Part 44

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Here are some songs for this chapter

Love of my life - Queen
Don't blame me - Taylor Swift
The way I loved you - Selena Gomez
Stay - Miley Cyrus》

I woke up because the sound of blender machine coming from inside the kitchen.

I yawned and stretched my body, I look over to the window and realized I slept in the same bed with Chris.

Cheeks started to heat up a little at the thought. "Damn my breath stinks." I murmured.

I quickly make my way to his bathroom and grab the disposable toothbrush that I used last night.

After I brush my teeth, I cleanse my face with water and wipe my bloated morning face with his towel. I know it sounds disgusting but this towel is new from the dryer.

I walked out from his bedroom and find him inside the kitchen pouring juice inside a glass.

"Hey good morning. Did you sleep well?" Chris asked then he placed the glass in front of where I'm sitting which is at the kitchen counter.

I nodded, "Yeah..watermelon juice?"

He smiled then patted my head like I'm his german shepherd or something, "Special for you, my mom said watermelons are good for the ladies especially the virgins." He winked and trying to hold his laughter.

I rolled my eyes, "What are you talking about."

He shrugged, "My mom said watermelons are good for the ladies." He said again.

I slapped his arm and he laughed, "Don't make things up..and you're not so sure that I'm a virgin." I glared at him.

It's embarrassing.

He raised a brow at me in the most annoying way possible and I wanted to cut his throat but he's too cute but then he frowned, "Are you saying some random dude took your virginity before me? Damn..Jenz I thought I was the first guy you love." He said.

I almost choke on the watermelon juice, "Let's not talk about this." I said.

He giggled, he leaned in closer to me. Our face just inched apart, I can feel his warm breath on my face. "I mean it Valerie Jenz, don't let any dude take your virginity.."

My eyes widened, "I'm hungry, do you have cookies?"

He burst out in laughter, "Sure it's in the jar."

"I'm going out for a while but I will be right back then we will go and get lunch, after lunch I'll send you back home. Okay?" He asked with an ok sign.

I nodded, "Okay."

Before he headed out, I am super surprise with his touch. He kissed my forehead then left the apartment.

I was shocked, happy and feeling like I am the luckiest girl in the world.

I plopped down the couch, comfortably sighing. "Chris is so sweet." I smiled like an idiot.

Hours and hours of waiting for Chris to come back from wherever he go to. I decided to watch the collection of the DVDs he arranged in this cabinet.

I guess he love to watch movies so much aye?

I watched the fourth movie right now, I glanced over the clock and it's already 2 in the afternoon.

"What took him so long?" I sighed.

Frustrated and tired of waiting for him. I threw the pillow away from my thighs and head into his bedroom to get my purse and then changed into my clothes.

I need to go back home. I'm pissed that he broke his promise to me that he will be right here and we will go get lunch together.

After I finish changing into my clothes, I heard footsteps coming into the apartment. I froze and gulped, "Chris is that you?" I asked.

"Sorry yeah it's me." He said and open the bedroom door. He pouted, "I'm sorry I was really late. Are you hungry now?" He asked.

"I was going to leave." I said.

He made a sad face to me, " do you still wanna eat lunch with me?" He asked.

I sighed, "Do you want me to?"

He nodded, "Hell yeah."

I smiled, this boy is something else. I wonder where he went just now but he would have told me if he wanted me to know.

I respect his privacy for now.

"Actually, I was thinking of getting a delivery." He said.

I sit on the edge of the bed, "I agree." Yeah I'm kind of not in the mood to go out and look pleasant right now.

My makeup has disappear since last night and I look extra pale and sick too.

He nodded, took out his phone from his leather jacket pocket then dialed a number on it.

I guess he's getting italian food.

"I ordered pasta, pizza and spaghetti with garlic bread." He said.

"Nice. I'm super hungry right now."

He smiled then sit next to me on the bed with his arm rest around my shoulder, "You will be full later."

Just looking at him, my heart softened. I never felt this way before, it's a new feeling when I am with him.

I'm already down on my knees when it comes to Christopher.

"Also do you wanna sleep here tonight?" He asked and I couldn't help but to chuckle a little bit.

I flickered his forehead, "I have nothing to wear you idiot and I have classes the next day."

He sighed, "Fine."

I raised a brow, "You like me staying here with you?"

He nodded, "Yeah.."

I smiled and cupped his cheeks, "I would stay here again tonight but homegirl has assignments to do." I pouted.

He laughed, "Okay I understand.."

Then after a few minutes later, our food delivery has arrived. We ate and laugh then watch Teen Wolf together. I told him that I'm obsessed with Teen Wolf and every facts about the character.

He seems very interested in me babbling about my favorite tv series. He didn't complain about it, Joel always did.

I look over to check my phone and I received text messages from Joel and Athena. I forgot to check my notifications since this morning.

I sighed, pushing my hair back. "What is it?" He asked.

"I have to go back home like right now..Joel is coming over tonight to discussed this little wedding gift surprise for my sister..I think Athena is coming over too." I said.

He frowned, "Alrighty, I guess I'm driving you home now?"

I nodded.

I hate to leave him, spending time with him is such a great feeling that I've ever had in my life.

When we arrived at my apartment, I kissed his cheek goodbye.

"Take care Chris."

"You too."

When he left.

"What the hell Valerie?" I heard Joel's voice on my right. He was there all this time?

"Joel? You didn't tell me you're gonna arrived early."

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