22 : broken promises 0.2

Start from the beginning

every broken pieces of your heart, piece by piece, he still owns it. you gulped, the thoughts were only making it worse and you were at edge of crying when your eyes darted to someone who's your world. it just felt like everything's crashing down when you finally saw him after a drastic year. you cursed under your breath, he looked definitely more mature. his body looking tough, sharp jaw line and visible collar bone. you used to love that person. you used to have him.

"y/n? are you okay?" his eyebrows knotted in concern and you didn't even noticed that tears already escaped from your eyes. you looked down and wiped it quickly, feeling him sit next to you. it made you even harder to breathe when you saw the girl he's with. maybe his fiancé. you couldn't even handle it anymore and cried on his shoulder.

"you still love him, don't you?" you looked up at him with questioning eyes, he shook his head and looked away. you felt his hand on the side of your head, making you rest it against his shoulder again.

"i stalk you on your social medias even though when the both of you were still together." you kept on listening, feeling a little pain from him while he was opening up.

"i should be the one at his place if i payed attention to you back then. you shouldn't have been feeling this kind of pain," you looked down and still unsure if you want to agree with what he said because jimin was that something you wouldn't ask for more if you still have it.

"but it happened already. you still love him until now and i understand that." it was a bitter sweet to hear it from him. you pulled away, eyes interlocking with his as he gave you a weak smile. you just gave him a tight hug with your eyes closed, not wanting to see what's going on between jimin and his fiancée because your heart couldn't handle anymore pain. he hugged you back and rested his chin on the top of your head, listening to how heavy he breathes. you felt shy for a sudden and pulled away. he agreed to your suggestion that you should eat before the food gets cold.

"thank you so much." you mean what you said to him while you were on your way out the restaurant. he gave you a smile and your arms just quickly wrapped around him, thanking him a lot. you needed to get everything out and he was the one who's there for you.


heart dropped, shattering into pieces, familiar voice clouded your mind. it was him. you were so damn sure.

uneven breathing pattern as he left, leaving the both of you alone to talk when there's nothing to talk about. everything's done. you just begged that he wouldn't make it harder for you than already it is.

"please, look at me." you didn't.

"jimin, if we're going to talk about what happened between us, we shouldn't. it's over for the both of us."

"y/n, please-"

"are you crazy? you have a child already." you finally turned around, you couldn't handle your temper and you could tell by his face he was shocked how your raised your voice at him.

"i don't. that's why i wanted to talk to you."

"i'm not stupid, jimin." he grabbed your wrist as soon as you turn around to take a step, he loves you so much and what he saw earlier crushed him in to pieces.

"so what if you don't have? you're with your girl a while ago."

"she's hoseok's girlfriend and she wanted to help me how to win you back."

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