2• Nightmare

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"You betrayed us." The fiery venom spat from his mouth and the intensity in his voice gave me chills.

"Please spare me Alpha. Please." I saw my dad on his knees with his head down.

"Dad dad-" I tried calling him but my voice just didn't seem to reach him.

"I don't forgive traitors." I could see the anger crystal clear in his eyes.

"Alpha Manik please." I saw him begging.

"Dad." I shouted louder and tried reaching him but the more I tried reaching them, the more farther they seemed.

My world crashed when I saw his huge Alpha wolf leap on my father and kill-

"No." I shouted as I woke up with a jerk, hyperventilating.

It was just a nightmare. Nightmare. I tried making myself understand but it felt too real for it to be one. Drop by drop tears swayed down my eyes and my heart felt heavy.

I was so confused.

Traitor?! What the hell was going on? 

He isn't dead. He isn't. I tried pacifying myself but nothing helped. My emotions felt so much jumbled up.

But right then I was pulled into a warm embrace and strangely it felt comfortable.

"Sssshhhhhh everything's going to be okay." A low soft voice hit my ears and that made me conscious.

Where was I? I immediately pushed him away and got out of the bed. With my blurry vision I looked at him, only to gasp.

He was the Alpha who killed my dad.

"You- Why did you kill my dad?" I sounded totally vulnerable.

"Nandini." I heard him say my name and it send chills down my spine. He tried reaching me. "You need to get some rest-"

"Stay away from me." I yelled, slapping his hand away from me.

Be strong.

"I just-" I didn't even let him complete.

"You killed my parents. You ruthless killer." I shouted and without even thinking I threw my hands in the air. A huge fireball hit him and in this process I too was thrown aback. My back hit the wall and I fell down to the floor with a thud.

"What did they ever do wrong to you?" With much difficulty I came on my feet.

My fireball had no effect on him. He was unscathed. "Let me explain. I am sorry I killed your father but-"

"You fucking killer." My anger knew no bounds. I lifted my hands in the air and this time a much bigger fireball hit him. The impact of it was so strong that he was pushed to the ground and it wasn't any different for me too.

"Abhi Abhi." I tried mind linking my brother but I got nothing in response. Could he have killed Abhi too?


"Where is my brother?" I heard her fierce voice. I took a direct hit of her fireball and it  hurt. Damn I underestimated her.

"She is hot tempered." M said.

"She sure is." I replied back to him.

I saw her taking out a gun from her waistband. "Woahh woahh calm down. We can sit and talk." I said as I got back on my feet.

"Tell me where my brother is or else I will kill you!" I heard her sweet yet fierce voice and I couldn't help but smile.

"You are threatening to kill me in my own territory." I chuckled. "Let's just sit and talk."

Still she didn't drop her gun.

"Just tell me where my brother is?"
Her scent was addictive and to top it all the fierceness in her eyes was driving me crazy.

Moreover her gun aimed right on me.

"You are one fierce girl." I said, taking a step towards her.

"Don't." She paused. "It won't take me even a second to shoot you."

"You can't do that, can you?" I chuckled as I walked towards her. But her next move yet again took me off guard. She pressed the gun trigger and a bullet punched it's way through my right arm, making me wail a bit.

"My brother is my strength and not my weakness." Her voice raised and I felt her angry piercing glare on me.

I let out a laugh as I focused all my concentration on my right arm and it took me less than a second to heal. "You are more courageous than I thought."

"You may be powerful but I am not scared of you." Her voice firm and at one point I saw her eye color change into venom red. That made my heart shiver.

"She is not an ordinary human." M, my wolf growled.

"What is she?" I asked, curious.

"I don't know."

In a swift movement I took her gun in my hand and aimed it right at the spot of her heart. She looked right in my eyes. Her eyes overflowing with countless emotions that I couldn't even comprehend.

"Kill me, just like you killed my parents." Her fierce voice broke my trance and I hate to admit it but her words hurt.

I threw the gun away and held her by her waist. She wriggled a bit but I pulled her closer to me and tightened my hold. "Do you even know what you are asking me to do?"

She let out a bitter laugh. "Just kill me." She pushed me away with all her strength. "If you don't kill me, then I'll kill you."

"Go ahead. Kill me if you can." I took a step towards her. "But I can't kill you because you are mine Nandini, only mine."

Early update for ya all. Hope you all are liking it.

Hold onto your curiosity. There's a lot to be revealed in the story.

Love ya ❤

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