Flashes of the Past

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Driving at 60mph, with the music blaring out of the car, I tried to clear my mind. I didn't want to think about the Alpha, or Derek. I just wanted the peaceful life, but for someone with demons in the closet that was never going to happen again. I stopped by a lake that I used to go when I was little. My parents would rent a house nearby; they would spend a few nights away when the full moon was close. I smiled as I remembered the summer I first shifted.

(Flash back) 

It was the day before my fourth birthday. My parents said that I couldn't have my friends around. "Mommy, why Stiles not here, why Scotty and Cora not here. I want my friends" my mom sat down next to me and wiped the falling tears from my cheeks. 

"sweetheart, something very important is going to happen, it's not safe for them to be here right now. Remember we talked about it before, the full moon is what makes us shift. It will be your first full moon tomorrow night, it's going to be tough, but you are our strong brave girl" I sniffed and dried my eyes "okay mommy" I hugged my mom and went to play. The day passed, there was a summer breeze and a sunset. I went to bed early; the next day was going to be exhausting.

The next morning I woke up, I felt different, my hearing and sense of smell had improved. I could hear my mom singing in the kitchen while she cooked bacon and pancakes. I could hear my dad in the garage fixing his Mustang GT 500. I ran down stairs "happy birthday baby" my mom smiled pulling me into a hug "why don't you get your dad and tell him breakfast will be ready in a minute.

I ran into the garage. "Happy birthday my princess" my dad said lifting me up and spinning around. He put me down. "so today's a special day baby, me and you mommy will look after you" he said grabbing a cloth of the side to clean the hood of the car. "mom said breakfast will be ready in a minute daddy" I said as I sniffed the air. "Daddy I smell and hear people, Who's here" I said as the doorbell rang. My dad finished what he was doing then lifted me up carrying  me into the main house "let's go and see shall we".

As we walked in the house I could hear my mom talking to someone. As  I walked around the corner,  dad put me down, and I saw a tall dark-haired lady talking to her mom. " Aunty Talia" I screamed running towards her. She hugged me tight " Happy Birthday sweetheart" she said kissing my forehead. 

Sat down on the sofas was Laura, Derek and Cora. Cora jumped up hugging me "Happy Birthday Bestie, I got you the best gift ever, better than Stiles gift" she said passing me a wrapped gift.

"Happy Birthday little one, today is a big day" Laura spoke. Nudging her brother beside her "Derek, wish Amy a Happy Birthday". He stood up placing the game console in his hands down on the coffee table.

Looking me deep in my eyes, he smiled. "Happy Birthday Princess" I smiled and gave him a quick hug. 

who would have thought that was the day everything changed, Derek started to hang out with us girls more than before. He later told me when we were dating it was because he felt protective of me, as soon as he looked me in the eyes that day, something inside his mind and heart told him to keep me safe.

(Flashback Over)

I smiled as I ran through the memory, back when everything was simply. I had missed nearly three periods; I drove back to school in time for lunch. I met up with Stiles and Scott at the same table we have lunch every day, but this time Lydia, Allison, Danny and Jackson were sat with them.

"Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please? Like, oh where are we going tomorrow night? You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?" Lydia asked Allison, who looked like she regretted mentioning it to her earlier.

"Hanging out? Like, the four of us?" Scott said swallowing a bite of his cheese burger.

I looked at Stiles and Danny, before speaking up "ok guys not like us three aren't here"

"sorry it's like a couples thing" Lydia sassed.

"Yeah I guess. Sounds fun" Allison said, ignoring the death stares exchanging between Lydia and me.

"You know what else sounds fun? Stabbing myself in the face with this fork" Jackson said holding a fork in front of him. 

I smiled,"I think I should do it, to make sure it actually stabs you, like blood gushing from your forehead. I promise it will only hurt, a lot" I said with sickening grin, while moving my fork closer to Jackson, who moved uneasy in his seat. Stiles grabbed my arm. "oh, come on, I wasn't really gonna hurt him much"

Lydia sighed "what about bowling, you love to bowl"

Scott had managed to dig himself a deep hole with Jackson. He had lied that he was good at bowling. Scott was terrible, when we went bowing for Stiles tenth birthday, he threw the ball over two other lanes, nearly knocking a toddler over.

After trying to calm Scott down, Stiles had concluded that Danny didn't like him.

"Am I not attractive to gay guys?" he asked Scott who was in a world of his own.

"I make first line, and the team captain wants to destroy me, and now- now I'm gonna be late for work" Scott panicked running out of school.

"Wait, Scott, you didn't – am I attractive to gay guys" he hoped Scott would answer, he looked towards me. I just shrugged my shoulders, but I knew he wouldn't stop til someone said something.

"I would definitely find you attractive if I were a gay guy" I smiled.

After school I went home. I got in the shower, with my music playing throughout the house. I wrapped the towel around my body and led on the bed reading the book on my bedside table 'Fifty Shades of Grey". I loved the romance between Anna and Christian Grey, even though their arrangement wasn't like any normal romance. Mr. Grey had a very private life and had enjoyed control, whereas Anna was a young university student, who lived a rather simply sheltered life. 

I could relate to both characters, she thought herself to be a rather private person, who sometimes was sheltered, not the dirty sex side. My mind thought of Derek, he reminded me of Mr. Grey, the way he liked to control everyone around him, not opening up. He was definitely better looking than Christian Grey. I put my book down and went to sleep for a few hours.

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