Part 38

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"And that Valerie is how boys make fun of beautiful girls." Chris winked at me. 

I rolled my eyes at the two boys, they're dumb but in a cute way. Joel wrinkled his nose then he rest his head on my shoulder. 

Chris laughed at the sight, "What?" I glared at him. 

He shook his head and when I look at Joel, his eyelashes bat sleeping soundly with his head rest on my shoulder. 

This boy is blessed with long lashes. Then I heard Chris let out a small chuckle.

"You two are something else." Chris stands up and walk away from us. I watch him as he head outside then shut the door behind him. 

I sighed, I need to move away from Joel right now and chase after Chris. I look at him again, he look so tired with his mouth slightly open. What did he do last night that made him so tired today. 

To add more, it's not comfortable to sleep on my thin shoulder. He might wake up with a sore neck and back so I carefully let his head rest on the couch. His eyebrows furrowed a little but I managed to not wake him up then I stand up and follow Chris outside. 

Chris is smoking, literally have a cigarette. I didn't know he smokes? What else do I not know about this dude. The fact that his cousin told me he used to be a boxer and beat up people's ass back in Ecuador. 

I'm wondering if his friends from here knows that. 

"So you smoke." I said with my arms hugging my body, standing a few feet away from him. I'm not a fan of the smell. 

He nodded with a smirk, throwing the cigarette on the grass then step on it. He signal me to move closer to him. 

"I smoke sometimes when I'm sad or stressed." He confessed. 

"I understand that so that means you're sad or stressed out right now? Is it because of that Selly girl?" I asked with  my brow raised. 

He giggled, "Her name is Stella...and no not about her..."

"Then what is?" 

We watched the sunset, everything around this place is peaceful and full of nature. It looks creepy but the beautiful kind of creepy. 

I wait as Chris continue to talk. 

He paused a little letting a soft sigh out, "I have no idea where to start, I think I'm going insane and the most stressed out issue I'm dealing with right now is unexpected. I never thought I can be this weak. My mother is right after all. " He said. 

I'm confused, what the heck does that even mean? What makes him to stressed out? This dude is full of mystery and I'm not into that. Just tell me what's going on.

"What is it? I don't understand what you just said. I am no detective or guessing genius. You know I can help you if you just tell me what's going on.." I said. 

He smiled, "You really wanna know what's going on?" He asked. 

I nodded, waiting for his answer. 

"I think I'm in love." He sighed with his head down avoiding my gaze. I couldn't help but to burst into laughter. 

"Are you kidding me? So who is this lucky female then?" I asked even though my heart is sinking like the titanic ship. 

I stopped laughing when he look at me with such sympathy eyes. 

Those big brown eyes will be the death of me and I can't help but to feel jealousy creeps into me when he told me he's in love with someone. 

"You Valerie, I think I'm in love with you." He said out of the blue. 

My jaw dropped, what? Am I hearing it right? Is he high on weed or something? When was the last time he had drugs? Is this some kind of another deal he and Joel made?

I can't find the right words to respond to that. 

He sighed then he cupped my cheeks to make me look at him, "You don't mean that. You played me before remember?" I said.

He shook his head then he pulled me into a hug, "Don't say a thing, let's just stay like this for now." He said. 

In my mind, he must be joking. 

"Do you still love me?" He asked. 

I pulled away from his hug, "Do you have to ask that when you already know the answer since the first day I laid my eyes on you." 

He grinned, knowing he will always win. 

"Wanna go on a date with me?" He asked. 

I chuckled, butterflies inside my stomach seem to have a party right now. Everything around me is filled with sparks fly. I can't help but to smile when he asked me out on a date. 

Even if he is using me, telling me all these lies. I will always love him .. that's just how stupid I am for letting him do this to me. 

"Sure and I really hope you mean what you said." I said. 

I'm pretty sure after his school project is done, he will go back to the normal Chris that he was weeks before. 

He nodded, "I really meant what I said." 

Lies.. all lies.. I just know it. Am I extremely an idiot for actually trying to believe what he said?

"Then prove it." 

He bit his bottom lip, "I'm not a professional when it comes to this kind of thing.  I never date anyone. You were the first girl I had a thing with." 

I laughed a little then turn into a frown, I'm overthinking too much. Is this another game of his and Joel to mess with my feelings?

"I don't expect a lot from you."

His lips formed a line, he take his phone from his pockets then lift it up to take a picture of me and there's even a flash.

I stand there dumbfounded, adjusting my hair while blinking my eyes in a weird way possible.

He smiled looking at the picture he just took of me.

"It's for your project?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah and you look cute."

I shrugged, "I get that a lot. What's new?" I smiled.

He stick his tongue out at me then playfully ruffle my hair. "Little miss confident."

"What are you guys doing out here?" Joel's voice got our attention. We turn around to look at him, he's standing there with just woke up hair and eyes squinting like he forgot to wear his glasses.

Chris cleared his throat, "We just finish one photoshoot for my project." He said.


"You guys wanna come in and get mcdonald's delivery?" Joel asked.

"Yeah sure." I said then walk towards Joel.

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