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I overlooked the inside balcony and down into the courtyard, seeing it covered in tables and notice boards and human police. Klaus had compelled an enourmous amount of police to find Hayley.

He'd already gone around the witches, werewolves and vampires demanding they tell him if they took Hayley. They all said they hadn't so he demanded they find out who did too.

It had been a day since we found Henry hanging dead in the streets. In that day, Klaus had gone to France to get Elijah's help in finding Hayley. He'd only just returned this morning, along with the police but no Elijah.

My head turned to the right when I felt him stand there. I turned towards him, "What happened when you saw Elijah in France?"

"Nothing." Klaus responded, "He wasn't there."

"It's where he's been for the past seven years." I stated, "Did he just get up and leave? Or are you lieing to me?"

Klaus' gaze dropped from mine and his lips pressed together, not responding. I could see from his body language that he was hiding something. I pondered before sighing, "He didn't want to come, did he?"

Klaus turned and placed his hands on the railing, "How are our children?"

His change of subject meant that there was more to Elijah simply not wanting to come back. Was it this woman he'd been seeing? Was she still in his life? And did he still simply not remember us?

"Good. Lila's been following Freya around all the time." I told him with a small smile, "I think she missed her."

"Did she..." Klaus trailed off, his head hanging slightly as though he was in pain. He turned to face me again and met my gaze, "When I went to France, did she have anymore pain? Did she scream again?"

"No." I shook my head before shrugging, "Ever since we came to New Orleans she's been fine."

I glanced back into the room of Klaus' study behind us and to the grey duffel bag on the floor. I met Klaus' deep blue eyes, "I'm taking Theo back to school today. While I'm there, I'm gonna check up on Hope. Freya's coming with us. You gonna be okay here?"

He took a step closer to me, "Yes."

Klaus pressed a soft kiss to my forehead and I seemed to melt at his touch. As he pulled back, I tilted my head and leant upwards, attaching my lips to his. It felt passionate but lustful, like we needed each other.

It was as though we were kissing like it was the last time.

Maybe we were both frightened because it had been almost a week and we hadn't found Hayley. Maybe it was the thing to do with Elijah. Maybe we were scared to be apart again. Maybe we just needed each other, as we always did.

His hands latched onto my waist and with our lips still attached, I felt the wind whisp past us. A second later I'm layed on the sofa in the study with Klaus on top of me. We broke apart and I raised my hand, locking the doors and closing the blinds with magic.

Klaus grinned down at me, "You are so beautiful."

His moved his face closer to mine. I let my lips brush against his, "I love you."

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