Part 83

121 8 6

My sister called me to ask what's up with the whole dinner thingy and I told her that I have something to tell and before she hung up the phone. She told me that she will be running a little late because she have projects to do. 

Being bored inside this apartment, not gonna lie but I miss Felix's presence. His voice, his face and most importantly his touch. Oh my Lord, what am I thinking about? What the hell is wrong with me? I never have feelings for him, I wish I do but I can't force my heart to choose him when I am madly in love with Christopher. 

He is my husband but I guess we are going to get a divorce sooner. I don't know why he needs to vanished and ignored all of my calls. We could talk about it again like an adult that we are, we can talk about how to solve this matter but apparently he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. 

I didn't go to the office today because I told them that I'm feeling under the weather but I lied, I need to take some time to rest before I tell my family about the baby. 

I stared at the lizard on the ceiling making noises, the apartment was too quiet that I can hear the freaking lizard making noises. 

"What is life like being a lizard? Does your parents control you and tell you who you're gonna marry when you're older?" I asked. 

The lizard stared at me all of the sudden and I giggled, "Reptiles are cute."

My phone rang and I was hoping Chris is calling and I was right,  I smiled and answered the call. 

"Hey how's my girl doing?" He asked. 

"I am fine, how are you? Is it busy there?" I asked. 

I heard the sound of printer coming from the background, "Yeah quite busy but I'm doing some amazing works for a new fashion brand named Zaro, it's from Japan and I analyzed the designs. It's pretty cute and unique. I'm super excited to work with them." He said. 

I can hear the sound of excitement coming from the tone of his voice, "That's good Chris." I replied. 

"So I'll see you tonight?" He said. 

My heart started to beat so fast, "Yes." 

"Hey we're gonna be okay, I will be there if anything happens. I will protect you, I promise." He said and that made me feel relax for a while. 

"Thank you Chris. I love you." I said. 

"I love you too babe." He said. 

Then we hung up. 


Before the dinner, I went to Chris's place to get ready instead of getting ready at mine. 

I really no scratch that, I am desperate for Chris's comfort. My anxiety is becoming worse every time I check the time, meeting my parents worry me way too much but at least I chose it in a public place to meet them so that my parents won't cause a scene. 

My dad doesn't know Chris that well and I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me so public place will be a good choice. 

"Babe, your legs are shaking." Chris said then he pulled me into his arms for a warm hug because all I could think of is how my parents will react after I tell them about me being pregnant with Chris's baby.

He cupped my face then planted a kiss on my forehead, "I love you and I won't let anything bad happen to you."He said. 

His reassurance is something I never knew I needed more than breathing. His warm hugs, the way he kiss me, the way he touches me and the way how I feel every time when he's with me is something that words cannot even describe. 

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