in France. I watched as Lila's mouth gently popped ajar, her eyes tightly shut as she slept.

In her arms laid a stuffed toy of a white dove that Klaus had gotten her. He called her his little dove ever since she was in the womb, because they represented peace and love, and it stuck. And every time Klaus called her his little dove, the entire room lit up with her beaming smile. As for her dove teddy, she never slept without it.

I let out a sigh, watching her still. It was beyond heartbreaking to watch her scream her lungs out. I knew some of the things that would happen if I had another child, but I never thought it would be this bad. And for barely anyone to be around to help either of us made it even worse. We needed our family.

I took my phone from my back pocket and dialled Klaus once more as I headed out of Lila's room. It rang a few times before cutting off. I sighed, joining Kol in the kitchen, "Lila's asleep and Klaus still won't answer my calls. I'm gonna have to go and see to him myself."

"Wait, Cassie." Kol said, making me stop, "What about the two children?"

I exhaled a deep breath, "I wouldn't ask if I wasn't desperate, Kol. But your Uncle duties are needed."

He cocked an eyebrow, staring at me like I'd gone insane, "You want me to look after Lila and some other kid?"

"Blake's asleep in my bed." I told him, picking my jacket up from the back of a kitchen stool, "They shouldn't wake but if they do, just read to them. I will call Blake's mom, Holly, and tell her that you're here. I trust you, so she will too."

"Cassie," Kol rushed after me as I began to leave, "I can't look after them."

I turned to face him, "You never doubted me, remember? And I don't doubt you. Klaus isn't far away. I will be back as quick as I can be, okay?"

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