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Something tickling my face caused me to regain conciousness. I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes, slightly blinded by the bright sun rays shining into the living room. I looked infront of me to see a little figure.

Lila was holding a lipstick in her hand that she'd used to draw on my face. I momentarily turned away, chuckling, causing my head to bury into a chest. I moved my head out and glanced upwards to see Klaus grumbling.

It was a sight I hadn't seen for several weeks, and one I'd missed. He opened his eyes and smiled down at me, "Morning."

"Morning." I responded, smiling back. I leant upwards pressing a gentle kiss to his plump lips. I turned back to face Lila, "Baby, why don't you go pick out some books and toys that you wanna pack?"

She pondered before smiling brightly, "Okay."

I smiled as I watched Lila rushed off out of the room and down the hallway. I glanced at the clock to see it was 6am. I faced Klaus again, still embraced in his arms on the sofa we'd slept on.

"She's your double." Klaus told me with a soft smile, "So beautiful in every way."

"Mhm," I continued to smile, scrunching up my nose a little, "well, she definitely didn't get her good looks from you."

A chuckle rumbled in his chest before his lips attached to mine. I eagerly kissed him back. The sudden sound of the doorbell rang loudly through my ears causing us to break apart. I could hear the persons heartbeat and breathing pattern.

"That'll be Holly." I told him, pushing myself off the sofa. Klaus groaned as he sat up, causing me to shoot a glare at him, "Play nice."

I made my way down the hallway of the apartment and opened the door, revealing a tall, blonde. I grinned, "Holly, hey."

"Hey. I'm so sorry, work is literally killing me with their cases." Holly apologised. She was a lawyer and worked a lot into the night. The blonde analyzed my face, "Sweetie, you have lipstick all over your cheeks."

"Oh." I responded, completely forgetting about that. I pulled my sleeve down and wiped my cheeks as I stood aside, letting her in. We moved to the door of my bedroom. We both entered, seeing Blake was still asleep on my bed.

"He's been crashed out since last night." I told her as she moved towards her son, "Slept like an angel."

"I really appreciate you taking care of him." Holly said as she sat on the bed beside his sleeping body, "Oh, and please thank your friend Kol too."

"I will." I flashed her a smile.

"Mind if I grab a glass of water before we head home?" Holly asked.

I moved aside, gesturing towards the doorway, "Help yourself."

Holly grinned at me as she made her way out of the room and I followed after her. It was strange to have a new friend in my life, but Holly reminded me of Cami. The two of us got along greatly.

Holly came to halt in the living room. Her eyes locking on the figure stood infront of her, "Klaus."

Klaus stared back, "Holly."

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