"Fine, but when we fail, it's your fault." He said while crossing his arms.

"Thanks, Namjoon! You're the best!" You yelled while running out the door.



"You were cute back then, Joon." You whispered to the air.

It was getting colder so you decided to go back inside and get some sleep. You were going to need all the energy you could get. Hopefully, whatever Namjoon had planned wasn't too crazy for you.


"Y/N, Wake up."

"Go away..."

"Come on! If you want to help me then get up." Said Namjoon while kicking your bed.

You sat up and panicked. Damnit. I forgot about that.

"Let me guess... You forgot?"

"I know you mentioned it last night but my brain wasn't working because I was tired." You answered sheepishly.

"You brain never works even if you aren't tired. Anyways, get up and get ready."

He left the room and closed the door. My brain works... I think... You got out of bed and went to the bathroom to do your morning routine. After you were done you ran downstairs as fast as you could to find Namjoon. He was in the living room talking to Jungkook. You didn't want to intrude so you leaned against the wall to wait for him. It was hard not to listen in on their conversation because they were right there. You did accidentally listen to some things though.

"How is she?" Asked Namjoon.

"Fine but...." His voice got quieter.

"No, that won't happen. Just don't let her find out." Namjoon said sternly.

After that you ignored them. Although that didn't mean you weren't curious about what they were talking about. Who was this She and what was it they didn't want her to know about? It's not my birthday yet... It's not Annie's birthday yet... I don't know if it's Namjoon's sister's birthday... This isn't my business, I should stay out of it. You were about to walk into the room but before you could enter. Your nose was smashed against something hard. Oww, I swear if I walked into a wall...

"Y/N? Oh, I'm sorry. Are you ok?" Namjoon asked as concern filled his eyes.

"Yeah, but shouldn't we get going?"

He looked down at his watch and nodded.

"You're right, we should leave."

He grabbed your wrist and pulled you to his car. He started the car and drove in silence. When you got to his building, you were surprised. Hmm, this is a little bigger than I thought it would be. He led you inside and past the front desk. You were almost to his office when some guy stepped out and blocked the doors.

"Where were you?! Miss Sung was here earlier and wanted to see you. I had to listen to her complaining all morning! Do you know how much- Oh, um... Hello?" He stopped ranting and noticed your presence.

"Hyun, meet my... um... friend Y/N. Y/N this is Hyun Wu, he is my assistant and a close friend to me." Namjoon said.

Hyun bowed and smiled.

"Sorry about the outburst." He apologized.

"No, I understand how crazy Miss Sung can be." You joked.

"Wait, what? You've met Miss Sung? How?" He asked

"I went to the party with Namjoon as his fake date."

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