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I was in the compound courtyard in thirty seconds flat. Theo rushed towards me from the sofa, "They're in the stairwell. She's spelled the doors too, I can't get in."

"You really think I'm broken?" I heard Hope's voice from closeby. I stormed towards where it was coming from, "Maybe you're right, that little girl you miss so much would be better off if she never loved you at all."

Through the glass and the infamous M crest on the doors, I could see Klaus' back and Hope infront of him, looking as though she'd been crying for a while. I could feel how strong the magic vibrating off of the room was. I couldn't get through the blood magic.

"Hope!" I called out, "Sweetie, open the door."

"I just wanted one moment with my dad." Hope sobbed to me from inside, "And he thinks I'm this broken, fragile mess."

"No, he doesn't." I responded. I grasped the door handles, lightly tugging them, "Please, open the doors, Hope. You know that if you stay near your father any longer, it's gonna kill you both."

She hesitated before raising her hands and letting the magic free. The doors pulled open and I rushed inside, moving just infront of Klaus, "You have to leave now."

Klaus also hesitated. He took a long look at Hope before his gaze flickered down to mine and then he was gone. I let out a breath and turned to Hope. I moved towards her, wrapping my arms around her crying figure.

"I don't know what you two were talking about, Hope, but I promise you, everything he does, pushing you away, is to protect you." I told her. And I knew not just from the Hollow, but from experience that it was true.

"He hates me." She sobbed.

"No, he doesn't." Theo said from beside us. Hope's head pulled from my chest and she looked to her brother, "Hope, you can't act out like this whenever you feel like he hates you. First, the hybrid, then Hayley, you're making everything worse!"

Hope fully moved out of my arms and turned to Theo with a frown, "You're only saying that because you actually get to spend time with dad. You've always been his favourite, Theo. You were brought into this world with love, I was the mistake."

"Hope!" I called out to her as she stormed off up the stairs of the compound. She didn't stop and within seconds she was out of sight. I sighed and glanced to Theo, "I know you meant well, Theo, but please don't argue with her, she's feeling excluded."

"I was just telling the truth." Theo responded. He sulked before moving to the stairs, "I'll be in my room."

"Theo..." I sighed, watching my son make his way up the steps. It was hard to be in a house where two children share a father that one gets to see and the other never can. It was even harder that Hope felt as though she'd been abandoned by her father, when in reality, all he wanted to do was keep her safe and alive.


Twenty minutes after Klaus' entrapment, he and I were heading down the aisle of St. Anne's church to get Hayley. I let out a sigh, "I just don't know why she's acting out all of a sudden. You've not had contact with her for around four years, so why now?"

"Hm. I assume it's all this teenage..." He trailed off and flailed his hands, "stuff."

"Hormones." I corrected, knowing it was a word he for some reason didn't want to say.

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