He placed his hand on my shoulder for two seconds before moving away from me to get back into the car,"When it started it was a couple of weird stories on the news. Military moving and spreading under our noses, then- then it was so quick." He stopped walking with his back turned to me, and listened to me,"Everything,it just..happened. Two weeks later I'm in the hospital and there were soldiers shooting anyone and everyone in the halls. They were shooting people , not...not walkers." Y/N must know more about it. "Then the walkers came through, you know I tried to get you out- I fucking tried to get you out but we weren't gonna make it. There was no way man, and I knew it, but I couldn't live with it. "

His tense stance was now drooping as I spoke.

"I didn't keep Lori and Carl alive, they kept me alive.." I turned around, not wanted to stare at his back anymore. I could only imagine the look in his eyes,"I want you to know that I never looked at her before that..brother if I could take it all back I would."

( Your POV )

I had just been seated out on the grass,being lazy and honestly just avoiding everyone else. Before I was watching over that random dude,still don't know his name, but I got bored ,luckily Rick and Shane came to get him and left the farm. It felt too good to be alone and at peace though ,even if for just five minutes. Soon enough I heard footsteps heading my way, did I just jinx myself? Damn, never alone, I might as well be in the military right now ,"You're names Y/N, right?"

With a sigh I spun on my butt to face Hershel, he face looked more dead than mine,"Ya that's me. Beth okay now?"

He nodded before speaking,"I'd like to thank you-," I raised my eyebrow in confusion. I'd literally done nothing but almost die cause Lori can't drive, "-for trying to treat Beth ,even though you were stopped. I appreciate it." Ya I'm still sure I've done nothing.

I just shrugged, "As long as she's okay now. "

He nodded and just stared at me before smiling, "This is why your the only one I'd keep around here. Ya stick to yourself ,but you still help." He's complimenting me now? I thought he hated me....what's going on with all the people that hate me!?!? "Just want you to know,when your group leaves the farm you are entirely welcome to stick around for as long as you'd like."

I nodded slowly and he seemed content with that and just left. I slowly swiveled back around to face the forest and just stared in confusion," Everyone keeps getting weirder and weirder.."

I just shrugged to myself and decided to lay down on the floor only to hear a yell,"Y/N!"

I quickly sat back up not knowing why I was being yelled at, looking back I saw Lori rushing over,oh fucking come on! "What is it Lori?"

"Can you please go after Shane and Rick?"

I just stared at her with a raised eyebrow,"And how am I supposed to get there,running? Doubt I'll catch up to them considering I have no clue where I'm going."

"You could just go down the road, they only left five minutes ago," my annoyance was starting to show on my face and it made me really happy that I had put my hood and face mask back on. Lori has never been able to read eyes very well so yay for that.

"Lori they're in a car, those five minutes means they are looong gone."

"You could take one of the cars."

She isn't gonna drop this is she? So much for being nice cause you almost fucking killed me, I hate you Lori, so God damn much.

With a sigh I stood up and pointed at her,"You owe me Lori."

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