Part 63

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Oh lord, it was our anniversary and I forgot about it. Everything went by so fast and I forgot about our anniversary.

How could I? If this was the other way around, if he was the one who forgot about it and I remembered it. I would have been so mad and I probably be so dramatic that I wanna break up with him or something.

He raised a brow at me and I fixed my hair again, "You forgot?" He asked and I slowly nodded.

He looked away and smiled, "I knew it." He said.

I looked at him with a please-forgive-me face and I hold his hand in mine, I know he probably felt disappointed because I forgot about this special day.

"I'm sorry babe, it's just I have so many things in my mind. I promise I won't forget about this day ever again." I said.

He looked sad but he tried to shake it off and I knew it, he half giggled. "What do you do when the one mean the most to you forgot about the anniversary?"

Thank God boys are not so dramatic when it comes to stuff like this in a relationship.

He easily forgive me and somehow that was relieving for me. I thought he was gonna leave me here alone and be mad at me.

I sighed, "I-."

He took a deep breath, "You're paying for dinner tonight." He said and I nodded instantly.

"Yeah! I'll pay for it." I said out of guilt.

He laughed and I just sat there looking at him with confusion. Why the hell was he laughing?

He pinched my cheek lightly, "I was just kidding." I awkwardly cleared my throat.

I swear my cheeks flushed just now when he did that.

"I feel guilty, there must be something I can do..." And before I could continue my sentence, he cut me off with "You can give me a massage tonight, of course at my hotel." He smirked.

I see where this is going, Chris being a horny jerk again. I mean I love it when he shows me his dirty side but sometimes it turn me into such a sinner.

"We're not going to have sex." I blurted out.

He laughed and looked at me with the are-you-kidding-me look, "Look who has a dirty mind. Damn Val, I'm only asking for a massage."

I cleared my throat and looked away, flustered mixed with embarrassed. Why did I say that?

"You look cute when you blush." He said.

"Thanks again for the dinner." I was running out of words. All I can think of is how embarrassed I was.

He smiled and hold my hand, "Massage later."



So it's finally semester break and here we are at the airport waiting for our flight.

And yes if you're wondering, Chris is with us. He bought the same flight that me and mom bought.

He sighed as he handed me a cup of starbuck's coffee, "I wish I get the seat next to you."

I pouted, "Still complaining about it? You're not gonna die if you don't sit with me. Besides, my mom is here." I said.

He nodded, my mom was busy reading a magazine with her glasses on.

Chris leaned in closer to me and whisper "She looks like an older version of you."

I smiled, I agree with that. I get that a lot too, my older sister is like a mixed of both my mom and dad but me, everyone told me that I look exactly like her.

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