"We're good now. Like really good." I said.

She smiled, "That's great to know that you're finally happy with him."

I nodded.

Am I?

Athena doesn't know about Chris's past and it kills me inside for not letting my best friend from college knows.

I need her opinion about this.

"I need to tell you something about Chris." I said and she nodded letting me know that I should continue.

"What do you think about gangster?" I asked.

Her eyes widened with her mouth full, "What?! Chris is a gangster?" She half shouted and I quickly cover her mouth.

Everyone looked at us for a minute, "Shhh." I said.

She gulped, "Sorry but are you telling me that Chris is a gangster or something?"

I sighed, "Well not technically a gangster but he did fight a lot of guys before."

She tapped her fingers on the table, "Hmmm...damn I never expect a pretty boy can fight huh?" She said and I shrug.

"Well he is still a dude. That cute face doesn't mean he's a good boy that doesn't know how to kick ass." I said.

She nodded, "True.. but.. so what if he fights people. That means he can protect you from danger. Awww that's sooooo romantic." She said it in the most cringy tone ever.

I threw fries on her face and she stick her tongue out at me.

"Pero like do you think if I stay with him. It could be dangerous?" I asked.

"Follow your guts." She simply said and I sighed.

I check my phone again for the last time and still there's no missed call or a reply from him.

What is he doing right now? Is he super busy? Should I call Joel??

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I said then left.

I dialed Joel's number and wait for him to answer my call. I do hope that Chris is with Joel right now.


"Hey is Chris with you?" I asked.

"Nope. Why?"


"He doesn't reply to my text.. he doesn't even call me back." I said.

"Perhaps he's with Erick, they have a big soccer game coming."

I sighed and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ears. I rest my back on the bathroom wall.

"Okay..then bye.." I said then I ended the call.

I didn't mean to be a jerk to Joel but I'm extremely worried and anxious about Chris right now.

He always texted me back even if he doesn't call me.

"Dude are you gonna bring me back a British boyfriend?" Athena smirked.

I didn't focus on what she was saying but I definitely heard what she said. I just don't have the mood to reply to her.

My mind is at somewhere else right now.

Athena waved at me to get my attention. I blinked a few times then I smile a little, an awkward one.

"What's wrong? You zoned out just now." Athena said.

I fixed my hair, "It's about Chris, I wonder what he's doing right now. He still haven't reply to my text." I pouted.

She raised a brow, sighed. "You should leave him alone for like a few hours..girl I know you miss him but chill and give him privacy okay?"

I nodded, "Okay."

After doing window shopping with Athena, I drove her home safely. We  had fun honestly, most of the time random dudes just asked us for numbers but we laughed and gave them a wrong number.

It was fun. Just me and my girlfriend.

I parked my car then grab my purse so I can go inside my apartment and rest.

My eyes widened when I see a dude with leather jacket stood right in front of my door.

"Excuse me what are you doing here?" I asked.

He looked at me from head to toe and smile, a very creepy one but he is good looking.

He looks young, he looks like he's around my age and tall too.

Suddenly I felt two strong hands gripped my wrist behind my back and everything went dark.

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