Part 15

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Joel's POV

Damn it! She's here and that dumb boy Zabdiel had to give her suspicions about me when I saved their asses the last time. Yes she's here asking me what's going on. I can't lie to her again, she will never accept me as a friend if I made up a story or lied to her the second time.

I know all I did was super wrong but my intentions were good and I just want her to be happy and I protected her from my friend, my damn horny friends. I can't just tell her about what happened that day at my aunt's resort. I just can't, she will hate me forever.

I can't lose her as a friend.

She's everything to me, in fact she's all I have.

I sigh, should I tell her the truth. Damn it Zabdiel, I wanted to cuss him so bad. If I lie, she will hate me but if I tell the truth, she will hate me more. Hence, I know for sure that she will hate me even more if I lie to her. Women always have their ways in finding out the truth and it's so scary to me.

"It's a guy thing." I say.

She raised a brow at me with her arms crossed, she sits next to me on my bed which is making me more nervous to even speak to her.

She's my best friend for God sake. Why am I so awkward all the sudden?

"Okay so what's a guy's thing?" She asks.

I know she's a freaking tomboy and for sure she doesn't have that much experience with males before. She's going to freak out when I told her, I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable but I can't lose her as a friend too because who am I gonna talk to or go to when I feel alone and in despair?

I sigh and rub my temples, I look at her and she's anticipating, literally waiting for me to give her answers. I know her attitude and I know she won't leave until I tell her the truth.

"Here's what happened." I begin.

Oh lord, save me.

She nods, "Okay."

I am so worried with her reaction when I tell her everything but it's better to tell the truth rather than regretting it afterwards right?

"That day at the resort, you were taking shower inside the room that you and Chris shared." I say.

She blinks and then look away when I look at her. I can sense that she's starting to feel uncomfortable.

I sigh and take a deep breath, "I called Chris to go up to our room and he did, Erick asked what you were up to so Chris told us that you're taking a shower. The boys except Chris and me, they were so excited and acting a bit hyped up, horny when they heard Chris said that you were taking a shower." I say.

I'm so sorry Valerie, I did everything I can to stop them.

She gulps nervously, she look so uncomfortable and uneasy. I pity her and I am a complete jerk, I can't forgive myself for letting this happen to her because she's my best friend and I was supposed to defend her and protect her but I guess my ego took the best of me when I am with my guy friends.

"Erick and Zabdiel." I say.

She seem worried, waiting for me to continue but I can't seem to find the words.

"What did they do, Joel." She asks.

I shake my head, "I tried to stop them. Val. I really did." I say and I try to hold my tears falling from my eyes.

She run her fingers through her hair, not knowing what to say.

"They went downstairs and took pictures of you taking a shower naked." I say.

It was just for fun at first but I know it was wrong and I thought that we can keep it as a secret from here. She doesn't have to know about the truth when the truth can hurt her but things got a bit out of hand when she found out that we lied to her about Christopher.

Hence, her dating thing was a part of my plan except for taking naked pictures of her was never my plan. I never even thought of wanting to see her nudes. I don't want that, I never do. I respect her too much.

She is so uncomfortable knowing it. -----

Valerie's POV

I couldn't believe that Erick and Zabdiel would do such thing to me. That was why he was so nervous just now when I bumped into him at the mall because he was guilty for something he did. He knew that if he was the one who told me the truth, I will slap his face for it so that was why he left me hanging.

I confronted Joel.

They did worst than lied to me, they took pictures of me naked inside the shower.

"Where are the pictures Joel? Did you tell them to delete it?" I asked and was hoping for a good answer from him.

Omg, I was so uncomfortable.

They have seen my naked body.

First, they lied to me about the dating part and second they did worst than just lying. Joel betrayed me so bad and I started to questioned our friendship, I trusted him but he didn't even defend me or protect me from his friends.

He cried, he had tears falling from his eyes. Why was he the one who's crying? I should be the one who was crying because I was the one who got embarrassed twice.

"I.. I didn't tell them to delete it Val. They still have the pictures. I can't Val, I don't know why I didn't stop them." He said.

But I remembered I locked the bathroom door, how did they went inside the bathroom without me noticing it?

"WHAT?!! They still have pictures of me naked inside the shower? Are you kidding me? What is wrong with you!" I shouted.

I am so disappointed at him, ever since we were little I thought I can fully trust him.

He broke my trust and he didn't even protect me like he should've because what are best friends for?

He tried to give me a hug but I slapped his hands away, I pointed a middle finger at him. I was so mad and sad that he didn't stop them.

"Don't go near me, I'm warning you." I said then I grabbed my bag and left his place. 

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