Will you trust me?

Start from the beginning

Katsuki sat next to you holding your hand as you both sipped your beers before he broke the through the tranquil peace. "It may be Haru's birthday today but you were the amazing woman that gave birth to him. You deserve some praise." he smiled, as you sighed resting your head on his shoulder.

"Thanks, but today is for him." squeezing his hand you glance up to see his red eyes fixated on your face, looking for any sign that you were upset. "You really are amazing Katsuki, an Idiot but amazing!" Lifting your head the two of you drift in and kissing each other, as he runs his hand through your wavy (h/c) hair.

"You're the stupid one to love me!" his hot breath was on your lips with his words, he had never forgiven himself for what had happened at school to push you away. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right! Ready for kids hyped on sugar and trying to make sure they don't come near the part of the lakes that aren't fenced?" you pulled away laughing at how he was most likely going to be out of his depth but of course he had been to multiple kids parties for Kaminari and Kirishima's kids. 

"I'm a hero ya know. I will save drowning children any day. One day maybe you and I will have a little demon together for Haru!" his look was like that of a frightened deer looking into your eyes, full of dear that he was pushing you away with being so forward with his feelings. However, he's remembered you once told him he could speak to you no matter what just like the first day you kissed on your doorstep at your dad's house. 

"I guess...I would like that one day," smiling with a slight blush on your face. The words that left your perfectly plump lips throwing Katsuki off, since you had always said maybe, never that you would.

"No backsies now, stupid!" he smirks pulling you back in kissing you deeply before holding your face waiting to see if you were playing with him but was surprised by the soft look in your eyes. 

"I know, idiot! No backsies, I pinkie promise." holding your pinkie to his wrapping them together you make a bond. The smile on Katsuki's face was the same one he held when you made him happy which recently was a lot, it would normally be replaced with his bad boy scowl when other people were around or if he was just relaxed but you treasured the moment you saw it. 

Finishing your beers up, you finally head back into the house Katsuki's arm around your waist and your leaning your head to his chest. Inside Haru, is playing with his toys and the four grandparents.

"Well, you should know your parents already are amazing grandparents!" giggling at the man who arms you're in. Katsuki as he moves in behind you kissing your cheek making you squirm giggling as he tickles your cheek, his hands over your stomach stroking the bare skin with his rough fingers. 

Mitsuki and your dad look up to the sound of your giggles, seeing their children looking so in love with each other smiling. The two of them looked at the two of you as you seemed in your own little world, knowing Haru was busy. "About time you made a move you brat!" Mitsuki laughed out, as Haru was distracted with Masaru. 

"Shut it you old hag!" Katsuki yelled back as if on cue to the woman's words. The two of being as hot-headed as the other, but it was who they were and you loved it about the mother and son. However, you were also a little pocket rocket when you wanted to be, and you had warned them to not to call each other that in front of Haru. 

"You do realise, I will kick both your asses if you keep that up today!" the way you smiled sadistically at the mother and son duo, made both ash-blondes shudder, but Nemuri just licks her lips at your attitude. 

"But yes, I guess you could say me and this Idi....silly man are trying being together out!" you're beaming as he kisses your face. His parents look over the moon as your own dad smiles, relieved you were taking your late husband's advice. Asking if everyone wants a drink, before heading to the kitchen with your dad offering to help.

Grabbing some plastic cups as the less washing up, which was better for you later on your dad pulls into a massive bear hug. "I'm so happy, princess!" he sobs a little as he always was a softie. 

"Wooo...what's up dad?" pushing him away to look him in the eyes thinking there was something that had happened, but there was a smile on his face making you feel a little relieved. 

"I know you're still hurting, but you're listening to what Ash said, and look how happy you are." he pulls you back into a hug his large muscular arms gripping you tightly. 

"Dad, I'm not going to lie. Some days I want to push everyone away and sob. Katsuki understands that it's been 8 months, I sometimes feel like I'm betraying Ash!" finally you start to sob a little yourself at finally admitting you don't think you should be this happy.

"Ash, wouldn't see it that way and you know that" your dad pulls away drying your tears with his large thumb. "He would want you to keep moving on for that little boy's sakes. Katsuki is good for you. Ash is still in here and always will be" he taps your heart as your glazed as look at your role model, and the man you started your business to help. 

 "So, is your mum. They will never, not be by our sides. If you want to cry, I'll be there but I know that angry ash-blonde boy I used to know will hold you until you can't cry anymore!" he smiles allowing you to let the words sink in, as you nod taking a few deep breaths. Without another word, you clean your face and get everyone's drinks with the help of your dad talking about what's new and stuff. 

Walking back into the living room you see the whole Bakugou family sat playing with your son. They looked so happy altogether, as you stand and smile for a second before taking their drinks over to them and joining in playing with Haru with them. Mitsuki passes you some flowers they'd gotten for you since they felt the same as Katsuki knowing that you had to be feeling the pain of your loss today. Smiling you thank them as you walk off to put them in a vase, not noticing as  Katsuki follows you into the kitchen.

"I want to say this before everyone gets here. If you want to vanish today for a little to cuddle and cry if you feel sad. Then come and get me ok. I want to be at your side no matter what emotion you're feeling and you've punched me twice now, at school when I hurt you and when I made you check yourself the other month." he states whilst grabbing the vase down from the top shelf for you, before you arrange the flowers listening to his words.

"All I want to do is make you happy, ok? And that little guy in there of course." Katsuki smiles pulling you into another kiss, as he can never resist kissing your no matter where or who you're are with. 

"I'm a hero and there are going to be times that I get hurt, ok? I know that will be hard, but I will always be with you." that makes you freeze and look into his red eyes with your (e/c) ones that now held the realisation that he could also get killed. 

"Are you willing to trust me?" holding his hand out to you, realising it hadn't sunk in that he was also a hero and that you may have to go through all the heartache again. To his surprise, you didn't freeze as you took his large hand in your smaller one. 

"I will trust you and I will help you, no matter what happens." you lean up kissing him, before hearing, the doorbell ring, most likely meaning the Todoroki family were here and possibly needed help with stuff. 

***Thank you for reading***

***I don't own bnha or pictures***

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