Part 84

139 8 12

(( Hola beautiful people, I hope everyone is doing great and healthy.

Here are some songs for this chapter :

As long as you love me - Justin Bieber ft Big Sean
Assassin - Au/Ra
Edge - Gracie Abrams
Passenger Seat - Stephen Speaks.))

After the dinner with Hailey, she bid goodbye to us before leaving. Chris decided to take a long beautiful stroll at the nearby park and we did. 

It was so simple and calming, having him right beside me is all that matters. "How did Felix know that we were there?"Chris asked. 

I was holding his hand then I let go to hug my body, "I told him to come." Honestly his presence is needed during that heated argument with me and my parents. I need Felix to tell them that our marriage isn't gonna lasts long. 

Chris raised a brow, "You texted him?" 

I nodded. 

Chris let out a laugh and he pulled me closer to boop my nose, "I didn't know that Felix is infertile so meaning he can't get any girls pregnant right? How does that even happen to a male?" 

I shrugged, "I have no idea or maybe it's genetics." Okay I got to admit, we are both dumb. 

He pouted, "Alright, maybe but hey let's stop talking about him. Let's go back home and rest so you can wake up early tomorrow for work." He said then we went to his house. Yes, I slept at his place that night. He took care of me at midnight when I got thirsty all the sudden, he woke up even though he was sleepy. He handed me a glass of water then he cuddled me to sleep. 

"Good morning sleepy head." He smiled. 

He was watching me sleeping the whole time? 

I stretched my body while yawning, I realized that there was a trey of breakfast in front of the bed. "Are those pancakes and orange juice." I asked and he nodded. 

"Eat your breakfast." He said then he planted a soft kiss on my head before leaving the apartment for work. 

After eating the breakfast, I took a cold shower and dressed up for work.  It's Monday again and my stomach was huge and noticeable. I started to wear pregnancy clothes since last week because normal clothes are a hassle and it's uncomfortable.

Hence, everyone in the office got the news that I'm pregnant and the media already published an article about how Valerie Jenz an heir of the Jenz company is pregnant, she and her husband is going to be parents. 

That was so stupid, why can't these busy body people leave my personal life alone like I'm not even a celebrity. Can they mind their own business? I didn't choose to be born like this, getting to take over my mom's place in this company. 

So what if I got pregnant or not. 

I hate people. 

I was so moody that I didn't even care that my sister came to bring me lunch. She visited me everyday after work or during break time. She was such a considerate sister, everything was fine until. 

"Mam? Your mother is here to see you." My staff said and I nodded to signal her to let my mother in. 

"Good afternoon daughter." She greeted and I gave her a quick hug. 

She stared at my stomach before asking, "So how's Felix?" And I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. I am super annoyed with her question. 

"He's doing fine I guess, we haven't talk for weeks." I said. 

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