Part 16

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<< Hello everyone, I hope y'all are having a great day ahead! Good morning, good afternoon or good evening to everyone around the world that is reading my story. I just want to say thank you so much for all your support. :) >>

I couldn't help it because I was so embarrassed of myself, all those childhood memories that me and Joel shared just shattered into pieces when I found out that my own best friend did this to me. He betrayed me, he lied to me, he tricked me.

I didn't even know if I could forgive him so I left his place, I couldn't even look at him the same anymore. I wanted to slap him so badly because how could they do this to me? Most importantly how could my best friend do this to me? I thought they were my friends.

I sighed, my head was aching. I was having a migraine so I went to the pharmacy to get some pain killers. After I drink one pill, I rested my head on the pillow. I need to forget what just happened, I need to because it honestly ruined my mental health.

Hence, those boys were the worst creatures I've ever met. This is the reason why my older sister never have or had any guy friends.

You think you trust someone but then you know what're truly are, their true colors showed and it was ugly.----

I was walking down the street, my eyes scanned the bars that I passed by. I checked the time and I couldn't believe that it was past ten pm.

I am an adult and I'm pretty sure I can handle one drink, I am responsible enough for it. I thought so, besides a drink won't kill me. I need to drink, to forget about the pain, the betrayal, the jerk of a best friend. Christopher and Joel tricked me, laughed at me and played me like a fool.

I walked inside the bar and saw a lot of people dancing and talking, some were making out and it was honestly so disgusting like get a room please.

"One tequila please." I said and the dude nodded with a smirk, he was a bartender.

He handed me the drink and winked at me in a flirty way.

"It's nice eh?" He asked.

I raised a brow, "The drink? Yes definitely." I said.

He shook his head, "I meant it's nice to have a beautiful girl like you alone in this bar tonight." He smiled.

I flushed with his compliments.

Then, he proceed to the next customer who was a dude. He looked around my age too.

He was handsome, he has tan skin, black hair with two pairs of beautiful ocean blue eyes that can make any girl fall into his trap.

I was staring at him then I looked away instantly when he looked at me because it was awkward that I had to clear my throat and rub the back of my neck to avoid his stares.

I felt him approaching me as his existence got closer and closer to me, he took the empty seat next to me and gave me a friendly smile so smiled back just to be polite.

"You're solo?" He asked.

I laughed with his random question, yes it was tragic that I had to go solo because my own best friend and so called boyfriend tricked me.

It was tragic, I could've been with them instead of wasting my time inside the bar trying to forget the pain that they caused me.

I nodded, "Yeah." I was studying his face and I've noticed that his eyebrows were so thick and bushy. He was indeed very handsome but one thing that he was lacking, I didn't have any sort of attraction with him. I didn't feel it because I felt it when I first laid my eyes on Christopher.

This man that was sitting next to me literally looked like he work for Calvin Klein as a model but I wasn't attracted to him because I was thinking about Christopher the whole time and I hated myself for that. I need to stop thinking about him, he broke my heart.

The unknown man leaned in closer to me and then he wrapped his one arm around my waist and that made me jumped in surprised because he barely knew me. I guaranteed that he was the type of man who is into one night stand, I mean with his appearance. Any fool will agree to open their legs for him.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Nicole." I lied.

He smirked, "Such a cool name."

Yeah it was a lie, I knew he had one intention and that was getting inside my pants and I'm not gonna be the victim again. It amazed me how men always say that women plays the victim when in reality, women are always the victim no matter how hard women tried to avoid being the victim. In the end, women are always the victim and men are the predator so no, women don't get to play the victim as a matter of fact we are always the victim.

It's a messed up society, filled with toxic masculinity and I had enough of it.

"Can you let go of your arm around my waist?" I asked politely to him.

He seem surprised when I said that.

I rolled my eyes, "Can you please respect me? I am a woman that deserve some respect so please let go of my waist."

His eyes widened then he let go and put his hands in the air like he was defeated, "Okay okay damn Nicole you don't have to play hard to get." He smirked, he was still trying to flirt with me and I had enough of it.

After my last sip of tequila, I let out a small laugh when he said 'I don't have to play hard to get.' I called for the bartender to get me a glass of beer, I needed more because I was so heartbroken.

My mind started to drift into the fact that Erick had my naked pictures saved in his camera roll, made me want to puke my organs out so I took my phone out from my purse and texted Joel.

Please tell your damn friends to delete my naked pictures and fuck you all.

I hit the send button and sighed heavily, I stared at the glass of beer and with one gulp, I indulged the whole beer inside my body.

The unknown man opened his mouth again, "Wow damn, you need to go slow." He said.

I glanced at him with annoyance.

"You need to shut up, look whatever it is that you're trying. It's not gonna happen okay so please just walk away." I sighed.

He scoffed, "What makes you think that I want to sleep with you?" He said and I almost choked myself with my beer.

"So why are you talking to me then? And a minute ago you were being all touchy touchy." I said.

He laughed, "I just want to make some friends. Besides you were the one who were staring at me so I don't know, you seem like a nice girl to talk to and be close with. I guess." He said.

I nodded, I felt guilty because of what I said to him and my assumptions or probably not because men are liars.

"Right." I sang.

That was the moment I knew I was going to passed out anytime soon because I forgot that I drank too much and that I have low tolerance with alcohol. I drank two glasses of beer and one glass of tequila.

My head started to ache and even worst that everything I see started to get all shaky and I felt so dizzy.

"Valerie?" I heard someone called my name so I looked around to see who it was.

My eyes squinted to get a better look at the familiar looking face, "Christopher? What are you doing here?" I asked and then everything went black.

Oh crap.

IntimacyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora