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"What do you mean she's missing?" Klaus immediately asked Caroline, rushing by my side.

Caroline looked unnerved by his sudden approach but she straightened herself up and looked between the two of us, "A few hours ago she took off with a boy from school."

I furrowed my brows, "Roman?"

"We are looking for them." Caroline stated, "Infact our entire honors tracking class is on it."

"Clearly they aren't good enough or you wouldn't be here." Klaus frowned.

"We can't pin point their location yet," Caroline continued, "but it seems to be somewhere outside of New Orleans."

The small information was enough for me. Hope had run away from school, she was in a dangerous state and we had no idea of her intentions. Theo's vision ran through my mind, of all the danger she could be causing.

"Grab something of Hope's, I'll get the car keys." I told Klaus, "We have to find her."

I was about to rush off but he caught my arm, "Hold on, what about Lila?"

"I'm not taking Lila," I shook my head, "it's far too dangerous."

"She's safer with us." Klaus stated.

Before I could respond, Caroline's voice piped up, "I'll look after her."

This turned Klaus' attention and he frowned at her, "You want to look after my youngest daughter? Cassie and I entrusted you and your school to look after my eldest and look where that's got us."

"Klaus! It's not her fault Hope ran away." I reminded him. I glanced to the blonde with a grateful smile, "Thank you, Caroline, I would love for you to look after Lila. Keep us updated on our daughter and any news on Hope."

"I will." Caroline agreed.

After I got Lila settled with Caroline and Freya, Klaus and I were just setting off in the car. I was driving, whilst Klaus clung onto one of Hope's hairbrushes incase I could track her myself.

"Are you seriously trusting her?" Klaus asked as I pulled off down the road.

He was talking about Caroline, "Of course I am, Klaus."

"But -- "

I cut him off from what was going to be a long speech, "I have known her since she was eighteen, Klaus. She isn't Holly. She isn't some girl I just met that you hate. I trust Caroline with my life and I trust her with my kids too. So please just trust me."

"Fine." He replied, defeated.

"Lila will be safe, Klaus." I reassured him, "I put a boundary spell on the compound, and a protection spell over her. Our little girl is safe."

"I just..." He paused before the final word slipped out under his breath, "worry."

I glanced at him, seeing the fear on his face. I exhaled and rested my free hand on his, "It's called being a parent. It never goes away, ever. But it just means you've got something so incredibly special in your life."

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