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Daylight was starting to break through the curtains of Klaus and I's bedroom. My head was resting on the pillow with my head facing Klaus, who was still sleeping beside me.

I stared at every feature on his face, his plump pink lips, his sandy coloured stubble, his hair that was darker at the roots and lighter at the tips. His cheeks were slowly growing a light pink colour due to the heat from under the covers, and his deep blue eyes were now staring right into mine. I inhaled a breath when he'd caught me staring.

"Did you sleep?" He asked.

"A little." I lied. I hadn't slept at all.

Klaus turned his body to face me and he soothingly brushed his hand against my cheek, "How are the voices?"

"Rattling my brain." I stated, "But I'll be okay."

"I admire your strength, little one." Klaus said with a small, warm smile before it dropped, "But the situation can't stay this way."

"And it won't. I'll make sure of it. It'll all work out, Klaus." I responded, pushing myself into a sitting position. I couldn't stay in contact with him because I knew anymore of it would break my heart, "Theo's going back to school today, Lila and I are taking him, feel free to tag along if you must."

Klaus sat up too, "I have some Elijah business to deal with, along with my daughter now being part werewolf."

That was a part I'd forgot to mention because the voices in my head were too loud, they were all I could think about, them and getting rid of them.

During Hope's rage in the church, she'd not only killed a ton of vampires, she'd killed a guy in the church attic and also harmed Declan, who was up there too.

The guy she had accidentally killed was human, therefore triggering her werewolf side. I knew nothing about being a werewolf, so I knew it was best for Klaus to handle the situation, plus for the first time in a long time, he finally got to spend some alone time with his daughter.


I rolled my neck with my eyes pressed shut, trying to relieve the pain that was constantly rushing through my veins. I hadn't had chance to sleep, or even think, the voices in my head were aggrivating.

I reopened them. Theo was infront of me, packing his things into his duffel bag, ready to go back to the Salvatore boarding school. Hope had decided that she was ready to go back too, that she needed to be back there to have time to herself and space to breathe.

She and I had already talked about what I had done, she wasn't happy about it because she was the one that wanted to be the saviour, but she understood why I did what I did. And now it was all on me.

I left Lila with Theo in his room to complete his packing as I made my way down the stairs and into the courtyard of the compound. Standing by the sofas were three out of five of the Mikaelson siblings, Rebekah, Freya and Elijah. Keelin was standing with Freya, and Marcel by Rebekah.

Oddly, I looked to Elijah, expecting Hayley to be there but of course she wasn't. Vincent was there instead.

Klaus was with Hope, and Kol seemed to be avoiding me and everyone else.

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