Part 33

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《 Hi guys! If you like this story please do give it a vote that would mean a lot to me. Hehehe...

I think I'm gonna put Joel's POV for the next chapters.

Comment who do you ship more.

Joel x Valerie
Christopher x Valerie ??

Let me know hehehe.

Here's a few songs.

My Happy Ending - Avril Lavigne
Don't Tell Me - Avril Lavigne 》

Christopher's POV

How can I get these stupid cast off. It's getting more irritating every fucking day. I can't stand them honestly.

It made me become such a lazy ass. Sleeping all day and eat then watch tv. That's all I do all day.

Here I am at the hospital again for a last check up. "It's a miracle that your bones seem to heal pretty fast." The doctor said.


"So like when will I get these stupid thing off of me?" I asked.

Hoping he can get it off right now. I don't feel shit anymore, it's not painful. I think I can handle it without these stupid thing wrapped around me.

"I will peel it off from your leg but we will leave the one around your arm. You hurt your arm pretty bad." He said.

His glasses is on the tip of his nose while he get the thing off from my leg then he gesture and help me to stand and walk.

Once I stand up, my knee betrayed me and I almost fall a bit but then I got up again and stand hoping I can balance myself then walk normally.

I stare at the doctor asking him for permission whether I should walk or not and he nodded.

I take one step and another one.

I fucking did it.

I grin and high five the doctor, yes finally I am free from the shitty thing that was around my leg.

My only problem right now is my arm.

"You will still need to come here so I can check your arm to see if it's ready to get the cast off." The doctor said.


As I was about to walk out from the room, the doctor patted my back and gave me a smile.

Uhm? Is he gay?

"The girl who visited you everyday, she's really something isn't she?" He said then he move to arrange his random files on the desk.

Is he talking about Georgia or Valerie? Wait hold up, Georgia didn't even come to visit me everyday but Valerie did.

"The brown hair girl? Petite and pretty?" I asked him and he nodded then crossed his arms to look at me.

"Obviously she likes you. Everytime she sees me she will ask me if you're gonna be fine and I told her multiple times that you're gonna be fine. She was very concern of you." He raised a brow.

Why would she do that? She's a sweetheart and kind but concerning about me is none of her business.

"Yeah she's just a friend. I gotta go, I don't like my mom waiting for me that long outside." I said and left.

He is a doctor and it's his job to take care of me not to meddle around my personal life.

Some people doesn't know how to mind their own business.

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